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Here is how it works:
  • Each book in the Christian Heroes: Then & Now and Heroes of History series is only $6.00
  • Each audiobook in either the Christian Heroes: Then & Now or Heroes of History series is only $10.00
  • Each book in the International Adventure series is only $8.00
  • Bookrate shipping to the U.S. is $4.00 for the first item ($4.50 for two items, $5.00 for three items). If you prefer priority mail, shipping charge will be $7.00
  • You can choose to receive 1, 2 or 3 books/audiobooks a month.
  • Books are shipped out by the 15th of every month, and your credit card on file will be charged before the book is shipped out (once you have signed up we will contact you for credit card information)
  • Books will be sent out according to publication date (oldest to newest).
  • You can cancel any time by writing to [email protected]
  • Please note that prices are subject to change
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