Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How long will the Library building be closed?
The Shelter-in-Place Order issued by the Monterey County Public Health Officer went into effect on Tuesday, March 17. We will continue to assess the situation and reopen once the order is lifted.

Returns: We encourage you to keep books and materials at home until we reopen. Our reopen date has not been determined.

Due Dates: Loan periods for Monterey and Pacific Grove Public Library material have been extended to May 30, 2020.

Holds: We will continue to hold materials for you, and your hold will not expire while we are closed.

Fines: Monterey and Pacific Grove Public Library are not charging overdue fines during the closure.

Library Cards: If you don’t have a card or have misplaced it, you can apply online and we will mail you one. If you have a card and forgot your PIN, you can reset it by visiting My Account . If the card was set to expire, the expiration date has been extended.

Need help navigating virtual services like Facebook Live, Zoom and more? Have a reference question, or a question about other City services?
Library staff are here to help. Call 831-646-3933 or email , Monday - Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm and Saturday, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm.