November 16, 2018
 8th of Kislev, 5779 

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    Parshat Vayeitzei
Candle Lighting at 5:12 PM

It's Not Me, It's Us

  When Yaakov wakes from his famous dream, he declares: "אכן יש ה' במקום הזה ואנכי לא ידעתי - Indeed God is in this place and I did not know." On first glance, Yaakov seems to simply be expressing his surprise at the revelation of God he experiences. In Chasidic thought, though, Yaakov's declaration is not a statement about his having been unaware of God's presence, but is, instead, an instruction about how to reach spiritual heights. Yaakov declares, "Indeed God is in this place ואנוכי לא ידעתי," because I did not know אנוכי; I was not concerned with myself! How do we feel the presence of Hashem? By not focusing on ourselves. Often, we pursue what David Brooks calls "resume virtues," which focus on our own personal accomplishments. Instead we should not focus on אנוכי, but on others and on God. That ultimately will allow us to know that יש ה' במקום הזה, that God's presence is indeed here; that, in turn, will lead to true self-fulfillment.

I am so proud of the dizzying array of accomplishments, chesed opportunities, and activities that our students are involved in, looking beyond themselves, helping others, and ultimately building themselves into the next generation of Jewish leaders. It was also so great to see how many 8th graders are interested in learning about the KYHS experience. Thank you to our Director of Admissions, Mrs. Melissa Pereira for coordinating an extraordinary Open House that attracted a record number of families.  Thank you to the Highlites staff for designing this incredible edition which gives you a glimpse into the myriad opportunities that our students have to reach beyond themselves.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Jonathan Kroll
Head of School

Upcoming Events
Nov. 19  
GBVBall Game @DKJA 
Nov. 20   
GVBBall game vs Hillel @ KYHS  
Nov. 21    
2:04 Mincha followed by Early Dismissal   
Nov. 22-23    
Thanksgiving break   
Good and Welfare
Brandy (Brener '05) and Aryeh Meiteles on the birth of their twin son and daughter!  
Jessica (Hoffman '05) and Avidan Bienenfeld on the birth of their son, Azriel Dov 
Bayla (Halbstein '09) and Dovid Weissman on the birth of their son, Akiva Yehuda
Emily (Waxman '09) and Binyamin Davrayev on the birth of their twin son and daughter!
Aliza (Friedman '10) and Lior Goldstein ('10) on the birth of their son, Noam Yaakov 
Mikey Pearl ('16) to Rachelli Goldberg ('16). KYHS's 13th couple! 

Faculty Mazel Tovs
Mrs. Michal and Rabbi Noah Zisquit on the birth of their son. 

Aliza (Friedman '10) Goldstein on the passing of her beloved father, Judah Friedman.
An Eye-Opening Open House  
KYHS Welcomes Prospective Parents and Students into Our Home
Graphic by Akiva Stadlan ('19) 
Article by Molly Seghi ('22)
This past Sunday, KYHS held an Open House for prospective students and their parents. "This was the largest open house in KYHS history. Close to 350 people attended," noted Melissa Pereira, Director of Admissions. The incoming freshmen and their families were greeted by current freshman ambassadors. Video presentations were shown to the audience, followed by a pastry breakfast. After breakfast, students took an interactive building tour while parents attended an informational meeting, participated in an open question-and-answer session, and experienced a taste of what classes at KYHS are all about. Ariana Kenigsberg, prospective freshman, says: "The KYHS open house was an amazing experience for me. Having had only a glimpse of what KYHS is about, I felt that not only does it have a beautiful campus, but it's also fun and an extremely welcoming environment. I can't wait to join next year, and to be part of the KYHS family!" We cannot wait to welcome the class of 2023!
KYHS Soccer Squashes Competition 
Girls Soccer Wins First in the Scheck Hillel Tournament, While Boys Finish with a Shutout
Graphic by Noa Markovitz ('19) and Avi Linzer ('19)
Article by Meital Fixler ('19)

Congratulations to the girls' soccer team on becoming the Scheck Hillel Tournament champions! With a whopping 4-2 victory against the Posnack Rams on Monday, the girls soccer team advanced to the finals against Hillel NMB. The girls' passing, defense, and teamwork was remarkable, leading to their 5-1 victory Wednesday night. Jolie Aloof and Sara Baum's outstanding performance in the tournament granted them both MVP awards.
As for the boys, the tournament resulted in a third-place finish. Though the team lost its first game to the tournament host, they finished off strong with an 8-0 victory against Yeshivah of Flatbush. The boys had commendable performances in both games, and the tournament ended off with the MVP award being granted to Zev Goldberg and Yosef Ovadia. Good luck to both teams on the remainder of their seasons.
Arguing Their Way to Success
Debate Club Passionately Participates in Debut Debate Competition 
Graphic by Aerin Tripp ('22) and Chana Schandelson ('22)
Article by Lexi Cohen ('19)

       This past Wednesday, the KYHS Debate Team traveled to its first debate tournament in South Miami at the Christopher Columbus High School. The students competed in vigorous rounds of intensive debates, discussing topics such as humans acting on self interest and issues regarding pharmaceuticals. The team spent hours at the tournament and concluded with an awards ceremony in which Aharon Brandwein ('19) and Adin Blumofe ('21) placed sixth in their category ranking. The team cannot wait for its next tournament in December! Aharon Brandwein said, "It was a great experience! I really learned a lot about debating and I'm much more confident in my skills!"
Resting Our Minds While Exercising the Right to Vote 
   Students Spend Election Day Rejuvenating After Months of Hard Work
G raphic by Sivan Mussaffi ('20) and Mayrav Saketkhou ('20)
Article by Sara Deichman ('19)

     November 6th allowed for a brief respite from school for the student body. Established as a "mental health day," students used the day off to sleep in and spend time with friends. For some, Election Day presented the opportunity to take to the polls and vote for the very first time. Senior Marissa Avni explained, "It was amazing knowing that my voice was making a difference and I was able to choose America's path going forward." Of course, since we try to infuse each of our days with Torah, Rabbi Hochman created a learning opportunity for students and faculty alike in the form of a seven-minute digital D'var Torah. Faculty members spent the day in school working on professional development. In the end, the reprieve from school granted an opportunity for personal development for all!
Kislev, Kumztiz, and Kugel
Students Nourish Their Souls with Soulful Singing and Delicious Food 
Graphic by Devora Lome ('22) and Benny Keehn ('22)
Bringing Bioethics to the Boardroom
Ted Deutch Speaks to the Bioethics Club about How Congress Deals with the Opioid Crisis 
Graphic by Liora Mayer ('20)  and Naomi Reichenberg ('22)
Article by Chani Kaminetsky ('20)

This past Monday, the Bioethics Fellowship, a new KYHS installment, began with its first speaker. Ted Deutch came and spoke about the opioid crisis and answered thought-provoking questions from both students and teachers. He described Congress's process of lawmaking and informed the students about the challenging ethical debates that are continuously discussed in this field. Following Congressman Ted Deutch's address, the students and some faculty members enjoyed an amazing dinner and continued with informal discussions. The students truly enjoyed the opportunity to talk about the ethical questions that are apparent in the field of medicine. Thank you to the Legacy Foundation for generously sponsoring this amazing experience!
KYHS Engineers a Robotics Win
Dr. Wolf's Robotics Teams Take Over Florida, Placing in the Top Three     
Graphic by Justin Isaacs ('19)
Article by Adina Hirsch ('19)
This past Sunday, three different teams comprised of KYHS students participated in a South Florida VEX Robotics tournament. The robots were completely customized and designed by students, each of whom spent tens of hours after school testing and perfecting their robots on the field in the back of Dr. Wolf's STEM classroom. There were 45 total teams competing in the tournament, and each team competed in 6 rounds of round-robin competitions. This year's game included a turning point program in which students had to maneuver robots through flipping caps, shooting flags with balls, and parking, all of which required much practice. One KYHS team, made up of Josh Bernten, Eitan Gelman, Yehudah Marcus, and Yaakov Eisenmann, won all six rounds and continued on to the semifinals in the elimination round. The top two KYHS teams finished in third and fourth place with a combined record of 11-1. "It was slow to start but turned into a fast-paced game and the day flew by. Overall, it was crazy coming in 3rd place out of 45!" remarked Eitan Gelman. KYHS is so proud of these students for their creativity,  determination, and persistence in creating these robots!
Graphic by Mayrav Saketkhou ('20)

I missed a lot of school this past week. I'm super overwhelmed and have WAY too much work to make up! Any advice?
-Heavy Load

Hi! Missing school is so difficult because of all the learning you miss. First, make sure to ask a classmate to send you all of the notes and assignments you missed. Review all the notes you missed, and if you don't understand a particular concept, either ask the classmate to further explain it or ask your teacher to go over it with you. If you have to make up multiple assignments in each class within a few days, try asking your teacher respectfully to give you an extension. Teachers can be very accommodating! Also, don't request to take all of the tests you missed on the same day; it will be nearly impossible to study for all them. Instead, speak to your teachers and space out all of the tests you missed. The most important thing to remember is to stay calm and do not panic; if you are on top of all your work, you will get it done!

You can do this!!!

This Week in Pictures  
The Yeshiva Highlites Staff