A conversation with Mercy alum Beth Kissel
A conversation with Mercy alum Beth Kissel
Although I had attended PSR at St. Catherine of Sienna, Mercy High School was really my true first experience with Catholic education. I knew I could handle the academics at Mercy, but I was not so sure about theology classes. I remember the first thing we had to study in theology - the history of the Religious Sisters of Mercy - something that no one in the class knew. My anxiety was put to rest and for the next 4 years and I came to love all that Mercy offered. After graduation, many of my teachers also became my friends and mentors. A few of my classmates remain my best friends today.

From Mercy, I went on to St. Louis University. This was during the time when the Jesuits were releasing "new music" which was being sung at noon Mass daily at the College Church. Wow! I was singing and playing at my own small church so they were truly an inspiration. 

Although unsure at first of a major, I started to think about teaching. I returned to Mercy to pre-student teach with those who had taught me. This was during a time of decline at Mercy and I knew the school was not going to stay open much longer-a sad time. But I knew that I wanted to try teaching so I graduated from SLU with a degree in Curriculum and Instruction and Mathematics. Those teachers at Mercy had inspired me to follow in their footsteps. 

In January of 1982, I found myself teaching mathematics at SLUH and have been there ever since. I have now been involved with Catholic education as a student and teacher for over 40 years! The respect, camaraderie, and family-like atmosphere that I found through my classmates and teachers at Mercy has managed to stay a part of my life. Although the building which housed Mercy is no longer there, I hope that its loving atmosphere has managed to live on as it merged into other Catholic schools including what is now Trinity.

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