Habitat CFC E-Newsletter | May 2021
“I want every day to be a fresh start on expanding what is possible.”
- Oprah Winfrey
It’s hard to believe that last May our Senior Management Team and I faced a similar situation of how to structure opening up. Today, like last year, involved exploring what is possible in this moment. I believe that we are all relieved that this year’s task was less daunting.

More importantly though the year between these two Mays has awakened and enlarged the power of what the Habitat model can bring to the conversation of what is possible. It is easy to see how the essence of our mission—the process of a family becoming homeowners of an affordable home—provides daily a new view of what their lives can hold. Yet there are also ways to broaden our impact. Habitat International has undertaken a major effort to engage in racial equity to more intentionally right the wrongs of redlining and exclusionary zoning. And it is more than that. As CEO Jonathan Reckford offers in a note he recently sent out:

“As we move into a time of healing, this moment calls on me to reflect on Habitat’s vision: A world where everyone has a decent place to live. That vision is not just a roof and four walls. That ‘place to live’ is in a community that supports each other, a world that values its people as each made in the image of God. It is that world that Dr. King described as the Beloved Community, and that we need to keep building.”

I am grateful that as we open up more and step into the emerging new normal that we will all get to bring the gifts we have learned over these past months about expanding what is possible. I think these learnings will provide us with tools to help build this Beloved Community.

Yours in partnership,

Dr. Cathy Collins
Join us for the premiere of a special video program!

You’re invited to our Virtual Benefit Fundraiser! Hear homeowner stories, tour sites, and get an update on Habitat CFC’s work during the past year.

Video Program Premiere
May 22, 7:30-8pm

Gather with your close ones, relax from the comforts of your own home, and enjoy the show! Your generous financial support is crucial to helping families build a place to call home.

This event is FREE but requires registration.
Visit: to register.

Questions? Interested in sponsorship?
Contact: Events Coordinator Suzanne Francis at (203) 520-7690 or
Happy Mother's Day
to all the moms building a stronger future for their kids and to the moms who help families build their dreams!
This weekend is Mother's Day, and we'd like to take a moment to recognize and celebrate the moms of Habitat CFC. From the hard-working homeowner moms who help build a home for their children, to the moms who volunteer and donate to help families build their dreams, to the moms on our staff team - all of these moms have one thing in common - they want their children to thrive.

Thank you to all of the mothers who are working hard to build a better world for all children. You are our role models and our heroes!
Crystal shows her sons their new home
Purchasing a home with Habitat CFC is a long journey and it takes a lot of hard work. Every future homeowner family contributes hundreds of sweat equity hours and completes a curriculum of educational classes about personal finances and homeownership. But there are also many joyful moments and milestones on the journey to becoming a homeowner.

Last month, future homeowner Crystal was thrilled to find out that she and her family were officially assigned a home - one of the seven Habitat homes on Granfield Avenue. Crystal drove her two sons over to check out their soon-to-be home. The boys were very excited to check out their new rooms, and even though the house is not yet completed, they can't wait to watch as it comes together. They were happy to see that the house is right next to a park where they can run and play. They kept saying how excited they were to move in. The family stopped to pose for a picture- this is a happy day they'll want to look back at and remember!
ReStore Customer Appreciation Week
Tuesday, June 1 - Saturday, June 5
A week of sales & give-aways to say 'thank you' to our customers!

Save the Date! We want to say 'thank you!' to our customers for supporting the Stratford Habitat ReStore and the work of Habitat CFC. Come to the store during the first week of June for special deals and give-aways (while supplies last)!

Special Shred Event
Saturday, June 5 | 10 AM-1 PM | onsite at the ReStore
$15 per banker's box
Store Hours:
Tuesday to Friday 10am to 5:30pm
Saturday 10am to 4pm
Closed every Sunday and Monday
Please arrive at least half an hour before closing if dropping off a donation.

Schedule A Pick-Up
email preferred –
or call 203-383-4358

All sale net proceeds benefit the mission of Habitat for Humanity of Coastal Fairfield County.
Did You Know?
Habitat CFC & the ReStore Build Green!
Habitat for Humanity of Coastal Fairfield County | 203-333-2642