Dear Prayer Partner,

Happy New Year!

This year we are supporting 12 more fantastic projects and on the 1st of each month we'll send you an Extra Insight email with lots on information and prayer points .

This January the first country our Bible a Month calendar is focusing on is Chile .

Chile is a South American country which boarders Peru, Bolivia and Argentina.

As well as being home to a stretch of the Andes mountains, Chile has one of the longest stretches of coastline in the world and is home to the driest place on the planet, the Atacama desert. It's also where you'll find the world's largest swimming pool!

The Chilean Bible Society runs lots of projects from translation and distribution of Scripture to Bible engagement through sport and trauma healing.

In this Extra Insight you'll learn about the "Light at Sunset" project, which brings the Gospel and large print Bibles to the elderly in Chile.

Capital: Santiago

Population: 17,134,708   (July 2018 est.)

Official language: Spanish

Religion: Roman Catholic (66%), Evangelical (16%), Jehovah's Witness (1%), (other 3%), none (11%)

Statistics and map taken from The World Factbook and Operation World .

Ministry in Chile

Christianity is the most common religion in Chile, but there are still many who have not heard the Gospel or who do not actively engage with God's Word.

The Chilean Bible Society’s vision is to distribute and promote interaction with Word of God. They strive to support the local church reaching more people with the Gospel through their projects.

They have many projects currently running including “Born to Love” which works with families promoting Biblical love and values and a translation into Chilean Sign Language. In 2020 they hope to distribute 100,000 free New Testaments to Chileans around the country, sharing God’s Word with those who need it. They are also supporting theological students, teachers and schools by producing scholarly editions and academic resources.

We supported this project through our 2019 Greatest Gift Alternative Christmas Present appeal. Our colleagues in Chile would like us to pass on their gratitude for your continued financial and prayerful support.

"Light at Sunset" - Chile
Currently 10% of Chile’s population is over 65 and this number is predicted to grow as life expectancy increases. Often men and women’s spiritual needs aren’t provided for at the end of their lives as they are forgotten about by younger generations. The Chilean Bible Society has seen this need and has been working to meet it.

The ‘Light at Sunset’ project was created to bring comfort, care and community through God’s Word to those at the end of their lives. Working alongside the local churches, the Chilean Bible Society is bringing small groups of older people together around the Bible. These small groups meet regularly in nursing homes, houses and churches to study the Bible, pray and have fellowship together.

At Christmas time there is a lot of activity among the groups as they meet and invite friends to events. This year there has been a rise in people interested in joining a group, as well as a rise in an interest to plant and lead new ones!

This year, Bible Society NI is supporting the Light at Sunset project by providing large print Bibles to those in these groups. Often the elderly do not have a Bible or they have one but the print is too small for their failing eyes. This month your £5 will go towards providing an elderly Chilean with a large print Bible of their own.

"Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone."
Psalm 71:9 (NIV)
Pray for this Project

Here are some of the ways you can pray for this project:

  • Pray for the elderly who do not yet know Christ as their Saviour. Pray that their Christian friends would invite them to these groups and that they would be challenged by what they hear.

  • Pray for the elderly who have poor eyesight and struggle to read their Bible. Ask God that He would provide large print Bibles to those who need them.

  • Pray for the younger generations in society, that they would remember the elderly. Pray that those from all ages can come together, worshiping God and learning about Him together.

  • Pray for those in Northern Ireland who are elderly. Ask God to provide them with friends to study the Bible and have fellowship with. Pray also that different generations would continue to meet together. Maybe you could reach out to someone who you know to read God's Word with?

Every £5 donated to this project will enable the Chilean Bible Society to give an elderly person a large print Bible.

Make a donation online now.

This project is our Bible-a-month project for January. Decide to become a Bible-a-Month partner today! You will receive a free calendar with information about this and 11 other Bible Society projects. Commit to giving just £5 each month and you will ensure that the Word of God is shared across the world. Sign up here.

27 Howard Street, Belfast, BT1 6NB
028 9032 6577 Charity Reg. No. NIC102557

Header image shows a lady who has received a large print Bible through this project.
Must be 24mm tall at least (including the white space)
Actual logo should be 45 pixels.