WORD for the Week for September 30, 2018
Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost
Sabbath Beginnings - Sacred Journey - Traditional Worship
WORD for Sabbath Beginnings 8am
Scripture Text:   Matthew 16:24-25 (NRSV)

Worship Leader:  Rev. Dwight Haberman

The Message Translation

Holy Communion : Risk Taking Mission and Service - “Since time immemorial, prophets and religious leaders, philosophers and poets, reformers and civic leaders have taught the importance of helping those in need, and directing our lives outward to make a difference in the world. They remind us to act with kindness, gentleness, and self- control in our everyday lives in the way we regard strangers.”    Robert Schnase
WORD for Sacred Journey 8:30am
Scripture Text:   Matthew 16:24-25 (NRSV)

CORE for LYFE, Week 5 (Risk Taking Mission & Service)
Reflection: Risk-taking mission - Rev. Stephanie Escher this week visits Sacred Journey to share The Story as we consider the implications of our faith for risk-taking mission and service. If our love for Jesus only leads us to engage with those who are already part of our community, then half of the faith equation remains unsolved and our spiritual life will be unbalanced. The practice of serving others, moving beyond our comfort zone to alleviate suffering allows our faith to live in the world. We discover a faith that has legs…and hands…and a beating heart that lives to see the world become a place of justice and love.
Question for reflection:  Who modeled the life of service for you? Who’s modeling their life of service based after you and your practice?
WORD for Traditional Worship 10am
Scripture Text: Matthew 16:24-25 (NRSV)

Preaching:  Rev. Judy Zabel

CORE for LYFE: Loving and Serving Others, Risk-taking Mission and Service

Reflection: (The Message) We hope you are using your CORE Practices for LYFE plan booklet to reflect on each core practice during this sermon series. If you have not picked up a copy, it is not too late. We have extra copies at Reception. This week we are going to explore ways we can serve one another in a #metoo world. How can we overcome our fears so that we can serve one another as Jesus urges us to do in Matthew 16? Risk-taking mission and service is not always comfortable or easy but it is the way of Jesus. Living these practices with a supportive church community can help. Invite a friend to worship this week.

For the Children and the Adults in Their Lives: One of the things we do every day is think about how much risk to take. For example, think about playing a new game at school. How much risk do we take if it's a game we've never played before, a lot or a little? What if it's with new kids? What if the game is in the street? If it's a new game, we risk not knowing how to play but it could go well with a fun, new game. If it's with new kids, we risk whether people will like us but it could go well with new friendships. The third is tricky, because we risk our safety and if we aren't safe, we can't have fun! Some risks are good for us, others aren't. How can you tell the difference? What is a good risk you took that went well? What is a new risk you want to try? What is a risk you think is too unsafe?  


The Bible In Your Hands

You're invited to "dig deeper." Here are a handful of resources:

Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church resources:
Worship Bulletins   | online archive of HAUMC worship bulletins
Sermon Recordings  | HAUMC Sacred Journey and Traditional Worship sermon recordings
Devotional Ministry  | HAUMC seasonal daily devotional ministry

Scripture exegesis and commentary resources:
Bible Gateway  | the Bible in hundreds of translations (NRSV, CEB, The Message, etc.)
BibleHub  | parse out the original Hebrew (OT) and Greek (NT)
Enter the Bible  | historical/cultural context for each book of the Bible from Luther Seminary
Oxford Biblical Studies  | historical/cultural context for each book of the Bible from Oxford
Working Preacher  | read and listen to lectionary commentary from Luther Seminary faculty

Art and Music resources:
Art in the Christian Tradition  | The Jean and Alexander Heard Divinity Library at Vanderbilt
Hymnary  | a resource for both modern and traditional worship music and hymns
Sing for Joy  | a worship music and hymn resource from St. Olaf College
511 Groveland Avenue, Minneapolis MN, 55403 | 612-871-5303
WORD for the Week offers people an opportunity to prepare their hearts and minds 
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WORD for the Week is a ministry of Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church.