December Edition
Veritas Christmas Party
Dec. 16th 6-8:30pm @ GCC
Our last youth group of 2018 we will be having our annual Christmas party. Students should bring a wrapped white elephant gift to exchange that is $5 or less in value. Also, bring your favorite holiday snack to share with the group. The church will provide pizza & drinks for everyone. Should be another great night with lots of great games planned!

Winter Retreat (MS & HS)
February 15-17
Registration Due Jan. 13
One of my favorite things we do together as a youth group is our winter retreat. It is a great opportunity for students to bond together over a weekend filled with fun and activities. 

This year we will be going to Covenant Harbor. The total cost is $150 and registrations need to be completed on Covenant Harbor's website by January 13th. $50 deposit is required at time of registration and the remaining $100 is due when we leave on Feb. 15th. As always, I am committed to making sure finances are not a road block for families, so please reach out to me if you need help in that area. 

Registration Instructions:
1. Go to and click on the blue "Register" button at the top left.
Create a new account if needed (you may have one already from previous
attendance at their camp).
2. Be sure to choose the Winter Camp 2019 season and the dates of our
weekend (February 15-17) and the name of our church group (GCC Veritas) so you
can correctly select the weekend and our church's registration.
3. Continue through all the steps until "Step 5: Review and Pay" where you'll hit the
blue "Submit Application" button to finish.
Upcoming Schedule
December 2nd "Sorry, Not Sorry" Series | 6:00-8:00pm
December 9th "Sorry, Not Sorry" Series | 6:00-8:00pm
December 16th  Christmas Party | 6:00-8:30pm
Bring $5 White Elephant Gift & Favorite Holiday snack to share
December 23rd No Youth Group
December 30th No Youth Group
January 6th "Mine" Series | 6:00-8:00pm
January 13th "Mine" Series | 6:00-8:00pm
*Winter Retreat Registration Due
January 20th "Mine" Series | 6:00-8:00pm
January 27th "Mine" Series | 6:00-8:00pm
February 3rd Super Bowl Party
February 10th
"Mine" Series | 6:00-8:00pm
February 15-17
Winter Retreat @ Covenant Harbor

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