The Overlook
Unitarian Universalist Church of Huntsville 
3921 Broadmor Rd., Huntsville, AL 35810  
November 7, 2019
Vol. 19 Issue 43
In This Issue
Upcoming Events
Fri. 11/8
Awareness Through Movement 
10:00 a.m.
Sat. 11/9
Property Work Day
9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.  
Coffee House
6:30 - 9:30 p.m.

Sun. 11/10
Social Justice Committee Mtg.
9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
Worship Committee Mtg. 
9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
Worship Service
Rev. Ed Brock
10:45 a.m
Music Committee Meeting
1:00 - 2:00 p.m.

Wed. 11/13
Soul Circle Small Group (Group C)
1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
UUkelele Fun Group
5:45 - 6:45 p.m.
Choir Rehearsal  
7:00 - 8:45 p.m.

Thurs. 11/14
PFLAG Support Meeting
6:30 - 7:30 p.m. 

Fri. 11/15
Awareness Through Movement
10:30 a.m.
U Ukule le  
Fun Group
The UUkulele Fun Group is open to everyone, regardless of skill level.
The group meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 5:45 p.m.
Huntsville Assistance Program 
The Social Justice Committee has a goal to collect at least 100 items each month for the food pantry. In September you donated 90 items.

Please put your nonperishable food items or personal care products donations in the basket in the church foyer for the Huntsville Assistance Program. Please, no canned corn, beans, or peas! They are currently overloaded with those items.

Sponsored by the Social Justice Committee
UUCH Free Food Pantry 
UUCH's Free Food Pantry is installed in the parking lot and is now stocked. The Social Justice Committee will restock the pantry with non-perishables, as needed, and you can, too.

See the Social Justice Committee for more information on what items are in need.

Sponsored by the Social Justice Committee

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UUCH 2019-20
Board Members
John Schulz
 Vice President: 
Denise Runnels

Nick Wilbourn

David Bollinger 

Ed Bernstein
Jack Long
Bryan Walls

Interim Minister:
The Rev. Edward L. Brock

Do you have an agenda item for the Board?  
The Board respectfully requests that all agenda items for the meeting be submitted to Board President John Schulz  via email no later than one week prior to the meeting (i.e. the Tuesday before)The next board meeting will be Tuesday, November 26 .
The Overlook is a publication of The Unitarian Universalist Church, 3921 Broadmor Rd., Huntsville, AL 35810

Interim Minister:
The Rev. Edward L. Brock
Board President:   
John Schulz    
Nick Wilbourn 
Office Hours:
Monday & Wednesday: 
7:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.
7:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Minister's Office Hours:
10 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Other times by appointment.  
Office Phone: 
Office Email:
Minister's E mail:
Sunday Services are held 10:45 a.m. to
 12:00 p.m. 
Children's Religious Education held concurrently. Nursery available for ages 3 years and under.
For more info on any event, contact the church office.
Upcoming Service

November 10
"The Roots and Meaning  
of Our Fifth Principle"
Rev. Ed Brock 

Our fifth principle states that we affirm and promote " the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large." 
The Unitarian Universalist Association of congregations is the most democratically based religious movement in America. Our Unitarian roots have strong connections with early American political history.  
There are several interesting aspects to our Fifth Principle:
First, we combine the affirmation of democracy with the right of conscience. These two forces balance and complement one another. Neither is meaningful without the other. 
Second, this principle recognizes the importance of a robust affirmation of the right of conscience and democratic process "in society at large." The underlying idea is that a threat to democracy and individual rights anywhere in society is a threat to democracy and individual rights everywhere in society.
Third, we take the unusual position of stating that the democratic process and individual conscience are integral to our understanding of religious life. 
In this sermon I will talk about some of the core beliefs of the most important persons in the founding of the American Republic, how their values influenced our understanding of religion -- and why this is an important issue to talk about now.

Future Services    
November 17 - Rev. Ed Brock
November 24 - Annual Bread Communion 
November Theme: Attention
This Sunday in Children and Youth Religious Education (CYRE)

This Sunday is Creative Action Day! Children and youth will participate with the Social Justice Committee in making meal packs for homeless outreach in Huntsville. We will also participate in the UUSC's Guest at Your Table program.

For more information on the CYRE program, please contact Harper Goodman, RE Assistant; or Steve Rittenberg, CYRE Chair.

Submitted by the Children and Youth Religious Education Committee
 UUCH Coffee House
Please join us in the Fellowship Hall this Saturday,  November 9,  at 6:30 p.m. for a night of fun and great entertainment.   It will be like The Moth Radio Hour, a poetry slam, an open mic music night, So You Think You Can Dance, and The Comedy Store all wrapped into one event. And probably more!  
You will be treated to coffee house-style light desserts, with coffee and espresso. Other drinks will also be available. We are working to put together an eclectic night of entertainment featuring the very talented members of the congregation and friends.  
Please contact John Schulz with any questions, and especially if you want to sign up to present your personal style of art -- be it spoken word, music, dance or anything else. There is a sign-up poster in the Fellowship Hall.
Our goal is a great night with friends, sharing our many forms of personal expression. Be there, or be square!
Submitted by the Music Committee 
Ministerial Search Committee Update   
What do we want in a new settled minister? We asked the congregation in our recent survey to consider the roles for our future minister and choose the five most important.  
Here is what you said: The most important roles of a future minister are...
  • Presents inspiring and challenging Sunday services  
  • Provides pastoral care, and by example, shows us how to care for one another  
  • Fosters a sense of community
  • Leads intellectually; challenges and stimulates the thinking of the congregation
  • Helps us imagine our future and inspires us (tied)
  • Leads the overall ministry of our congregation (tied)  
Your Ministerial Search Committee has heard you and will be keeping these things in mind as we continue our process of searching for our next minister.
Be sure to watch the newsletter for more summary data from our survey and cottage meetings. If you have any questions about the search process, please contact the MSC.  
Submitted by the Ministerial Search Committee. 
Alabama Hispanic Association Dinner and Christmas Party
The 5th annual Alabama Hispanic Association dinner and Christmas party is scheduled for December 14.  
We are doing a separate plate collection each Sunday in November to cover the cost of presents for the teens. With a personal wish list in hand, UUCH youth purchase the presents we provide.
A sign-up sheet will be posted for the event. We will need help with food for the dinner, setup, clean up, decorating, and working the dinner, which is fun and rewarding. Please help as you can.
Submitted by the Social Justice Committee 
 Property Work Day
Join us for a Property Work Day this Saturday, November 9, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Help to maintain our church property through fun, accomplishment, camaraderie, and pizza, with a bit of work! Transform the playground and courtyard, brighten the church, and beautify the grounds. Tasks will range from cleaning the playground and weeding flower beds to replacing light bulbs and painting.  
No special skills are needed for most tasks, but if you have experience installing doors or doing minor electrical work or painting, all the better. Help out for an hour or several hours. Childcare will not be provided, but children are welcome to help.  
Submitted by the Property Committee  
Board Report

The UUCH Board conducted its monthly meeting on October 29, 2019. This meeting was rescheduled from the originally scheduled date of October 22.
The Board is working with Rev. Ed to approve updates to UUCH's policies and procedures. At this month's Board meeting, policies deemed especially important to the ministerial search process (regarding church vision and mission, church governance, and minister and staff evaluations) were reviewed and approved. Policies will continue to be reviewed, revised, and approved throughout the year.
The Negotiating Team has prepared a draft ministerial agreement between UUCH and our prospective new minister. The Board reviewed the agreement, which was based on a UUA template, and is in the process of approving the agreement. Salary ranges for the prospective new minister were discussed, and a range proposed by the Negotiating Team (in consultation with the Ministerial Search Committee) was approved by the Board.
The Renovations Task Force continues work planning and revising the proposal for sanctuary renovations. The task force anticipates providing an updated proposal at the next Board meeting.
We are continuing the process to designate UUCH as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and anticipate completing our filing by January 2020.
The next Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 26.
Submitted by the Board
Awareness Through Movement   
We will be continuing getting to know our habits of movement and thinking that limit us in our daily life. Unless you have some awareness of a habit, you can either choose it or change it. By exploring how we move within our own comfort range, we can bring the light of awareness to our thinking, sensing, feeling and interacting with others.

Awareness Through Movement is a drop-in class, with no experience necessary. Please wear loose comfortable clothing.

Classes will continue Friday mornings at 10 a.m., through November 22.
Submitted by the Adult Religious Education Committee 
"Tear a page, Cut a picture"
SoulCollage has been incredible so far! We are seeing depth in ourselves as we create two-dimensional visions on cards.But our paper visual source is a bit low! We need to restock!  
Join the SoulCollage group Monday, November 18, from 6:00 - 8:30 p.m., for a social party while we tear magazine pages and cut away type from pictures. Bring your joy for chatting and looking through colorful magazines for appropriate images.  
You will be supplied with magazines, scissors, and bins to organize the pictures. Snacks and beverages will be provided. And because we are using scissors, childcare will be provided!
Submitted by the Adult Religious Education Committee  
 Thank You for Your Donations 
Share the Plate collections during August and September allowed us to send nearly $1,000 to Knight's Village

Executive Director Chuck McGlathery wrote, "Your generosity allowed us to provide housing to a young woman who has been staying at the Downtown Rescue Mission. She is so grateful that she now has a home."
Submitted by the Social Justice Committee  
Care List
This Sunday, November 3, 2019,  at our Circle of Candles:
Anonymous lit a candle of  sorrow: Please pray for the victims of the CA fires.
Kathy Fisher  lit a candle of sorrow: 
Tomorrow, November 4, marks 8 years since Mother's passing. I could not have asked her to have taught or given me anything more than she did. She was my best friend and my home.
Howard Williams lit a candle of joy: Thank you to Jessica Schulz, Sara Coble, and Gail Williams for help yesterday winterizing 3 hours through the CASA workday. Job well done!

LaDawn Edwards lit a candle of joy: My niece, Sarah, had successful thyroid surgery on Friday. I request healing thoughts on her road to better health.  

Anonymous lit a candle of joy: Thanks to those who put together the lovely display to honor our loved ones who have passed but will never be forgotten.  
Amanda Schuber lit a candle of concern: I am moving toward the most difficult time on my path to ministry, as I wait to hear about internships and clinical pastoral care placements. I am spending most all of my spare time writing essays and reading one of the 54 books required for the Ministerial Fellowship Committee. It's getting real, folks.  
Kathryn Heath lit a candle of joyThank you to everyone who made the Service Auction successful and fun.  
Gwen "Summer Snow" Peters lit a candle of concern: Please keep in mind the family of Dana Fletcher. Mr. Fletcher was the latest victim to lose his life from police violence.