Data is Blooming!
June 2019 Newsletter
What's Budding in Your County?  
McKenzie and Williams counties, two of the core oil and gas producing counties in North Dakota, had the  highest percentages of population growth in the U.S. among counties with at least 10,000 residents .
Get Advice to Help Youth Bloom.
Parenting adolescents is challenging when trying to balance discipline and love to prevent adolescent substance use and abuse.  Parents  use communication strategies in hopes of controlling the adolescent's behavior, but parents' choice of strategy depends on the behavior.  Parents  extend privileges if they observe good behavior, and they make rules stricter and controls tighter if the children do not match the standards created in the household to keep check on substance use.
In this article, Shweta Arpit Srivastava and Dr. Ann Burnett share results from a study conducted to explore how parents respond to the possibility of adolescent substance use and what they are doing to prevent its occurrence.

Which City is Growing the Fastest?
The U.S. Census Bureau recently released new population estimates for cities and towns.

Which major city in North Dakota (with population 2,500 or more) was the fastest growing city from 2017 to 2018? 
A Bouquet of Thanks.
After more than five years working as the ND Compass project director, Kendra Erickson-Dockter moved with her family to the Twin Cities area where her husband started a new job. As you all know, Kendra has played a critical role in the development and success of the ND Compass project. Her professionalism and enthusiasm have been an example and a motivation for all of us. We thank her for the dedication and passion she has given to the project. She will be greatly missed by us and by our collaborators.

The Newest Buds.
New data is blooming every day. Make sure you check back often for the newest data available! 

North Dakota Compass | 701.231.5916 | |
PO Box 6050, Dept. 2362, Fargo, ND, 58108-6050
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