January 15th, 2020
CAS C Weekly Newsletter
Hello CASCers!

Apply for CASC's Student Organization Grant Today!
If you're a part of an on-campus program, initiative, or project that deals with social justice, we invite you to apply for CASC's Student Organization Grant! The grant can provide funding for materials, supplies, space, food, or other related expenses to support social action at U-M. The deadline to apply is Friday, January 17th at 5:00 PM .

Apply here and reach out to with any questions or concerns!
CAS C News & Events
Circle of Unity
Monday, January 20, 2020
2:00-3:00 PM
Diag - Central Campus 

Join hundreds of University and community participants for this annual event celebrating the life of Dr. King and his legacy of racial justice, nonviolence, and unity. All are welcome: students, staff, faculty, families, and children, as the audience is encouraged to participate as we honor Martin Luther King Jr. through song, dance, and spoken word. We will be joined by local musician favorites, Joe Reilly and Julie Beutel, in addition to performances by the Michigan Gospel Chorale, Smile Bringer Singers, and spoken word artists.
An ongoing series of interviews that feature the diverse stories of CASC Alumni who share highs, lows, and other revelations about community action and social change after college. Alumni discuss a range of issues, like finding a social justice community in a new city, to finding a balance between their passion and capacity, and much more.

10 Year Anniversary Website
We are excited to announce the launch of our website for the CASC 10 year anniversary. You can find information about our anniversary programs including: CASC Stories Project, PodCASC, keynote speakers, our alumni panel, the community art installation and more. The website also shares CASC accomplishments throughout the years, and you can see what Alumni are behind planning this year's events.
Towards Humanity:
A Conversation on Humanism and Antiracist Organizing
Join us on Tuesday, January 28, 2020 from 12:00 - 2:00 PM. The session will explore themes presented in Tawana Petty 's book Towards Humanity: Shifting the Culture of Anti-Racist Organizing . Through a lecture and discussion, the presenters will explore pressing issues facing antiracist organizing and her vision and approach to a humanistic philosophy.
CAS C Minor Advising
Winter 2020 Course Guide
Review classes that count toward the minor on the  CASC Course Guide. Looking for undergraduate social work course offerings? Visit the  SSW Course Catalog
Academic Advising
Seeking support to finalize your course planning, petitions, senior audits, or other advisory items? Stop by for drop in hours with CASC Academic Adviser and faculty member.
Drop In Hours: Wednesdays, 1-4PM in SSWB 3640
If you need advising, please schedule an appointment by scheduling an appointment here
Preferred Admissions
Declared CASC students are eligible to apply to the MSW preferred admissions program.To learn more, go to  Preferred Admissions  or contact the Office of Student Services at (734) 936-0961 to schedule a phone or in-person appointment. Additionally, prospective applicants are required to complete an  info form ,  prior to submitting a preferred admissions application.
Part-Time MSW Options
Part-time options for the MSW Program allows students to complete the master of social work degree requirements through part-time enrollment. The part-time options increase access to the MSW degree for qualified students who cannot enroll full-time. Find out more here.
Poverty Solutions Certificate  
Are you interested in the Poverty Solutions Certificate? Schedule an appointment or drop by the CASC office during academic advising. Information on the requirements can be found on the  CASC Minor website .  For more information about the Poverty Solutions Center, visit .
Senior Audit
Please fill out your  senior audit   i f you are graduating in Fall 2019. If you have any questions, please schedule an appointment or visit drop-in to speak with CASC Academic Advisor Joe Galura .
CAS C Involvement
CASC Student Boards
Learn more about your student leaders on the Advisory and Outreach board  here. They are serving the minor, fellow students, their schools, and the larger community. 
CASC Student Spotlight
This is your opportunity to tell your story about your CASC work that will eventually be shared with the greater CASC community. You can discuss why you joined CASC, how you CASC, your passions, your background, and beyond. Email  with questions. We're looking forward to reading your story! To participate   fill out this form .
Give CASC Feedback
We would love to hear from you about your CASC experience. Please fill  this form  to give your input.
SSW Room Reservations
Did you know CASC students can reserve space in the SSW building for CASC course projects, org meetings or events?  Learn how to reserve a space.
Campus News & Events
Spectrum Center Has Moved!
Michigan Union, Room 3020

U-M's Spectrum Center is now open in the newly renovated Union! The Spectrum Center works to enhance the campus climate and support services for LGBTQ+ students, staff, and faculty at the University through education, advocacy, and community building. For more information on the Union renovation visit
Wednesday, January 15
12:00 - 1:00 PM
1100 Weill Hall, Betty Ford Classroom
Environmental Policy Association will be hosting Micah Ragland, former Head of Public Engagement for the EPA, as he helps us to understand the water crisis in Flint. Lunch will be provided!
How to Find and Fund an International Internship
Wednesday, January 15
5:30 - 7:00 PM
Michigan Union, Wolverine Room

Join the International Center for information on how to find and fund an international internship or service program! We’ll cover internships offered through U-M, as well as non-UM/external options.  Register Here
Improv Comedy for Diversity and Inclusion
Wednesday, January 15
7:00 - 10:00 PM
Hatcher Graduate Library, First Floor, Gallery Lab

University of Michigan Library is offering 6 weeks of free improv comedy classes for undergrads with the goal of promoting diversity and inclusion. Informal auditions are being held in Hatcher's Gallery Lab, and no experience is required! Please contact with any questions or concerns.
Thursday, January 16
5:00 - 6:30 PM
Ginsberg Center

This interactive workshop is part of the Part of the Learning in Community (LinC) Series and introduces principles and practices for thoughtfully engaging with communities, including motivations, impact of social identities, and strategies for engaging in reciprocal, ethical, and respectful ways--with an emphasis on working with communities in Washtenaw County.This workshop is open to all students, including ones in small classes or student organizations with less than 10 students.
JFS Diversity Day
Monday, January 20
9:30 - 11:30 AM
Jewish Community Center of Greater Ann Arbor

This event provides families with elementary-aged kids the opportunity to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day with hands-on activities relating to diversity, equity, inclusion, compassion, and our understanding of one another.
Raoul Wallenberg International Summer Travel Award
Are you interested in a community service project or civic participation program abroad? Apply for the  Raoul Wallenberg International Summer Travel Award !  Awards are available for undergraduate and graduate students of all citizenships.

The application deadline for the award is February 15 at 11:59 PM. For more information about eligibility requirements, application procedures, and selection criteria,  click here . To see what past projects Wallenberg recipients have done,   visit here . If you have any questions, please contact
The Brazil Initiative Scholarship for Portuguese Language Studies
Deadline: Friday, January 17th
The Brazil Initiative at the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies is pleased to offer scholarships of $500 - $1,000 for Portuguese language study at U-M for the 2019-20 academic year. To learn more and apply, visit here .
Apply to be part of MESA's Grants & Outreach Team!
MESA is hiring for one position on their Grants & Outreach Team! Thinking about #goals for 2020? Apply to join MESA's student Grants & Outreach Team to help promote diversity, equity, and inclusion on campus! This role works independently and on a team to plan events, consult with student organizations, and assist with marketing MESA programs. Click here to learn more and apply today!
UMMA Student Engagement Council
Deadline: Friday, January 17th
Opportunities for the SEC Leadership Board Include:
  • Developing creative, diverse, and inclusive programs which engage students with UMMA’s exhibitions and collections
  • Interviewing artists and curators
  • Creative oversight and contributions on UMMA’s student blog, The Annex
  • Organizing installation and online exhibitions
  • Contributing to UMMA’s social media (@ummamuseum) and campus presence
  • and more!
International Institute Individual Fellowship
Deadline: mid February
The International Institute Individual Fellowships are designed to support University of Michigan students, regardless of citizenship, who are enrolled in a degree program and wish to participate in internships or conduct research abroad. To be eligible for this award students must spend at least 1 month abroad, with a 30-hour-per-week time commitment. Award amounts are up to $5,000.  Learn More
Community Engagement: Collaborating for Change MOOC
Community Engagement: Collaborating for Change Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) provides resources for learners to better understand community engagement, and how they may more effectively engage in their practice. The course comprises five individual modules, all determined based on input from faculty, staff, students, and community partners.  Learn more
Stay Connected
Community Action and Social Change Undergraduate Minor  | (734) 763-5733 |