We are still available in case of emergency.
Call the parish office:

Visit our website: www.smmwillowick.org
If you are out enjoying a Sunday drive in the afternoon and are passing by Saint Mary Magdalene, please know I will be in Room 104 with the window down praying the Rosary at 3PM with my Wayne Newton Microphone. If you want to join, just pull your car up to Room 104, roll down your window a little bit and pray with me. Room 104 is the classroom right next to the Parish Center Awning.

A Spark of Light in the Gloom

Maybe you are like me and do not receive the Plain Dealer . I just go to Cleveland.com on my smart phone for all the local news. To be specific, I look at the headlines and then go straight to the Sports section. Yesterday, Pam Anthony forwarded me an article from the Plain Dealer. Actually, it is a commentary by Leonard Pitts Jr. He is a columnist for the Miami Herald . His article is titled, “A noble death, lost amid our own noise.” In the article he speaks about a priest from Northern Italy, Father Berardelli, as he raises the question to the reader, “who will you be in the moment of crisis?”

Father Berardelli died in the hospital at age 72 from the Coronavirus. Pitts stated in his article that Fr. Berardelli died after he gave away his respirator that was bought by his parishioners. He gave away the respirator to a younger patient who was struggling to breathe. The journalist stated that Fr. Berardelli did not know the youth. The selfless priest only knew that the young person was suffering. (Click here to read the full article from the Miami Herald.)

I am grateful that Leonard Pitts Jr. made his noble deed known to us from across the Atlantic. Stories such as this provide a spark of light in the gloom. In this time of pandemic, many great deeds have taken place. I think Fox8 has a segment on the news about selfless kind acts taking place in Northeast Ohio. In a cacophony of noise, good deeds are taking place all over and some go unreported.

If you hear something kind, be sure to share it. Write it down, so you don’t forget it. Maybe keep a journal of the good deeds you hear. Once this all passes and everything begins to recover, you will have a record of the good things that have taken place during this pandemic. It could come in handy in the future when another hiccup presents itself, by reminding us that good things still happen during times of hardship. Plus, it is a concrete reminder that God is good and God is with us - and t hat there are plenty of folks living out the Gospel Message! Lamps are being placed on lamp stands, and cities on a mountain are not hidden at all.

God bless and be safe.

In Christ,
Fr. Steve Breck
Pastor, St. Mary Magdalene