An message from the US Section of the
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom


Invite us to stop by!  
July 13-28 Nuclear-Free-Future Tour in California
      Photo by Joan Brannigan and Ellen Thomas, used by permission.
As announced in the June eNews , Nuri Ronaghy, Alan Shorb, and I (Ellen Thomas) are representing WILPF US Disarm/End Wars Committee in an amazing tour of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and nuclear-free Kobe, Japan this August.  But first, I'll join Nuri and Alan in Mendocino, California, on July 13, and the three of us hope to visit with lots of other WILPF members as we zigzag our way south to Ojai (where Nuri and Alan live) before flying out of Los Angeles on July 31. 
Do you want us to stop by? Please contact me if you want us to do a presentation in your town!
On our trip through California we will collect messages, petitions, photos and videos to take with us to Hiroshima. There we've arranged to deliver over 7,000  petition signatures to Hidankyo , the organization representing Japanese atomic bomb survivors. WILPF US members have collected these signatures so far on the U.S. petition to the Senate supporting the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) -- some of the nine-plus million signatures collected worldwide so far on Hidankyo's " Hibakusha Appeal "!
Nuri and Alan will share their concerns about the risk of nuclear war from   US belligerence toward Iran : "Any military conflict between the US and Iran, which is surrounded by five nuclear states (Russia, China, India, Pakistan and Israel), can too easily escalate into an all-out nuclear war. This would be the end of humanity!"
We will share updates about recent important legislation regarding nuclear weapons. The most important are HR-2419 , Eleanor Holmes Norton's much improved "Nuclear Weapons Abolition and Economic and Energy Conversion Act of 2019," and HRes 302 , a resolution "Embracing the goals and provisions of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons" introduced by Massachusetts Representative Jim McGovern.
The text of the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty is linked to the WILPF US online petition . The treaty was launched at the July 2017 United Nations, thanks in large part to the efforts of   Reaching Critical Will and Nobel Peace Prize winner ICAN . (WILPF is an ICAN international partner.)
Also, we hope to brainstorm with you the questions we might all want to ask presidential and congressional candidates as the election season heats up.  The questions the WILPF-US Disarm/End Wars Committee has agreed to so far are:
Of course, WILPF members are working on many other issues as well, and we need to think of good questions for Earth Democracy, Corporations vs. Democracy, Human Rights, Middle East, and other WILPF issue committees and issues. You can send your own proposed issue questions to  [email protected]. Be sure to include in your question some supportive and -- preferably -- under-reported key information (such as costs or info on legislation or comparisons to other countries' work on the issue of the question).
So, the three of us will begin the tour on Saturday, July 13, in Mendocino, and head south.  Please call, text, or email me if you want us to stop by!
Ellen Thomas
Co-Chair, WILPF US Disarm/End Wars Committee
828-859-8325 (home until July 10)
202-210-3886 (cell/text)
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom/US Section
AFSC House | PO Box 13075 | Des Moines, IA 50310 | 617-266-0999 |

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