May 2021
monthly newsletter
Update from the Hudson River Watershed Alliance
2021 Toast to the Tribs Award Benefit Livestream
Tuesday, June 22, 7-8 PM

Join us for the Toast to the Tribs as we celebrate the accomplishments of our Watershed WaveMaker awardees! While we encourage your generous donations, our annual awards benefit will be a livestream and open to all to view.

Congratulations to our 2021 Watershed WaveMakers!

  • Alene Onion - Individual
  • Bronx River Alliance - Watershed Group
  • Outdoor Promise - Organization
  • Stormwater Coalition of Albany County - Institution

For more details on our WaveMakers, see below.

Sponsor the Toast to the Tribs!

We have a variety of sponsorship levels available. More information on sponsorship opportunities is here.
Water Science through Storytelling:
Film Screening & Panel Discussion
Tuesday, May 18, 7:00-8:30 PM

This virtual event will highlight how science storytelling can be used to engage communities in watershed work and share scientific information with broader audiences. We will screen the short film “A Living River” by writer, filmmaker and adventurer, Jon Bowermaster, followed by a panel discussion on water science and storytelling.

Our panelists include filmmaker Jon Bowermaster, Kathy High (NATURE Lab Coordinator at The Sanctuary for Independent Media), Will Lytle (Thorneater Comics), Branda Miller (Arts and Education Coordinator at The Sanctuary for Independent Media), and Anne Toomey (Pace University).
Organized by Siena College & the Hudson River Watershed Alliance, with support from the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science (CUAHSI) through Let’s Talk About Water.
Breakfast Lecture: Bugs and biomonitoring in streams: NYSDEC’s Rotating Integrated Basin Studies Program
Thursday, May 13, 8:30-9:30 AM

Featured Speaker: Brian Duffy, NYS Department of Conservation

This presentation will provide an overview of the streams component of the Department of Environmental Conservation’s Rotating Integrated Basin Studies Program (RIBS) and its sampling design. Focus will be on aquatic macroinvertebrates found in rivers and streams and their utility as water quality indicators, along with some examples of how they inform water quality evaluation. With the RIBS program cycle bringing focus to the Lower Hudson River watershed in 2022, Brian will discuss how you can participate in the process and how to access water quality data resources online.
Wallkill River Summit
Wednesday, May 19 and
Thursday, May 20, 7:00-8:30 PM

The 7th annual Wallkill River Summit is a 2-part webinar series! Join the Wallkill River Watershed Alliance for updates on New York State projects to study fish tissue and nutrient loading in the watershed, MS4 training, WRWA's work in 2020, and opportunities to get involved.
Watershed Highlight
2021 Watershed WaveMakers
Alene Onion providing training to participants in NYS DEC's WAVE program, which she created.
People and organizations across New York State have participated in WAVE since it began in 2012.
Bronx River Alliance hosts regular paddles on the Bronx River. Photo by Charles Berenguer.
Bronx River Alliance educational programs.
Outdoor Promise's clean-up of Muchattoes Lake in Newburgh, part of the 2020 Riverkeeper Sweep.
Outdoor Promise at Winter Fest 2020.
Stormwater Coalition of Albany County stormdrain marking.
Nancy Heinzen, Stormwater Coalition Director, participating in the WAVE program to monitor the Salt Kill in Cohoes.
Alene Onion has worked tirelessly to support community science and watershed groups. Her work at the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to create and develop the WAVE and PEERs programs has enabled volunteers and professional scientists to contribute valuable water quality data to NYS DEC, while also providing opportunities for education and deeper engagement with local streams. The WAVE program in particular empowers local stewards to gather water quality information that is useful to local water advocates and state decision-makers alike. Alene developed these programs’ methods to be both statistically robust and inclusive, so that people of all backgrounds and experience levels can participate. Originally an initiative of the Hudson River Estuary Program, WAVE and PEERs expanded statewide in 2013. 

In addition to developing these programmatic frameworks, Alene has provided valuable support for watershed groups that want to take their data further. She’s provided guidance on how to develop water quality monitoring projects, how to access free equipment, and what to do with baseline data. She also organized a thoughtful and innovative workshop that brought experts together to provide real-time technical assistance and advice to watershed groups and volunteers. Alene’s work has had profound impact, both locally and at the state level. Now coordinating NYS DEC’s in-house lakes monitoring program, Alene continues to bring her community-centered perspectives to that work.
The Bronx River Alliance, currently celebrating its 20th year, serves as a coordinated voice for the river so it can be a healthy ecological, recreational, educational and economic resource. Starting at the Kensico Reservoir, part of New York City’s vast drinking water system, the Bronx River flows through Westchester County and the Bronx, some of the most densely populated areas of the state. Over two decades the Alliance has done incredible work to bring attention to the Bronx River, both in improving the river and highlighting how the river can improve the community. The Bronx River Alliance conducts community science, education, and outreach programs, in addition to bike and canoe trips that draw hundreds of people to the water each year. The organization’s new Bronx River House is a LEED Gold Certified, cutting-edge environmental learning laboratory, community space, and base of operations for restoring the Bronx River and developing the Bronx River Greenway. 

The Bronx River Alliance's Ecology Team, with the New York City Parks Department, works with a full time Conservation Crew and volunteers from the community to remove invasive species and replant native vegetation in the Bronx River corridor’s public parks. The Greenway Team guides planning for the Bronx River Greenway, a linear park. In 2012, the National Park Service designated the lower eight miles of the Bronx River as a National Water Trail. The Alliance provides a unique structure for public sector and community members to pursue a common goal, serving as a national model for community-based waterfront development.
Outdoor Promise is a Newburgh-based organization that inspires and supports the next generation of outdoor leaders. The organization offers outdoor education, outdoor experiences, and environmental stewardship opportunities, including regular clean-ups of Muchattoes Lake and Downing Park. Its programs are centered around equitable access for youth, families, and individuals that have been traditionally underrepresented in outdoor recreation. Outdoor Promise has made direct connections between youth education, watershed stewardship, and environmental justice. By providing opportunities to get outside and involved, they engage community members to make a real difference in working together to protect Newburgh’s environment. 

Ronald Zorilla, Outdoor Promise’s Founder and CEO, also serves as a member of the City of Newburgh’s Conservation Advisory Council and Stewart Air National Guard Restoration Advisory Committee, which is giving the community a voice in the cleanup of Newburgh's PFAS-contaminated drinking water reservoir. The alignment of these organizations has resulted in valuable collaborations, including a new Environmental Justice Fellowship program for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) youth. This program, organized by the City of Newburgh Conservation Advisory Council and in partnership with Outdoor Promise and the Greater Newburgh Parks Conservancy, will hire youth from Newburgh to advocate for the benefits of trees and foster a culture of tree stewardship through community engagement and grassroots organizing. 
The Stormwater Coalition of Albany County is a partnership of more than 10 municipalities and SUNY Albany. What began as an exercise to help small communities meet the complex and challenging demands of maintaining regulatory compliance under New York State’s Municipal Stormwater (MS4) Permit has evolved into one of the most dynamic, diverse, tireless, and sophisticated Stormwater Coalitions in the state. This work has been driven by municipal commitment and implemented through the vision and tenacity of director Nancy Heinzen, who has been a champion of protecting natural resources and public health in the watersheds of Albany County’s MS4-regulated communities.  

The Stormwater Coalition of Albany County’s projects have directly supported clean water in its member municipalities. The Coalition has used an innovative, watershed-based approach to develop and distribute targeted outreach. A comprehensive audit of member communities’ local codes resulted in code revisions that are more supportive of green infrastructure practices and protecting natural resources. The Coalition’s efforts to map watersheds, infrastructure, and outfalls in the county has led to a much greater understanding of how these systems interact – as well as system vulnerabilities. By working collaboratively, the Coalition has helped partner communities save thousands of dollars to stay in compliance and support clean water and resilience to climate extremes.

Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies: Mid-Hudson YES Program applications due May 21

The 2021 Young Environmental Scientists (YES) program is a paid opportunity for high school students to undertake hands-on watershed research in teams, under the mentorship of scientists, high school teachers, and undergraduates. Students will learn about their local environment while gaining experience forming and testing a research question, analyzing data, and communicating what they find. This is a paid 3-week research opportunity and will include field and lab components. It will run from July 26-August 13. 


Adirondack North Country Association: Executive Director applications due May 7

The Adirondack North Country Association (ANCA) seeks a dynamic, experienced Executive Director to join our rural economic development organization as we build prosperity across 14 counties located within and around New York’s Adirondack Park. ANCA’s work focuses on creating and sustaining local wealth and improving quality of life through three core program areas — Clean Energy, Food Systems and the Entrepreneurial Economy — as well as its close partnership with the Adirondack Diversity Initiative (ADI).

Open Space Institute: Conservation Diversity Fellowship applications due May 15

The Open Space Institute’s Conservation Diversity Fellowship, started in 2016, seeks candidates pursuing professional experience in the conservation field. The Fellowship is a full-time, salaried, one-year position in New York City offering candidates the chance to work with colleagues and leaders at the Open Space Institute to accomplish meaningful conservation goals.

New York State Floodplain and Stormwater Managers Association: Part-Time Project Coordinator applications due May 15

The New York State Floodplain and Stormwater Managers Association is seeking a part time project coordinator to assist the Association and its volunteer Board of Directors with various outreach, education and organizational activities.

NYS Water Resources Institute at Cornell University/NYS DEC Hudson River Estuary Program: Climate Outreach Specialist applications due May 17

The Climate Outreach Specialist will support communities in the Hudson Valley to adapt to climate change and build resiliency through community planning, ecological solutions, and collaborative design. The intended outcome of this work is to help local governments with planning for climate resilience and implementing policies and capital projects that reduce their vulnerability to flooding, sea-level rise, heat stress, and other climate risks. Climate outreach and community assistance will take into account issues of diversity, equity, inclusion and justice (DEIJ) to help ensure low income, high minority, and/or underserved community interests are considered and addressed through this program.

New York-New Jersey Trail Conference: Welch Trail Education Center Camp Caretaker

The New York-New Jersey Trail Conference is seeking a Camp Caretaker to live at the Welch Trail Education Center on Lower Twin Lake, in Harriman State Park, New York. The Caretaker would live at the camp full time May 1 through October 26. The ideal camp caretaker should lead by example, serve as a point of contact/staff liason for corps members, perform simple maintenance tasks and inform the Trail Conference of larger maintenance concerns while ensuring adherence to agreed upon house rules by all who reside at camp.

Sanctuary for Independent Media: NATURE Lab Community Science Coordinator

The Sanctuary for Independent Media in Troy, NY is seeking an outgoing, organized, and motivated individual for a part-time seasonal position, NATURE Lab Community Science Coordinator. This paid position will assist the NATURE (North Troy Art Technology and Urban Research in Ecology) Lab Initiative, as it engages local youth and community members to connect with networks of artists, scientists, media makers, gardeners, organizers and neighbors in collective actions for environmental justice and sustainability. The role of the NATURE Lab Community Science Organizer/ Mentor is to coordinate the activities of the Water Justice LAB and Our Soil projects, including all youth supervision, community organizing and interaction with Media Sanctuary, Riverkeeper and Our Soil staff.  


Hudson River Valley Greenway: Planning and Trails Grant applications due May 7, September 10, & November 8

The Hudson River Valley Greenway Grant Program provides matching grants to Greenway Communities and Compact Communities. Greenway Communities are eligible to receive up to $10,000 to develop plans or projects consistent with the five Greenway criteria: natural and cultural resource protection, economic development, public access, regional planning, and heritage and environmental education. Higher amounts are awarded for intermunicipal projects. Plans can include natural resource inventories, open space plans, comprehensive plans, and more. The Hudson River Valley Greenway Conservancy Trails Grant Program is dedicated to funding recreational trail projects.

US EPA: The Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Cooperative Agreement Program applications due May 7

The Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving (EJCPS) Cooperative Agreement Program provides financial assistance to eligible organizations working on or planning to work on projects to address local environmental and/or public health issues in their communities. The program assists recipients in building collaborative partnerships with other stakeholders (e.g., local businesses and industry, local government, medical service providers, academia, etc.) to develop solutions that will significantly address environmental and/or public health issue(s) at the local level. The EJCPS Program requires selected applicants, or recipients, to use the EPA’s Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Model as part of their projects. 

US EPA: Environmental Justice Small Grants Program applications due May 7

The Environmental Justice Small Grants Program supports and empowers communities working on solutions to local environmental and public health issues. The program is designed to help communities understand and address exposure to multiple environmental harms and risks. Environmental Justice Small Grants fund projects up to $50,000, depending on the availability of funds in a given year. All projects are associated with at least one qualified environmental statute.

NYS DEC Hudson River Estuary Program: Cornell Climate-adaptive Design Studio Host Community Letter of Interest due May 10
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s Hudson River Estuary Program announces an opportunity for Hudson riverfront municipalities to host the Cornell University Department of Landscape Architecture’s Climate-adaptive Design Studio during the fall of 2021.The semester-long studio links students in landscape architecture with Hudson Riverfront communities to explore design alternatives for thriving, climate-resilient waterfront areas. Community stakeholders take part throughout the studio semester to help inform the design process and support practical results. An informational webinar will be held on Monday, April 12 at 1:30 pm. Webinar registration at:

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County: Cornell Culverts Model Calibration and Validation Request for Proposals due May 14

On behalf of the Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County is seeking proposals for a multi-phase investigation into the Cornell Culverts Model (CCM, v2.1) for estimating hydrology and culvert hydraulics in the Ashokan Reservoir watershed. Phase I will involve a quantitative comparison of the CCM with other industry standard hydrology and hydraulics methods (e.g., gage analysis, HEC-RAS, etc. ) to determine if the current model provides reliable outputs at small road-stream crossing sites. If deemed necessary in Phase I, a second phase will involve performing model recalibration for local conditions and subsequent validation. A third phase will involve development of an interface or protocol to easily compare design alternatives to improve the CCM’s utility in the Ashokan basin. The CCM is an ArcGIS-based hydrology and culvert hydraulics model that uses landscape and precipitation data to estimate recurrence interval discharges at road-stream crossing (RSX) sites, total hydraulic capacity of the crossing infrastructure, and the maximum recurrence interval flow accommodated at the site, both under current and future precipitation scenarios.

US EPA: Environmental Justice Small Grants Grants extended to June 1

The Environmental Justice Small Grants Program supports and empowers communities working on solutions to local environmental and public health issues. The program is designed to help communities understand and address exposure to multiple environmental harms and risks. Environmental Justice Small Grants fund projects up to $50,000, depending on the availability of funds in a given year. All projects are associated with at least one qualified environmental statute.

US EPA: Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Grants extended to June 1

The Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving (EJCPS) Cooperative Agreement Program provides financial assistance to eligible organizations working on or planning to work on projects to address local environmental and/or public health issues in their communities. The program assists recipients in building collaborative partnerships with other stakeholders (e.g., local businesses and industry, local government, medical service providers, academia, etc.) to develop solutions that will significantly address environmental and/or public health issue(s) at the local level.

NYS DEC Hudson River Estuary Program: Local Stewardship Planning Grants applications due June 2

This funding will help communities in the Hudson River estuary watershed increase resiliency to flooding, protect water quality, fish and wildlife habitat, and enhance natural resources. The minimum award amount is $10,500 and the maximum award amount is $50,000, with 15% match. This funding is from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund (EPF). Eligible projects advance four categories of projects and programs through planning, feasibility studies, and/or design:
  • Hudson River shoreline communities to adapt land uses and decision-making to factor in climate change, flooding, heat, drought, and sea-level rise projections;
  • Making water infrastructure more resilient to flooding and/or sea-level rise;
  • Watershed and source water management planning (including assessing and monitoring water quality, developing a watershed characterization, and planning and designing water quality improvement projects); and
  • Conservation of natural resources by creating a natural resources inventory, open space inventory/index, open space plan, conservation overlay zone, open space funding feasibility study, or connectivity plan.

NYS DEC Hudson River Estuary Program: River Education Grants due June 2

Approximately $200,000 is available to support projects to enhance education about the estuary along the tidal waters of the Hudson and make opportunities to learn about the Hudson River Estuary more accessible. The funding may be used to design, equip and/or construct educational facilities (including signage, exhibits, and river-focused art installations), support development of plans or curriculum, purchase of equipment, and/or development of web sites or mobile phone apps. The minimum grant award is $10,500, and the maximum grant amount is $40,000, with 15% match.

NYS DEC Hudson River Estuary Program: River Access Grants due June 2

Approximately $200,000 is available in the RFA for River Access for projects along the shoreline of the Hudson estuary, including the tidal portion of its tributaries, that provide new or improved accessibility at new or existing access sites for boating, fishing, swimming, and/or wildlife-dependent recreation. The minimum grant award is $10,500 and the maximum grant amount is $50,000, with 15% match. This funding is from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund (EPF).

NYS DEC: Applications for funding to support eligible dam repairs due June 11

DEC is now accepting applications for grants to assist with technical, planning, design, and other pre-construction activities associated with the rehabilitation of eligible dams classified as High Hazard dams. Local governmental entities and municipalities, including but not limited to counties, cities, towns, and villages, and not-for-profit corporations with dam projects in New York State are eligible to apply. Projects must be in a county with an approved hazard mitigation plan. Projects and applicants must meet additional eligibility criteria as described in the Request for Applications. A total of $650,000 in grants is available, with awards up to $100,000 per project. Funding is provided through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) High Hazard Potential Dam (HHPD) grant program.

NYS DEC: Environmental Justice Community Impact Grant applications due July 1

Community Impact Grants provide funding for projects that address environmental and public health threats in low-income and minority communities, such as a large number of regulated facilities, contaminated sites, noise, air, and water pollution, health problems and a lack of green space and waterfront access. $4.1 million is available for community-based organizations to fully or partially fund projects that address environmental justice related concerns including, but not limited to environmental research, community gardens, tree plantings, education and curriculum development, urban farming training, habitat restoration, and the monitoring of air, and water quality. Organizations can apply to receive up to $100,000 in funding. These grants have helped communities generate data through community-based science and have helped to engage residents in addressing and understanding the challenges and opportunities for improving community health, safety, and sustainability.
The Hudson River Watershed Alliance unites and empowers communities to protect their local water resources