Wednesday June 5, 2019

What example(s) of communion in empathetic intimacy have you experienced or witnessed in your horses, if any?


Horses are sensitive to our emotions and physiology. The primary example I can give you concerning "communion in empathetic intimacy" has to do with a horse I worked with just yesterday. She is an untrained four year old. I caused her to trust me through Join-Up® and accept her first saddle and rider.

After that experience, I successfully caused her to follow me in the enclosure, an act which was clearly empathetic. At the conclusion of my demonstration I hurried away from the horse to the other side of the pen and asked an audience of 50 persons to clap their hands together just one time, loudly. The horse did not just come to me, but ran to me as fast as she could. 

To the extent that she could, she wrapped her body around me to be as close to me as she could possibly manage. Any intelligent viewer would label this action as communion in empathetic intimacy.
July 22 to 26, 2019: Monty's Special Training Brazil at Flag Is Up Farms, Solvang,California
July 29 to August 2, 2019: Monty's Special Training at Flag Is Up Farms, Solvang,California
August 5 to 16, 2019: Gentling Wild Horses at Flag Is Up Farms, Solvang,California
June 10 to 28, 2019: Advanced Certification Course
July 5 to 7, 2019:  Horse Sense and Healing
July 8 to 10, 2019:  Introductory Course: First Steps to Monty's Methods
July 8 to 19, 2019:  Introductory Course of Horsemanship
July 13, 2019: Kids' Course (ages 8 to 15)
July 19 to August 2, 2019: Monty's Special Training
"It's Only As Good as The Hands That Hold It !"

The greatest horse training book ever. The Dictionary of Equus and Monty's teaching of it are treasures. I have my own copy and bought this for an unmet friend, a young training prodigy from Alberta.
Glen D., Verified Buyer
Find the E-Book Here:


Test yourself each week as I challenge you to answer the question below. I mean this. Sit down and write an answer. Don't wait for my answer next week. If you have been reading my Weekly Questions and Answers for the last six months, you should be in a position to do this. Send your answer to my team at:  
Why should you bother? Because it will help you focus. There is probably a comparable question in your life that needs answering... or will be. If you can gain insight into how to go about answering a practical question that is loosely related to your problem, this exercise will help you answer your nagging question. Then read my answer. I want all of my students to learn to be better trainers than me.That's good for you and good for horses! 
~ Monty 

Are there any experiences or examples that you witnessed that you consider to demonstrate spirituality in your horses?

We reunite two Irish trainers who met while working on the gallops of the Emerald Isle. Thoroughbred training is a historical part of the horse culture of Ireland. Also, I recently sat down with Dr. Bill Miller, founder of Motivational Interviewing which helps people identify issues that block or inspire change. He was facilitating an Equine-Assisted introduction to Motivational Interviewing focusing on change behavior using horses as the professors, a type of equine therapy.

The Movement dates for 2020 coming soon. Preparations for The Movement 2020 are underway. We'll keep you posted on the Ask Monty enewsletter.