From The Interim Minister
On October 14 th we had a very good harvest celebration at a park in Oxford, IN. It was a perfect harvest day. A short program of a few comments from the representative of the Food Resource Bank (FRB). The farmer made a few comments, and Steve Henry presented our check which helps with the expenses of raising the 20 acres of corn for the mission project we share with the Oxford United Methodist Church. Then we dug into a very delicious dinner. We were very comfortable in the park’s pavilion. After we ate those interested were taken by van to the field where we could ride in a combine or on a hayrack or both.
Food Resource Bank has changed its name. It is now named “Growing HOPE Globally.” Being true to who we are as residents of Greater Lafayette, I am sure we will continue to call it FRB.
I enjoyed very much the opportunity to ride in a combine. When I was farming, we didn’t have a combine you could drive. My driver said his combine was 30 years old, even though it was that old, he could tell him how many bushels to the acre he was harvesting and what the moisture content of the harvested corn was. 
October 21 Dorothy and I headed for Christmout, near Black Mountain, North Caroline. We arrived in time for check-in at 3:00 pm on Monday. We had a very interesting week. The preacher for the week was Rev. Susan Sparks of Madison Avenue Baptist in New York City. She went to law school after college and grew tired of sitting at a desk and shuffling paper as a lawyer; so she became a stand-up comedian. Then she went to seminary and became a preacher. She has been at Madison Avenue Baptist for 17 years, eventually moving up to senior pastor. She and her husband ride Harley motorcycles. Susan still does stand-up comedy with a Rabbi and an Imam. All of her sermons told of interesting experiences related to the text she was using. She is incapable of preaching without telling the gospel in a humorous way. 
We had some very enjoyable music concerts., and there was a speaker who told us about comedy movies. These films are not necessarily humorous. He says that a comedy is a story that has a happy ending.
Since people keep asking when we are leaving, I will remind you that our last Sunday will be Dec. 30. We are hoping they are not asking because they can’t wait for us to go away.
Blessings, Phillip Hayes, Interim Minister

M. Charlene Bowman--Mulberry; Marylou Curtis—Westminster (3404); Sue England--Cumberland Point (105); Charles Fairfield--Signature Health Care; Marilyn Galloway--Creasy Springs (201); Gordon & Joyce Hamilton--home; Vernetta Lynn--Rosewalk; Lynn Mann--St. Anthony’s; Lucille Maris—Westminster (3102); Suzie Mounts—Elmcroft (124); Flo Peters--Friendship House (320); Wanda Sharp--Indianapolis; Ralph Ward—Rosewalk (87); Ruby Ward—son Marcus Haley’s home; Connie Zarzour—home 
Suzie Kelsey—surgery 11/13
There will be a Congregational Meeting that will take place after each service on 11/11. The 2019 Budget (approved by the Board) will be present for Congregational approval.

AED (Automated External Defibrillator) training will be held in the Chapel on Wednesday, November 28, at 6:30 pm. Cost is $45 per person. Please call the church office (742-4058) or contact Norm Long ( to register.

November is Food Pantry month! Items may be dropped off in the Gathering Place throughout the month.

We will be cooking 30 turkey's this year for the LUM Community Thanksgiving Lunch that will be served at Central Presbyterian Church. Sign up at the Gathering Place to donate a turkey or to help cook.
First Christian Church – Lafayette
Congregational Meeting
September 30, 2018
The congregation of First Christian Church – Lafayette was called to order in a special meeting in the sanctuary by Mike Rubesch, Chr. at 11:05am, Sunday, September 30 2018. More than 85 people were present.
The specific purpose of the called meeting was to act on a unanimous recommendation from the September 25, 2018 General Board meeting regarding the following motion:
“Members of the General Board of First Christian Church of Lafayette who were present at the 9/25 Board meeting unanimously accepted the motion from the Pastoral Search Committee and recommend to the Congregation that First Christian Church of Lafayette extend a formal call to Pastor Andrew Guthrie to be our next Senior Minister.”
Chr. Rubesch detailed the procedure for calling a new Senior Minister, as defined in the Constitution of First Christian Church, approved November 17, 2013 under ARTICLE XIII, SECTION B.
Sandie Hauser, Search Committee, Chr. then detailed the steps, time-line, and procedures followed by the Search Committee from April 11, 2018 thru September 17, 2018, to receive, review and select today’s candidate from among the 15 applicants.
Sandie Hauser then named and called forward the Search Committee members and asked those who wanted, to review some highlights and observations of today’s candidate. Members of the Search Committee spoke regarding their impressions, thoughts, and observations obtained from the intense vetting process.
Following several comments, Sandie then introduced to the Congregation, Rev. Andrew Guthrie as the candidate for the Congregation to consider calling as their next Senior Minister for First Christian Church - Lafayette.
Rev. Guthrie was invited to speak. He told the congregation about his background, thoughts, experiences, mission trips, His call to ministry, churches he has served, being a part of the community, why First Christian Church – Lafayette is a good fit for him, his strengths, his hobbies, and what he loves to do to learn and expand his knowledge base.
The Congregation was then challenged to ask pertinent questions.
  • What are some of your weaknesses?  Organizing my desk, papers and office space.
  • What are some of your hobbies and how do you deal with church conflict issues? Cooking, Sports, and expressing ideas on paper. Being cool under fire, working thru problem issues with thought and not on the fly.
  • How do you deal with resistance (we have always done it that way) to change in your church? I would suggest, Let’s try it for a while to see how it works. If it does not work to our expectations, then we can go back to the way it was. At the same time, I would want us to carefully think this through before we act on it. 
  • What is your relationship with your parents? It is pretty good; like most we have some unresolved issues and conflicts. My parents have supported me through college with $$$ and I have love for them always.
  • What would you like to do to get church and community together? That is a difficult question for me at this point being that I am not familiar with this specific community. However, it often becomes, does the community become involved with the church or does the church become involved with the community?
  • And finally, a personal comment from an older long-time member, “I hope you won’t let us old folks scare and stop you in your ministry here at our church!”
At this point Rev. Guthrie and Pastor Hayes left the sanctuary. Chr. Rubesch then asked if there were other questions that needed to be addressed? Hearing none, the printed paper ballots as noted above, were distributed for action by the congregation present.
The Constitution specifies that a two-thirds majority is required to approve a call for a minister. 
The tally of the Congregation Members “present and voting” was 84 in favor, two abstaining, and one opposed, so the motion passed. First Christian Church - Lafayette will be calling the Rev Andrew Guthrie as our new Senior Minister. His first day will be Monday, January 7, 2019 and his first worship service will be Sunday January 13, 2019. By the same token, the last worship service for Pastor Phillip Hayes will be Sunday, December 30, 2018. Rev. Brian Nelson will lead the transition worship service on Sunday January 6, 2019.
Being no further business to transact, those present were invited to partake of a delicious lunch provided by the CWF in Fellowship Hall to afford everyone a personal opportunity to meet and get acquainted with our new Senior Minister, Rev. Andrew Guthrie. 
A closing prayer was led by Mike Rubesch, General Board Chr., and followed by a motion to adjourn, by Cindy Lindstrom, seconded by Louise McDole and passed unanimously. 
Respectfully recorded and submitted by, Norman D. Long, Secretary
PS…. For those persons unable to attend the congregational meeting and would like to listen to the proceedings, copies of the CD containing the complete recording can be obtained from the Church office.
September 30th was a very important day at First Christian Church. This was the beginning of the future of this congregation. On September 24th the Pastoral Search Committee presented Pastor Andrew Guthrie to the General Board for approval as our next Senior Pastor. After the presentation the board voted unanimously to present Pastor Andrew to the congregation. On September 30th Pastor Andrew was introduced and spoke about himself at a called Congregational Meeting. Pastor Andrew Guthrie was then voted on and will be the next Senior Pastor beginning January 6, 2019. As the committee continues working to arrange for the transition, we will keep you informed of the upcoming events as they are scheduled and planned. The entire Pastoral Search Committee would like to thank each of you for your patience, support and prayers as we worked through the process of locating the Pastor that we felt was the best candidate to take us into the future. Your continued prayers for the future of First Christian Church are still needed.
Blessings, Sandie Hauser, Chairperson
As the Holiday Season is approaching very soon, keep in mind that this is not the greatest time of the year for many people in our community. The Christmas season is very depressing for those families that are just barely surviving financially. They worry that their children deserve to celebrate Christmas, but with no money to buy a few toys for their children that would not happen if there weren't programs available to help the needy. As God has blessed us in so many ways we can now be generous and make the holidays a much happier and joyous time of the year for those in need. HOW CAN WE DO THAT??? Jubilee Christmas is a perfect time to help those families in need. We will be hosting 35 families again this year and hope to make the holidays a time for them to thank God for all those who care. Jubilee kick off is November 11th and the angel tree will be filled with angels. The committee will be asking for your help in many ways. We will need 4 toys per child, 1 pair of pajamas for each child, food to fill 35 baskets for the families and money to pay for the hams, gift cards, bibles and refreshments for the guests. We also need your help on Jubilee day to host our guests. I still need a couple of people to sew stockings. NOW IS THE TIME TO BEGIN PLANNING FOR JUBILEE DAY. 
Call me at 765-427-2672. Sandie Hauser, Co-ordinator
November Youth & Kids Club Events
November 4th Game Night in Fellowship Hall 4:30-6pm -- pizza, snacks
and drinks provided just bring a friend
November 11th Bowling at Arrowhead Bowling Alley at 11:30am-Cost: $10
November 18th Lunch & Prepare boxes for Operation Christmas Child
@11:30am (Meet in the youth room)
November 25th No Meeting
Thank you...thank you....thank you for all the visits, calls and the beautiful cards. You made my stay at St. Anthony’s a lot easier and I love you al.l Our church right now may be small in numbers but is huge in caring and love for each other. Agape, Marty Jackson

Dear Church Family,
Thank you so much for the Love Gift. I greatly appreciate it. I've enjoyed taking care of the church. I hope to be seeing you all on Sunday's. All your thank you's had tears behind my eyes. Thank you, Linda
Rehearsals have begun for our Christmas cantata "Behold, a Savior!" with music by Jay Rouse, and lyrics and stories by Rose Aspinall (lyricist for our "My Savior's Love" cantata). Officially participating are First Christian and First Baptist Churches, but EVERYONE is welcome to join us. Rehearsals will be on Thursdays 5:45-6:55 at First Christian. Please enter through the double sanctuary doors off North St. The date of the cantata has yet to be determined. If you'd like to preview the cantata or rehearse with a video score and recording, that can be found here:  I hope you'll consider being involved in what I know will be a worshipful, engaging, upbeat Advent/Christmas experience! --Jeff
November Muggers
Steve & Carolyn Henry

November 4th
8am Service
Team Leader: Hilgediek
Serving: Hilgediek
Serving: Sam Hilgediek
Serving: Lou Hill
Serving: Marsha Hill
Set Up & Clean Up: Lou & Marsha Hill

10:14am Service
Team Leader: Donna Adams
Serving: Gery Kremer
Serving: Sue Dismore
Serving: Linda Brammell
Serving: Richard Brammell
Set Up & Clean Up: Richard & Linda Brammell

November 11th
8am Service
Team Leader: Hilgediek
Serving: Hilgediek
Serving: Sam Hilgediek
Serving: Lou Hill
Serving: Marsha Hill
Set Up & Clean Up: Hilgediek's

Team Leader: Dave Scluttenhofer
Serving: Roberta Pilotte
Serving: Zach Dismore
Serving: Richard Shaw
Serving: Crystal Cover
Set Up & Clean Up: Crystal Cover & Roberta Pilotte

November 18th
Team Leader: Hilgediek
Serving: Hilgediek
Serving: Sam Hilgediek
Serving: Lou Hill
Serving: Marsha Hill
Set Up & Clean Up: Lou & Marsha Hill

10:15am Service
Team Leader: Kathy Stirlen
Serving: Robin Sturgeon
Serving: Larry Sturgeon
Serving: Paula Floyd
Serving: Letcher Floyd
Set Up & Clean Up: Paula & Letcher Floyd

November 25th
8am Service
Team Leader: Hilgediek
Serving: Hilgediek
Serving: Sam Hilgediek
Serving: Lou Hill
Serving: Marsha Hill
Set Up & Clean Up: Hilgediek's

10:15am Service
Team Leader: Sandie Hauser
Serving: Dee Chitty
Serving: Greg Smith
Serving: Mike Nelson
Serving: Carolyn Weedon
Set Up & Clean Up: Greg Smith & Mike Nelson