
January 30, 2019 E-News
The Homestead Neighborhood Association normally meets the First Tuesday of every month, 7 p m at the OHSU Child Development and Rehabilitation Center; 707 SW Gaines, Third Floor. 

The Homestead Neighborhood Association will meet Tuesday, February 5 at 7 pm at the OHSU Child Development and Rehabilitation Center, 3 rd floor.  707 SW Gaines. Parking is available.

The agenda will include updates and discussions regarding the following topics:
  • Marquam Hill Connector (Pedestrian Connection between the proposed Light Rail Project on Barbur and Gibbs up to the OHSU, VA and Shriner Hospital)
  • RIP (Residential Infill Project) Update (Proposed Zoning Code Changes that will allow for increased density in residential zones)
  • OHSU Hospital Expansion (14 story structure to be built where the Dental School was recently demolished. This project proposes 200-300 new patient and visitor parking spaces)
  • Homestead NET Update (Neighborhood Emergency Team)
Homestead Neighborhood Emergency Response Team Mapping Our Neighborhood
Homestead has a number of NET certified residents but is one of the few neighborhoods in Portland without an established NET Team and Disaster Operational Plan. We are developing a Homestead NET Team to help the community take important steps to develop plans for how we can be resilient in the face of local catastrophe such as a major earthquake, wind/ice storm or forest fire.   As a new resident of Portland, Bob Bonner [ ]  has volunteered to become Team leader and has been trying to understand the unique risks and response needs of Homestead.  
Homestead has at least 4 distinct risks areas in danger of being isolated both from one another and city services in a major event.  These include 1) Terwilliger Plaza (the large retirement complex across from Duniway Park), 2) lower Homestead below the OHSU and VA hospital complexes, 3) the hospital complexes, and 4) the residences above the hospitals.  
We need to develop effective neighbor to neighbor support systems within each of areas and communication tools between them that will be effective in case of citywide emergencies.  Roger Wirt [ ] who lives in Terwilliger Plaza has been quite active in local emergency radio communication exercises and will take the lead in the Homestead NET Area Radio Operations Team to connect our different segments with one another and the city emergency services.  
Terwilliger Plaza independent living residents have organized and are developing their internal risk and prevention strategies.  We need to develop similar local networks among the residents above and below the hospital complexes.
As a first step we need assistance from all the members of the Homestead Neighborhood Association in developing a "Map Your Neighborhood" database for Homestead.   This will entail talking to your neighbors on your block and helping to identify special needs, risks and residence expertise that might be critical in case of large-scale emergency in which we are isolated from city services.  At the February Homestead Neighborhood Assn meeting Bob Bonner will introduce the MYN approach.


Residential Infill Project (RIP)

The City now indicates that it will make the revised Residential Infill Project proposal (together with revised maps and other materials) available to the public on February 12.  This revised proposal will be forwarded to the City Council for consideration and approval.  One practical effect of the proposal, if passed by the City Council, will be to rezone 96% of the City's single-family properties to multi-family use.  This will allow multi-family housing developments to be built in what are today single-family neighborhoods.  If you are unfamiliar with the project, City materials can be found at:
A recent descriptive Portland Tribune article on the proposal can be found at:
At this juncture, testimony you may have on the project is probably best sent directly to the Mayor, Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, or the Planning Commission.  and


Emergency Preparedness Fair (sponsored by Southwest Neighborhoods) will be held 12-4:00 Sunday, March 3 at Multnomah Arts Center, 7688 Capitol Highway.

Are You Ready?
At the Fair you'll find lots of information to help you prepare for emergencies. 
Neighborhood Emergency Teams (NETs) will have preparedness demonstrations, water safety information, pet safety tips, and crowd safety/active shooter information. Door prizes, free samples and instructional knot tying will be featured too!


Make your voice heard.........

The year ahead will be a busy one filled with discussions and important decisions that affect the Homestead area.  If you want to be part of the conversation you can become a member using the membership form found on our website. 

Homestead also contributes to the monthly "Southwest Neighborhoods SW News".  You can subscribe online at


Comments relating to the Homestead NA, the Homestead Enews or the website can be made at 

Jackie Phillips 
Vice-President, Homestead Neighborhood Association 

NOTICE: If you no longer live or own property in the Homestead neighborhood and do not want to receive these emails, please reply accordingly and we will remove your email address from our list-serve.  Thank-you. 

You're invited!                               

Neighborhood meetings are held at 7:00pm, the first Tuesday of each month during the school year at the OHSU CDRC, 3rd Floor, SW 6th and SW Gaines Street.




Your Homestead Neighborhood Association Board