November Museletter
The Power of Story
It is an honor to share my reflections in our monthly Museletters. I recently gave a presentation on "The Power of Story" to a group of family caregivers at a conference in Asheville. During the research for the presentation, I remembered the importance of both storytelling and story listening. I truly feel grateful to receive the healing bridge of connection that we share as The Shift community.

Each day you share aspects of your lives - who you are, what's important to you, who's important to you, your joy, your grief, your fear, your health & wellness journey, your views of the world and beyond...sometimes there are no words, but you allow me/us to be a part of the witnessing.

I am so grateful for the diversity among us and our collective experience.
Sharing our stories contradicts isolation, brings us into wholeness, and can relieve our bodies of past traumatic experiences. The stories we tell ourselves matter-they shape our perception, our actions and our bodies, influence important chemicals in our bodies (serotonin, oxytocin, adrenaline, etc.) and impact our overall health.

Some tell it. Some write it. Some dance it. Some sing matter which modes you choose, your story matters. Your story can inspire, reveal, connect, and heal.

Thank you for being such an important part of my story, allowing The Shift to be a part of yours, and choosing The Shift as a vessel for your transformation.

In case you haven't tried it, our Friday 11:15 Gentle Yoga with Tension Release, is designed to aid in releasing blockages or traps in our bodies where past traumas may be stored.
The Theory of Narrative Identity
“Who we are—our identity—is shaped by the stories we tell about ourselves in a continually evolving process. While life is indeed full of events we do not expect and cannot control, we play an active role in determining how the story unfolds by the moments we choose to focus on and remember, and how we remember them. Most importantly, how we tell these stories matters and directly impacts our health.”

Suggested Reading: The Body Keeps the Score, Writing Down the Bones , The Story You Need to Tell: Writing to Heal from Trauma, Illness or Loss

Love, Heather

The Five Rites of Rejuvenation
meets on Wednesdays 11:15-12:30 through December.

In January this time slot will be rotated to a 6-week Iron Pilates class with Wendy Schuchart. Stay tuned!

Chair & Standing
We will no longer be meeting at 12:45pm on Fridays for the fourth Chair & Standing option. All other classes, MWF 10a-11a remain .

The Quieter Side of Yoga
will be offered on the Second Tuesdays of the month Nov-Feb with Emily, 4:30-5:45pm. (Next up: November 13th)

Reminder: Unless otherwise specified, class cards are welcome for all regular classes and one-time classes. Bring a friend if you'd like - the first class at The Shift for local newcomers is free!

Forecast: The holiday season looks HOT!
We are growing our gatherings and magnetizing healers and practitioners within our community to our vessel...we will be stoking the fire with new offerings and special events. Hint: There's more Jenne in our event/workshop forecast too...stay tuned.

Studio Events in November

Saturday, November 10 th 9:45-11:00 What is Yoga, Really ? With Leslie Feree Morill (Class Cards Welcome)
Saturday, November 10 th 2:00-4:00 ELDOA Workshop with Jennifer Armstrong ($50, $40 for Shift Members)
Monday, November 19 th 2:30-3:45 Heart of the Matter Meditation
(Active 3-Part Meditation "Permission to Feel What the Heart Wants", Donation)
Thursday, November 29 th 6:00-7:15 Labyrinth Walkshop with Chuck Hunner ($15 Donation)

Members of The Shift receive 20% off workshops
In honor of Venus Retrograde, Memberships are 15% off through Nov. 17th...
must be purchased in person...

Article: Breast cancer milestone: At 5 years, is it time to celebrate or remain cautious?
By: Karen Chávez , published in Asheville Citizen Times
As many of you know, Char Snyder's works of art (paintings and jewelry) have transformed our studio space into a natural storyscape of hummingbirds, scenic views, dragonflies, bear and other inspirational scenes of wonder.

Come purchase a gift for yourself, and/or for someone you love!

All sales go directly to Char and can be made in cash, by check or card (if necessary).
Monthly, Last Saturdays
$15 Minimum Donation

The gong impacts the body and its meridians. It releases blocks, reduces tension and stimulates circulation. The result of this is a reorganization of the emotional energy and feelings that are tied into the body structure. 

We will stretch, meditate and bathe in the sound of the gong to release ,relax and restore our being.
Bring Your Own Presence: Home for the Holidays

Series: December 4th, 11th, 18th Tuesdays, 1:45pm-3:00pm

Home- a place inside yourself. Your breath. Your body. Your intuition.

As Thanksgiving concludes and we have just a few short weeks before Christmas, emotions, including anxiety, and the dance of family dynamics and day to day stressors can challenge our nervous systems, our relationships, and our healthier routines.

During the first three Tuesdays of December, come to The Shift and Bring Your Own Presence- the first half of the class will be Walking Labyrinth, moving into a Standing Exploratory Movement session with Closing Circle for reflection – Bring your own journal if you’d like to make notes. 

Why the Labyrinth? The Labyrinth is a tool to enter deeper, allowing the mind to rest and the body to express itself. As you enter the center, release whatever emotions your body feels like expressing, while gathering what it feels is missing. Trust that you will discover an inner knowing and allow yourself to go with it. 

What is exploratory movement? It is whatever you want it to be…freeing, an invitation to allow your body to lead, to trust its inner wisdom and to be open. It is not choreographed or rehearsed and it is unique to the individual inner journey in that moment. 

Denise will hold the sacred space for your experience.

“The universe provides us with many opportunities to synchronize our path with our truth."

-Jeff Brown

The Shift Studio, 708-B Fleming St., Hendersonville, NC 28791