Weekly News For
Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church
August 30, 2020

Sunday Worship
Reservation and service links were sent on Wednesday.
The bulletin for those participating online is here.
The flowers this Sunday are given
in loving memory mother Sis Lovell
by Sue and Bob Hankins
Prayer Concerns This Week
"First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, 
and thanksgiving be made for everyone, so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity."  1 Timothy 2:1-2

The Prayer family for the week is the Brzyski family. Let us be prayerfully aware of Joh, Julie, Jake and Jarod, as well as all our members and friends.

Prayer Concerns: Michael Berry

Long term concerns: Katie Abrams; Katie Hoffmaster Barberi; Pete Cowie; Ed Jung; Jay Hiatt; Despina Koch; Gwen McFaddan; Jacob Mendelsohn; Josephine McKeon; Leigh Millar; Melissa Millar; Dale Norby; Marilyn Powell; Geoff Reilly; Bill Shoppell; Linda Lee Smith; Millage Youenger; Ginny Zimmerman; those struggling with addictions and mental illness.

Military: Sarah Davis Brown; Morgan (Colberg) Sensing; Michael Fahey III; Robin Fiorentino; all those in our nation's service.

A Word from Our Stated Supply Pastor
The coming of September each year signals the beginning of the program year. The vacationers leave the beaches, children return to school, clubs and organizations which have had a summer hiatus in their meetings resume their calendar of activities. And so it has been for as long as we remember; Labor Day concludes the summer season and redirects us on a trajectory toward autumn and the holidays to come.

At least, that is what we remember. In what has so far been the unprecedented year of 2020, it seems all bets are off. Some of the vacationers never came, the children are in some cases returning to school and in other instances returning to their computers for online education. The college students are returning to school, only to return home again in response to a campus outbreak of COVID 19.

Like so many things in 2020, we move forward not so much relying on what is normal, but seek the “new normal” in the midst of a pandemic. In all times of transition, it is essential to finding a guiding principle for setting priorities. We, in the church, have set worship as a priority and developed a means to gather virtually and in person each week to praise God, seek solace and re-connect to one another. This month we will resume our Sunday School beginning on September 13, via Zoom. Too, we will discover new ways to undertake the other activities that are important for the life of the congregation, the pastoral care of all its members, and an expression of hope through mission to the wider community.

There is much to be done as we and many will find that there is a certain familiar and welcome engagement in the activities that characterized autumn in the church. Presbyterian Women will ponder the opportunities for restoring their fellowship and activities relying upon God’s grace to “make a way” even in pandemic. The Nominations Committee will work to recruit persons to fill the offices on Session and Deacons. The Stewardship Committee will be helping all of us to reflect on our financial commitment to the church as we begin to prepare a 2021 budget. We will soon announce the meeting dates for a Fall Bible Study, via Zoom, “Scripture Without Soup”. While we cannot gather for a lunch discussion we can surely continue to explore the Bible and its meaning for us. We will plan for a Congregational Meeting immediately following worship on September 27, (via Zoom and on site) to take actions necessary to continue the long legacy of the Christian witness of this congregation. Details about all of these events and activities will be furnished in the days ahead.

I bring these matters to your attention today, not to overwhelm or discourage us, but rather to suggest that we hold the capacity to create a “new normal” in company with the Holy Spirit to meet the spiritual, educational and material needs of these times. For more than 2000 years the church has done precisely that work, in fair weather and foul, to continue to follow the Lordship of Christ. This year, as we prepare for welcoming a new pastor, we may find that the resumption of these activities repays us with a new sense of the meaning and purpose of life. Our own battle with the coronavirus may require as much creativity as it does caution. As scripture teaches us, “Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary” (Galatians 6:9) Let us then, together, shrug off our “pandemic pathos” and find new energies for the future to which we are called!

Yours for the journey,

Pastor Eileen

Sunday School ZOOM Coming Soon!
Sunday School Online Zoom Sessions for families of children in grades preschool (age 3+) through grade 5 continue in the new school year starting Sunday, September 13 at 9 a.m. Sessions will last approximately 35-40 minutes. Participating families will receive Zoom meeting login credentials directly.

During our sessions, we will chat about our theme, watch the Bible story videos, enjoy music, and experience some of the other media available through our curriculum. Engaging family follow-up ideas/materials will arrive via email for use during the week. 

In September we will concentrate on the theme of “Friendship."
Kindly fill in the 2020-2021 Online Sunday School Registration, so that we will know to send you weekly invitations with Zoom ID and password. Then, please scan the form, or snap a photo with your cell phone, and email it to pppcsundayschool@gmail.com.

Hope to see you soon!
Care Corner
Many people I’ve talked to are feeling really down right now. It’s been five months since we started isolating and it’s taken a toll on people. There are feelings of despair and depression, lethargy and fatigue and even lots of self-criticism. There doesn’t seem to be an actual end to all of this in sight at the moment.

There is some good news though. NJ is doing very well in regard to numbers. That is hopeful. I know it may not seem that way what with many schools not opening for in person instruction but we are doing pretty well in NJ. Thank God! Our hard work is paying off. In the meantime, make sure you do something every day that you love and that brings you a feeling of happiness. It’s easy to get caught up in the negativity of things but that energy will bring you down further. Make some time for something you love. It will make things all seem a little better. Until next time, eat healthy, be happy and wash your hands!
Elder Lynn 

Lynn O’Hara, MS, RD, LPC, Licensed Psychotherapist and Registered Dietitian
Take Care of Each Other
During this pandemic, our Deacons have reached out to many of our church members to check on them. We ask that our church family also continues to check in with each other as a way of showing care and concern and also as a way of staying connected.

Please call the church if you know of someone from our congregation that may be in need. We would love to have the opportunity to help, pray for or support our members and friends. We can't bear one another's burdens if we don't share our burdens with others. Private concerns can remain confidential.
Point Beach Prep Seeking Teachers
Job openings
Point Beach Prep is urgently seeking part time Preschool Teachers and Substitutes to begin our new school year in September. We are looking for caring individuals who love children and have a positive attitude. If you are interested , please email your resume to pointbeachprep@hotmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you!
Coming Up

Sunday, September 13 - 9:00 to 9:40 am Virtual Sunday School Begins
Sunday, September 27 - 11:00 a.m. Virtual Congregational Meeting
Upcoming Birthdays This Month
birthday blessing
Sept 1
Sept 2
Sept 3
Sept 4 Rebecca Muraglia
Sept 5 
Sept 6
Sept 7 Glenavie Gauer, Connor Kells, Mark McDermitt
Sept 8 Claire Meany
Sept 9 Shirley Young-Callari
Sept 10
Sept 11 Kiera King
Sept 12 Virginia Claeys
Sept 13 Thomas Crawley, Marjorie Meklin, James Scott
Sept 14 Suzanne Perkowski
Sept 15 
Sept 16 Susan Reilly
Sept 17 
Sept 18 Jack Tolley
Sept 19 
Sept 20 Paula Pennypacker
Sept 21 Corey MacGregor
Sept 22 
Sept 23 
Sept 24 
Sept 25
Sept 26 John Brzyski Jr., Katherine Durante, Robin Fiorentino
Sept 27 
Sept 28 Pam Cole
Sept 29 Leigh Reinwald
Sept 30 Donna Fahey
Image of the Week
Please be in prayer for all the families who will return back to school this September. Transitioning back into the school year is never easy for families and teachers. This year they can especially use our prayers for peace and protection.
Contact Us

Pastoral Staff
The Rev. Dr. Eileen Lindner, Stated Supply Pastor - Email
Office Staff 
Kim Gaydos, Church Secretary - Email
Donna Ferry, Financial Secretary -Email
Music Staff
Sara Hoey, Organist - Email
Melanie Chambers, Chancel Choir Director - Email
Morgan Sarbello, Choral Bell Director - Email
William R. Shoppell, Jr., Music Director, Emeritus
Christian Education Staff
Devlin House, Point Beach Prep Preschool Director - Email
Frank Perkowski, Sunday School Coordinator - Email

701 Forman Avenue, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742
(Corner of Bay and Forman Avenues) 
Church Office: 732-899-0587 Fax: 732-899-2946

Church Office: mail@pointpresbyterian.org