UC Procurement
October 2013
Power of our collective spend
In This Issue

Next month we commemorate the one year anniversary of the launch of UC's Supplier Registration and Sourcing tool. With over 186 events run through our system wide tool and 1620 suppliers registered, SRS exemplifies how investing in and optimizing talent and technologies across the University results in significant tangible benefit.


Our technological tools are only one element required for us to become "a high performing strategic partner that is essential to the financial health of the University." Sustainable success stems from aligning our skills and attitudes by collectively internalizing our new vision, mission and strategic objectives.


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Bill Cooper

Associate Vice President and 
Chief Procurement Officer 

Upcoming events

Oct 14     TSM Kick-off

Oct 16     Spend Analytics 30/30 - Usage 

Oct 28     Performance Management Benefit Tracker Training

Oct 29     SRS RFXtra - Communication and Email Templates

Nov 13     Spend Analytics 30/30 - UCOP Fund 

Strategic Sourcing
Tracking our $200 Million

Later this month we will initiate one of our important P200 efforts to date - our ability to articulate the total UC Benefit (savings) Procurement delivers to UC. While many campuses collect and report savings at a campus level, we have not had one consistent, standard methodology that allows us to credibly report these savings at the UC level. 


       Read more       Erin Riley, Information, Analytics & Systems Director

Fourteen opportunities identified addressing $250 million in spend

Over the past six weeks, we've invested over 300 hours in training our Category Managers and COE team members to harmonize our process and improve our ability to collaborate and work together. This training has born immediate fruit as our teams are actively engaged in 14 sourcing projects whose impact will extend across our 10 campuses and even the California State University (CSU) System.


Read more                       Justin Sullivan, Director Strategic Sourcing


Grainger prime supplier agreement available system wide

The Facilities & MRO Center of Excellence is working on four targeted areas: Maintenance Supplies, Janitorial Supplies, Flooring and Furniture. Davis, Berkeley, and San Francisco piloted a Prime Supplier agreement with Grainger. Using their experience and with their support, we have expanded the Grainger agreement system wide. New pricing went into effect on September 23, which immediately offered overall price savings.


Read more                 David Houghton, COE-Facilities and MRO Lead

Leveraging $400M in system wide spend

The Life Sciences COE is focused on four system wide projects include General Lab Supplies, Chemicals, Anti-bodies, and Cylinder Gases with a total spend $400M. The team is developing a comprehensive strategy that leverages our collective spend to achieve greater benefit for the University.


              Read more               Ross Bausone, COE - Life Science Acting Lead

Welcome to Todd Wirsching

Todd joined Procurement in September and he is managing the Analytics and Reporting team. He will be focused on sourcing analysis, financial analysis and business intelligence to support Procurement and to support the P200 program.


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Spend Analytics

Spend Analytics Phase 2: Strengthening our infrastructure

Spend Analytics Phase 2 is underway with Berkeley, UCSF and UCSD in Wave 1. Phase 2 strengthens the infrastructure put into place during Phase 1 and includes:


- Enhancing Pcard data not acquired during Phase 1

- Consolidating Campus and Pcard spend data into a single integrated view


Read more              Todd Wirsching, Analytics & Reporting Manager


Supplier normalization pilot wrapping up

We are concluding the supplier normalization methodology verification with UCSD and UCR. A big humongous thank you to Marc Guerra from UCR and Anthony Singleton from UCSD - their input and support has been great! They have given us an idea of what campuses can and will provide in terms of supplier data and we are better prepared to request data from all 10 campuses because of their cooperation.


Read more              Ola Popoola, Business Systems Project Manager

SRS, one year on

One year on and we continue to learn and improve SRS. Now in Phase 2, we are working with a group of campus representatives and legal counsel on the RFP, RFQ and RFI templates to streamline and incorporate these more effectively into Sourcing Director to make it easier to create and organize your events. 


                             Read more               

Defining what it means to be a high performing strategic partner  

On October 4, all SPOCs came together at UC Irvine to start the conversation around how to translate our vision, mission and strategic objectives into the work we do every day and what it means to be a "high performing strategic partner that is essential to the financial health of the University". For some campuses, this is a fundamental shift in not only the way we approach our work, but also how we derive meaning from the work that we do.

Read more                   Amy Schofield, P200 Change Readiness Lead 
Need help or more information?

The next edition of the P200 newsletter will be sent November 22, 2013.