Fall, 2018
Welcome to Premiere E-Edition
The Community Report

Welcome to our premiere e-edition of the Community Report. This publication, formerly a paper edition that has been forwarded to our citizens for many years, has taken on a new form as an electronic edition.
This new format will allow the district to communicate more efficiently providing important information about Central in a more timely fashion.
We welcome our citizens to please provide your input on what you would like to see in this e-newsletter. It is our plan to have at least two more Community Reports published this year with an expanded number of publications starting next fall. In the future, we also hope to feature articles from our grade schools.
District Leadership Change
The Central High School District of Westosha Board of Education is requesting stakeholders’ assistance in the search for a new District Administrator. If you would be interested in serving on one of the Focus Groups, please click the spiral image on the right for more information.
Falcons for Vets
The Westosha Central Leading into the Future class is continuing their pursuit for permanently recognizing CHS alumni who served in the military. As part of this project, the class is looking forward to honoring these individuals who put themselves on the line to ensure our freedom and safety, this is simply our way of recognizing their courage. We would like to spread that word that we need those individuals who are veterans or are currently serving to ensure all of these individuals are properly recognized.  
Please click the Thank You Veterans image above to register for the program. For complete information on the program and how you may personally get involved, click here.
Central Students Provide
Free Tax Preparation
Preparing Students for Life After High School
Thirteen Westosha Central students from Accounting Class will start training in January to be certified VITA volunteers. The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax help to people who generally make $54,000 or less, persons with disabilities, the elderly and limited English speaking taxpayers who need assistance in preparing their own tax returns. IRS-certified volunteers provide free basic income tax return preparation with electronic filing to qualified individuals. These accounting students will work together with United Way and Carthage College to prepare for the Basic Tax Exam so that they can help to prepare tax returns.

If you would like to know more information about the program or you are interested in the services of VITA, please click the VITA Image above.
Central Student Gives to Others
Seth Bayles is a Westosha Central student who has been dealing with serious health issues for a number of years. Despite his daily struggle, Seth has made it his mission to give back to others. Seth’s Journey started a number of years ago when he first stayed at the Ronald McDonald House with his family. Through his experiences at the Ronald McDonald House he realized the need for the facility to grow in size and serve more patients and their families. Last year a short film was made and released telling Seth's story. Click Seth's picture to see his story.

This past fall a “Miracle Minute” was held during the varsity football game on October 12th. The game featured Kenosha County rivals Wilmot and Westosha Central. Spectators from both schools donated just under $1,000. Seth’s goal is to raise at least $10,000 for the expansion of the Ronald McDonald House of Rochester, MN. If you would like to help Seth reach his goal, please click the Ronald McDonald House Charities image to the right. 
Central Aviation Club and Safety Grant Award
On October 20th the Aviation Program started their F2 Talon for the first time. The first start means that all the mechanics and electronics have been built but the plane has not been tried in terms of ignition. To reach this milestone, thousands of manual hours have been put into this project. About twelve students have worked for a year and a half averaging about six hours per week. This is actually the Aviation Program’s second airplane. The first plane, Falcon One, was recently sold and flown to a pilot in Ohio. Proceeds from this sale will be used to purchase the third plane kit as well as needed equipment, supplies and tools for the program.

The mission of Central High School’s Aviation Program is to inspire the next generation of aviation leaders. The program provides students with an experiential education that excites, engages, and enriches through a unique, learn-by-doing curriculum focused around aviation.
Central High School was recently awarded $55,787 in grant money from the Wisconsin Department of Justice School Safety Grant Program. The money awarded to the school was part of the remaining $45 million that is earmarked for advancing mental health and physical security improvements.

Any school that receives grant money must agree to send 10 percent of the full-time teachers and counselors to DOJ approved 12-hour training on Adolescent Mental Health. Additionally, districts who receive grant money must establish a School Safety Intervention Team (SSIT). A group of Central staff team members trained based on the U.S. Secret Service model in behavior monitoring, threat assessments and intervention on October 24th. 

The remaining grant money will be used to improve security at the main entrance, including implementing the use of the Raptor Visitor Management System and new safety features in the main office
Improved Security for Visitors to Central
Raptor Visitor Management System

As part of the Department of Justice Safety Grant, Westosha Central is implementing the Raptor Visitor Management System. Raptor is the nation’s largest provider of integrated school safety measures, currently being used by over 20,000 schools nationwide.

Each visitor who enters the school is immediately screened against the registered sex offender database in all 50 states. All visitors will be asked to provide a photo ID upon entering the school. The ID will be scanned and a visitor badge will be created. If you would like more information concerning the Raptor System, click the Jane Doe Visitor Image above.
Provided regularly to the residents
and neighbors of Central High School
District of Westosha in Kenosha
County, Wisconsin
Mr. Milton Thompson....Interim District Administrator
Lisa Albrecht........................................Principal
Peter Haubrich.....................Associate Principal
Sean Leavy..........................Associate Principal
Gail Netzer-Jensen.......................Curriculum &
Community Education Director

Steve Richter, President ..........................Bristol
Terry Simmons, Vice President ........Wheatland
Cheryl Baysinger, Clerk ..............Paddock Lake
Mr. Matt Ellerbrock ...............Member At Large
Dustin Beth, Member .................................Paris
Karen Shoopman, Member ......................Salem
Patti Zamba, Member............................Brighton
SCHOOL PHONE NUMBER: 262-843-2321 | ATTENDANCE OFFICE: 262-843-3820