Dear Mission Family:
The Xaverian Missionaries wish to take this opportunity to THANK ALL of our family and friends for your support of our ministries and joining in our mission. You are truly BLESSINGS to us in our endeavor to follow the words of St. Guido Conforti and "make of the world one family."  

May your Thanksgiving Day be filled with grace and God's abundant love and may you experience it every day of the year. May we continue to be "Blessings" to each other.

With deep gratitude to each and every one of you,
~The Xaverian Missionaries

The First Thanksgiving | 1621 (500 Nations: The Story of Native Americans)
The First Thanksgiving | 1621
500 Nations: The Story of Native Americans

500 Nations is an eight-part documentary on the Native Americans of North and Central America. It documents from pre-Columbian to the end of the 19th century. Much of the information comes from text, eyewitnesses, pictorials, and computer graphics. The series was hosted by Kevin Costner, narrated by Gregory Harrison, and directed by Jack Leustig.

And speaking of "Blessings." We are delighted to announce the launch of the NEW Website and Facebook page of the UK Province of the Xaverian Missionaries. 
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