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CPI is stewarded by Pathways To Peace

Avon Mattison, founder of the 
UN Peace Messenger Organization 
Pathways to Peace and Co-Founder of International Peace Day needs our help!


While many of us were celebrating Peace Day last Friday, one woman who helped to make it all possible almost 40 years ago was in a crisis all alone. Our prayers and actions for peace are now needed by the person who focused our attention on Peace every September 21st.

In June Avon fell, fracturing her leg in more than 20 places and requiring extensive surgery. She has been receiving care in a rehabilitation center for the last several months. 

In August with only 36 hours notice, Medicare dropped her coverage even though she still can't walk or get out of bed independently.  Avon needs to raise a minimum of $7000 to continue her care. Unless she can cover the costs, she will be asked to leave the end of September (in just five days!).  Her situation is urgent.
What Avon wants is to stay in the facility long enough to learn to use a walker so when she goes home she will have the mobility she needs to care for herself and to continue her life's work as a peace builder. Avon has worked tirelessly for 50 years promoting peace and in service to the world, now she needs our help 
(the picture above is Avon receiving a Lifetime Achievement Award from Heart Ambassadors for her contribution to global peace).

One of the things Avon shared with us is how she is not alone and has learned, through her situation, how other elders seem to be falling through the cracks of the healthcare system. We want them to remain vital so they can continue making their contributions. We need them! And they need us! Please join in our efforts to help get Avon back on her feet. 

We have created a  Crowdrise page for your donations. Thank you!

With love and care,
Sheva Carr

Our mailing address is:
Fyera! LLC
PO Box 493
Boulder Creek, CA 95006

Copyright (C) 2018 Fyera! LLC All rights reserved.

Avon co-created all that follows:

Peacebuilding Around Our World: Your Pathways To Peace!

Quote of the Day

If in our daily life we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. This is the most basic kind of peace work. 
                                                                                           Nhat Hanh


The International Day of Peace (Peace Day) is September 21 st !
Pathways To Peace joins Peacebuilders around the world in actions that support
Peace today and every day! Thank you for your efforts to build a

Culture of Peace for all!

What is Your Pathway To Peace?
We'd love to hear about it! Pathways To Peace honors, celebrates, and supports  Peacebuilders around the world. You can contact us by emailing: 
[email protected] . No more than a paragraph please (and a few sentences is even better)! We will continue to share some of the submitted pathways in our upcoming Peace Day newsletters.

About Pathways To Peace and the Culture of Peace Initiative
Incorporated in 1983, Pathways to Peace (PTP) is an international organization dedicated to making Peace a practical reality in our world today. PTP is an official Peace Messenger of the United Nations and has Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. PTP works locally and globally, inter-generationally and multi-culturally, to promote Peacebuilding, Peace education, and to collaborate with other organizations in initiatives that help further the Culture of Peace Initiative (CPI). 

With participants from around the world, the Culture of Peace Initiative (CPI) is a cooperative local-global Peacebuilding Initiative uniting the strengths of organizations, networks, projects and people to realize a Culture of Peace for the Common Good. The CPI also serves as a vehicle for bringing to light many previously unseen and unheard Peacebuilders working along diverse paths, who are embodying the emerging Culture of Peace within Humanity.  The annual highlight of the Culture of Peace Initiative is the International Day of Peace, which provides an opportunity for individuals, organizations, and nations to work together, on a shared date, to create practical acts of Peace with a year-round impact.
For more information about Pathways to Peace, please visit our website: 

About the International Day of Peace
An annual focus for PTP is the International Day of Peace (Peace Day), held annually on September 21st. Pathways To Peace has worked with the UN to observe and promote the International Day of Peace since its inception in 1981 and has grown International Day of Peace from a single event of a few hundred people into an annual global observance that now reaches hundreds of millions of people. The International Day of Peace ("Peace Day") is observed around the world each year on 21 September. Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution, Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace.

The Theme for the International Day of Peace, September 21, 2018
"The Right to Peace"

This year's #peaceday celebrates the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "The Right to Peace- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70."

We have created a   Crowdrise page  for your donations for Avon.

This newsletter comes to you from Pathways To Peace (PTP),  steward of the Culture of Peace Initiative (CPI) newsletter. PTP is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization, whose work would not be possible without our volunteers and your support. If you would like to support Pathways To Peace and Peace Day activities around the globe, you can do so by clicking the Donation Button above. A heartfelt thank you from the Pathways To Peace Team! 

Thank You!

Pathways To Peace, P.O. Box 1057, Larkspur, CA 94977