Choose from a range of outdoor and indoor (safely distanced) projects. Paint, garden, stain, clean cabins, do trail work, wood chip, build fences, split and stack firewood, move sheds, lay shingles, and more. Many hands make light work!

RSVP to our registrar, Kati Allen, at: or call our office:
608-734-3113, by MAY 4. Let us know how many people are coming with you and whether or not you need housing for Friday night and meals for Saturday.

Lodging reservations are on a First come, first served basis.

SCHEDULE (tentative)
Friday, May 7
6-7 pm Check in and Settle into lodging
7:15 pm Welcome and Intros at MC Patio
Explore Saturday Projects
8:00 pm Outdoor Worship and Campfire

Saturday, May 8
8:00 am Breakfast - MC
8:45 Opening Devotions and welcome to
Saturday Volunteer Arrivals
Pick-a-Project and Teams
9:15 Work Projects Underway!
NOON Lunch - MC
1 pm Work Projects continue
Snack and Gatorade Breaks (delivered)
5:30 pm Supper - MC
Resume projects, relax, or pack up
7:15 pm Closing Worship and Campfire
Go in Peace!