Dear Parents,

It is hard to believe that we are officially into the Fall season and we are just about halfway through the first marking period. Progress reports will be sent home at the end of next week for grades four through eight. We are sailing right along and the children are settling into the school year very nicely! 

The morning drop-off has been going  well. It is nice to greet everyone before they start their day!  I feel it is important to review the drop-off procedures so we can keep everyone safe. I would like to encourage all families to drop their child off at the sidewalk instead of parking and walking across the lot. 

If you choose to park in the lot and walk your child/children into school please do not cross in front of the cars pulling up to the sidewalk. This can result in an accident and safety issue. Please walk across to the sidewalk in front of the Family Center and follow that sidewalk to the main building.  When returning to your parked car please follow the same pattern and walk along the sidewalk in front of the Family Center back to your car. Do not cross in front of the drop off line Thank you for your cooperation.

Quote from Pope Francis: 

"God never tires of forgiving us; we are the ones who tire of seeking His mercy." 

God asks of His people to be forgiving and expects us to forgive those who have offended us. It is not always an easy task to endure and forgive these offences; we are not perfect people and we can't expect others to be.  There are times when we make choices that are not always right.  We have to reach out for God's mercy and for God's pardon. When we do He forgives us each time. As difficult as it may be we need to do the same for others and forgive those who have hurt us. Let us pray for those who need forgiveness that they find God's peace in their hearts.

Faithfully Yours,

Miss Giaquinto

Important Dates
  • October 2nd- School Visit From Matthew Fanning~ Commander of the USS Hartford A graduate from SCSS class of 1990
  • October 4th- Progress reports go home to Grades 4-8
  • October 5th-First Friday Mass at 9:00 am  Readings prepared by Grade 6  Early Dismissal for Faculty PD
  • October 5th- Pre-K Early Dismissal @ 11:30 am After School  Program in session from 11:30 am - 5:30 pm
  • October 5th- K-8 Early Dismissal @ 11:50 am.  After School Program in session 11:50 am - 5:30 pm
  • October 8th- NO SCHOOL Columbus Day
  • October 9th- Winter School Uniform begins
  • October 9th -Individual Pictures for Pre-K3  Tuesday/Thursday classes 
  • October 10th- Individual Pictures for Pre-K (M/W/F) and K- 8
  • October 12th- Group Pictures K-8. Group pictures for K-8 must be in full winter uniforms!
  • October 12th- Fire Prevention Visit - Grades Pre-K - 2

Progress Reports

Progress reports will go home next week on Thursday, October 4th to grades 4 through 8. This report lets you know how your child is doing now that we are halfway through the marking period. Please sign the envelope, keep the report, and send the signed envelope back to school with your child to be given to his/her homeroom teacher.


We haven't forgotten!!!
This year we will be hosting our annual celebration of our Grandparents in the spring. Due to the construction in the Church for the Christ at the Center Project we won't be able to have our program this fall. We will keep you posted on a new date once we have one. We are looking forward to entertaining all of our wonderful Grandparents this spring. 

Winter Uniform Begins
Tuesday, October 9th

The SCSS winter uniform begins on October 9th. Please make sure that the complete uniform is worn including a belt for the boys Gr. 1-8

T ake a minute to re-read the dress code in the handbook. Make note that the school sweatshirt may ONLY be worn on gym days. The school fleece or sweater can be worn on all other days. The winter gym uniform is sweatpants only no shorts. No socks with name brand logos are allowed. Girls skirts and jumpers must be the appropriate length. Thank you for your cooperation. 

Walk-A-Thon News

The Waiver/t-shirt forms are due in along with the list of names for the letter writing campaign. 

Please remember that your child cannot participate in this event without this signed form. The t-shirt size information is at the bottom of this sheet. 
The t-shirt is free to all but we must have the form to order one for your child. 

Please look again and make sure you have sent this paperwork in so that your child can participate and be part of the event. We would not want them to feel left out in any way.