September 27, 2018

An overview of last night's updates is below:
Contact Record:
  • Email Address fields now accept the ñ character in the local-part of the address (before the @ symbol and domain). 
Recycle Bin:
  • When searching your Recycle Bin, a message will now display to let you know when no contacts meet the parameters of your search (in order that you might be confident your search has completed).  
Speak Module:
  • Verbiage throughout the Speak Module has been updated so that anywhere it previously referenced "chat" or "chat room" it will now reference "conversations" instead.
User Interface / User Experience:
  • Clicking on the Calendar in order to close Calendar dropdown menus (Users, Types, etc.) should no longer cause a Create Activity modal to unintentionally pop up. 
  • The verbiage has been changed for one of the fields on the Add Workflow Template modal. The word "Due" has been changed to "Set Target Date." We've also added an "On" option, in addition to Before/After, when setting Workflow Step due dates.
  • When viewing your Workflow Tasks page, Linked Contacts are now clickable hyperlinks (when you have multiple linked contacts, that is - individual linked contacts were already hyperlinks).
As always, you can keep up with ongoing updates to Redtail by checking our regularly updated Release Notes page here .

Hope you're having a great day!

Redtail Technology  800.206.5030