UC Procurement Services
April 2018
In This Issue
Sustainable Procurement Summit

The UC Sustainable Procurement Working Group hosted its second annual Sustainable Procurement Summit held on March 14th at the UC Santa Cruz Arboretum. Read more
Sponsor's Message
Through innovation, collaboration and dedication, UC Procurement/Supply Chain staff have led the way to promoting financial health in higher education. One of the ways we are able to achieve this is by thinking outside the box. It's not enough anymore for universities to cut costs or find ways to save money. It's time to also focus on revenue generation. To support this charge, it's important that procurement and supply chain functions be seen by executive leadership as strategic contributors meriting budget and headcount investment commensurate with their potential for exponential return. My recent article in the February  2018 issue of University Business Magazine discusses this very concept. You can read it HERE.

Please don't miss other nationally published articles and local campus newsletter stories written by and about our very own UC Procurement and Supply Chain professionals. Links to these stories can be found in the "UC in the News" section of this issue.

Bill Cooper 
Associate Vice President  & Chief Procurement Officer
UC Procurement employee aids in the aftermath of  Hurricane Maria

Faye McCullough of UCSD IPPS and her boyfriend, Brian, spent their winter break helping residents of the Caribbean island of Dominica recover from the devastation Hurricane Maria left behind.
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CalUsource training in the rearview mirror...
Early this year, the CalUsource team held 28 training sessions for nearly 300 procurement professionals across UC and CSU systems. The team continues to make system and knowledge transfer improvements based on user feedback.   Read more
Strategic Sourcing Snapshot

Through Strategic Sourcing, UC strives to maximize its resources to reduce total cost of purchased products and services by leveraging its combined purchasing power. Check out some of the recent Strategic Sourcing accomplishments.  
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UC San Diego and Lyft embark on a new partnership

UCSD is the first university in the nation to engage in a partnership with the rideshare company, Lyft. This partnership will enhance the transportation experience for campus-wide passengers. Read more
Educational Procurement Journal- Spring 2018 

Business Officer Magazine- February 2018
UCSF Supply Chain Management Website
UC Procurement On Stage

Have you made a recent presentation at a recent conference or event? Chances are other systemwide UC Procurement Professionals would be interested to hear it. Contact Andrea Tung to get on the calendar for the 2018 season of UC Procurement On Stage!
Excel Tip: MODE Function
Information, Analytics and Systems analysts often get questions about excel spreadsheets during conversations with commodity managers and stakeholders. Here's a helpful user tip on how to use the MODE function to determine trends in your data. Read more
Need help or more information?
Contact Andrea Tung

The next edition of the UC Procurement Services newsletter will be sent in
June 2018