Special Safety Alert    Sept. 3, 2020  


We wished to make you aware of the latest expectations from MIOSHA on COVID-19. MIOSHA has a Coronavirus Disease 2019 Interim Enforcement Plan.

The agency is visiting facilities and is responding to any complaint calls it receives. The agency also is using the General Duty Clause Act to impose fines on those that are NOT following the Executive Orders (142 and 161) or the following MIOSHA requirements.

Per MIOSHA, all businesses with in-person operations shall do the following:
  • Develop COVID-19 Preparedness & Response Plan
  • Designate COVID-19 site supervisor
  • Provide employee COVID-19 training
  • Conduct daily entry self-screening protocol
  • Maintain six feet of social distancing
  • Provide non-medical face coverings & consider use of face shields
  • Develop response & notification plan for confirmed cases
  • Restrict non-essential business travel
  • Encourage use of PPE & hand sanitizer
  • Promote remote work
  • Adopt additional controls as necessary
Members should understand that this is a requirement and compliance is mandatory. If you do not have these provisions in place, you could be fined by MIOSHA.

If anyone needs support or help getting these documents around, please contact A.J. Hale of CompOne at 269-789-9166 (office), 269-339-1544 (cell) or
For more information on safety guidance, visit our website.


 Michigan Counties Workers' Compensation Fund  

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Michigan Association of Counties

110 W. Michigan Ave., Suite 200
Lansing, Michigan 48933
Tel: (800) 258-1152 or (517) 372-5374
Fax: (517) 482-4599

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