May 10, 2021
Synod Assembly
As we enter the week of our Synod Assembly, we've been taking to heart our theme, "Waiting in Hope," focusing on God's way of being present even when life seems bleak.
Assembly is the business meeting of the synod and we will hear reports from synod committees and officers, approve the 2022 budget and elect voting members for a variety of synodical and churchwide positions. We'll hear from Dr. Joy Moore, our keynote speaker, and Mikka McCracken, our churchwide representative. We'll also launch the Planting Hope capital campaign and take time to observe milestones of rostered ministers and congregations.

Voting members will gather on Zoom for the official proceedings; others are invited to observe on Facebook or the livestream on the synod website. Visit the assembly webpage at to find all of the assembly details, including links to the assembly booklet, the proposed agenda and much more.

Orientation Sessions
Tuesday, May 11 - 6 p.m. & Wednesday, May 12 - 4 p.m.
Assembly registrants are encouraged to attend one of the digital orientation sessions this week:
  • Tuesday, May 11, 6-7 p.m.
  • Wednesday, May 12, 4-5 p.m.
These sessions will give you practice joining Zoom and being admitted to a meeting, voting on different types of ballots, "getting in line" to speak and using Zoom functionality. (The content is identical; attend only one.) If you need any special assistance with Synod Assembly, contact the synod office right away at 651-224-4313 or For technology questions during the digital orientation sessions or assembly, visit the assembly webpage for the Tech Help Desk contact information.
Healthy Safe Spaces
Christ on Capitol Hill in St. Paul received a mental health mini-grant through the synod. The congregation opted to use the funds to help reflect how they as a community build healthy and safe spaces for those in a variety of places on the mental health spectrum.

Over several months, our congregation was able to send 14 people to the online training, including our rostered leaders, staff and volunteers. We met afterward to consider how the training helped us reflect. Given that our congregation has not met in person for worship for over a year, we also noticed how this is an opportune time to “re-set” expectations about how we interact physically, how we practice boundaries in a way that empowers people to ask for and give consent. Sometimes, one person reflected, these practices are looked at as “self-centered” but it’s not; it’s how we build good, safe community.

NOTE: To learn more about the synod's mental health grants, visit
Portico Mental Health Resources
The need for mental health support within our community increased steadily in the years leading up to COVID-19. This demand will likely continue past our return to a post-pandemic "normal." Developing healthy habits in support of our emotional health is critical to our collective well-being. Accordingly, Portico has prioritized the expansion of access to mental health resources, in a variety of mediums, to meet individual learning styles and preferences.

In recognition of May as Mental Health Awareness Month, Portico is pleased to share the following
resources with you, courtesy of our health and wellness vendor partnerships:
  • Mental Health Support resources from Learn2Live
  • Mental Health Matters podcast from Being Academy (top right option on landing page)
  • In late May, we’ll introduce Being Here, a Portico-specific podcast series, via email later this month, to all ELCA-Primary health benefit members. Inaugural episodes will include Beating Burnout 2.0, Grief & Compassion Fatigue, and Financial Literacy.

Items to encourage member awareness of and engagement with benefits and live events offered in

Portico's regional representative, Deacon Terri Endres, can be reached at 952-221-2000 or
Children's Ministry Gathering: Fall '21
Monday, May 10 - 2 p.m. | Online
Calling all children's ministry planners! Are things looking a little different for the fall of 2021? Let's do this ministry together! We'll listen and share ideas, articles or notes from all of our resources so we can tackle the many questions around Fall '21.

Meeting ID: 850 7612 9637
Passcode: 473439

Questions? Contact Rachelle Gill at or Julie Vagle at
The synod office is open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. A limited number of staff are on-site each day. You may continue to reach all staff members by phone (651-224-4313) or by email.
Master Class in Communication with Rob Bell
Monday, May 10-Tuesday, May 11 | Online
World class communicator Rob Bell has been profiled in The New Yorker, toured with Oprah, and was one named one of the 100 most influential people in the world by Time Magazine in 2011. He is also the author of 10 books including What We Talk About When We Talk About God, Love Wins and What is the Bible?. Church Anew is offering a two-part event with Rob:
  • Monday, May 10 (7-8:30 p.m.) - an original presentation on the spirtuality of creativity, direct from Rob's home in Southern California. It will include humor, authenticity and interpretation of an ancient text.
  • Tuesday, May 11 (11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.) - Hear how Rob pulled the presentation together. Bring your own imagination for ideas you would like to communicate and work with one of the world's best storytellers on how to better tell the stories you have to share.

The cost is $30 for Monday only and $69 for both days. Learn more and register.
Shobi's Table 5K-As-You-Can
May 16-22 | On Your Own
Grab a friend and get outside together to walk, run, ride or however you like to move...for Shobi's Table, the food truck ministry supported by our synod! We’re all about coming together around one table to eat delicious, nutritious food that feeds the body as well as the soul. Once you’ve all been fed, what better thing to do than to get those bodies outside to revel in God’s good creation and get to know one another even better.

The week of May 16-22, you are invited to do a 5K at your own pace, however you love to move best, wherever you are. You can walk, run, ride your bike, do cartwheels, skip, push someone in a wheelchair or a stroller. You could do 1K a day for 5 days! You can go fast or slow. If a 5K is too much for your body, consider driving to a place you can see a vista that goes out for at least 5K. This 5K-As-You-Can is accessible to everyone! Wherever you do your 5K, take a picture and post it using the hashtags #5KAsYouCan and #ShobisTable.

On Saturday, May 22nd, those who are local to the St. Paul area can gather (location TBD) for a pay-as-you-can lunch at the Shobi’s Table food truck, 5K routes available nearby. The truck will be there from 11 a.m.-2 p.m., so you can eat lunch before or after! There will be plenty of space to spread out. Register here. Whether you walk by yourself, with a friend or a team, each participant must fill out a registration form. (Parents and guardians, you can fill one out for your kids.) Registration fee is pay-as-you-can (so you decide how much you want to give!). Registration fees of $25/person and up come with a Shobi's Table t-shirt.
Healing Collective Trauma
Saturday, May 22 - 9-11 a.m. | Online
Mt. Olivet Conference & Retreat Center concludes its Living Well, Leading Well virtual workshop series with a conversation about trauma. As we cope with the mounting losses, anxieties and uncertainties of our current pandemic, many of us feel like we are losing our footing. Having some awareness of trauma and its impact on our personal, intergenerational, and collective lives can increase our self-understanding and compassion. Join us in exploring concrete psychological and spiritual tools for increasing resilience and finding hope and joy in the midst of pain.

The session will be led by the Rev. Deborah van Deusen Hunsinger, Ph.D., the Charlotte W. Newcombe Professor of Pastoral Theology Emerita at Princeton Theological Seminary. Deborah was originally trained as a pastoral counselor, taught at Princeton Seminary for 25 years, and now offers spiritual direction for individuals and small groups. She will share psychological and spiritual tools for increasing resilience and finding hope and joy in our life together. Learn more and register.
National Lutheran Choir
Sunday, May 23 - 4 p.m. | Online
Join the National Lutheran Choir for Light Dawns, an online celebration and benefit. The program will feature music by the choir, words of joy from supporters across the nation, and an introduction to the vision for our next season. Make sure to tune in to join the fun and help NLC prepare for the 2021-2022 season. To join the event on that day, visit
Other Event Reminders:
Bishop Patricia Lull
  • May 15 - Synod Assembly, online
The Saint Paul Area Synod, which includes 110 congregations and new mission starts,
is one of 65 synods of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. | 651.224.4313