NOVEMBER 1, 2017


Maria will make her last delivery of the year next Thursday, November 8. Here's what she offers for Co-op members to special order

Special Order Apples 20# box = $26:

Mixed boxes of fresh apples; 15 boxes available:

First ten orders, first served. Those boxes will contain Pink Ladies / Grannies / Fujis. The Pink Ladies are the ones with Hearts on them in the photo above. (Maria puts heart stickers on the green apples and as they ripen, the sticker prevents the reddening. You can tattoo yourself this way next summer!)

When the Pink Ladies are gone Maria will substitute Pink Rose apples
(sorry -- no hearts on those) to make the next five boxes, which will also contain Fujis & Grannies.  

All are good for fresh eating. Grannies are also good for cooking.  Apples keep very well in an unheated garage or outbuilding, even till March.  A twenty pound box will cost $26. 

Folk wisdom tells us that the best pies and sauces are made with three different varieties of apples to blend flavors and textures. Maria will bring several other kinds of apples which will be for sale by the pound in our store so you can choose a few for cooking in addition to your Grannies.

Special Order Dried Pears & Nectarines

She's also bringing a lot of her fabulous dried fruit to sell in the store. There are four gallons of dried pears ($44) and two gallons of dried nectarines ($38) available to members on special order.


To pre-order fresh apples by the mixed box (15 available) and dried pears or nectarines (only 6 gallons total available), please follow instructions below. Contact me, not the Co-op, with your order.

-- Eleanor   

p.s.   Just so you know to be looking for them next Thursday, Maria says she'll try to bring about 20 pounds
of her fabulous grapes to sell by the pound in the store.

Your Household Membership entitles you to special order fruit from our orchard friends in Orondo. If you would like to order a box mixed fresh Apples or a gallon of dried pears
or dried nectarines for delivery on Thursday, November 8, place your order with me on my personal email, following the instructions below. No orders are taken through the Co-op. 


To pre-order fresh apples or dried pears or nectarines, please contact me no later than Tuesday afternoon, November 6, so I can let Maria know how many boxes of apples and bags of dried pears or nectarines to pack for delivery on Thursday, November 8. To order, email me, Eleanor:

Your email should have "apples" and/or "dried fruits" in the subject line and the information below in the text.

* Your name & phone number,
* How many boxes of Apples you want, or
* How many gallons of Dried Pears or Nectarines you want.

There are 15 boxes of apples and only 4 bags of dried pears and 2 of nectarines. It's first come, first served; I'll put everyone on the list for one box (or bag) at first, but please indicate if you want more than one so if they aren't all spoken for, I'll add more to your order. 
Once you have sent your request and are on the list, your order is committed. I'll send a confirmation/reminder email to everyone on the list when orders are closed Tuesday evening. If you must cancel, please do so before the Tuesday deadline so Maria doesn't pack your fruit.

Thursday around noon, November 8, your fruit will be ready for pickup. Please come for your fruit that day before the store closes at 6 pm.


Payments will be taken at the cash register when you pick up your fruit. The price is $26 per box of fresh apples; $44 for a gallon of dried pears; $38 for a gallon of nectarines. Cash or check is preferred as it avoids the charge of a credit card transaction. The cashier will mark your name off the list of orders at the check stand when you pay and take your fruit.

Brian and Maria Dennis live on a ten acre farm south of Chelan on the Columbia River at lee side of the mountains where there is little pesticide drift from the big fruit operations. They are third generation orchardists and have grown tree fruit there for 35 years. They are good stewards of the land and use healthy agricultural practices. Maria has been delivering their wonderful fruit to our co-op from June through November since 2009. We get their fruit directly from the farm so it is weeks fresher than fruit that has been picked green, long stored, much handled, and transported in fumigated trucks. It is available as it ripens on the trees and is harvested.
You can bring your clean and uncrumpled fruit boxes back to the co-op for Maria to take back to the farm to reuse to pack fruit for our co-op.
Thank you for supporting the people who work so hard on their small family farms to grow, harvest, and deliver our local and regional foods!
San Juan Island Food Co-op | |

775 Mullis ST
Friday Harbor, WA 98250