Embracing the Winter Thaw

There are unmistakable signs that spring has finally sprung—flowers blooming, the return of the robins, and the unique sound of spring peepers. For ClearWater Conservancy, it means we are headed out to clean up trash, working on riparian buffers, and guiding outdoor excursions!
Watershed Cleanup Day
April 20th marks the 23 rd annual Watershed Cleanup Day! Since 1997, Watershed Cleanup Day volunteers have removed 6.195 million pounds of waste from local streams, roadways, sinkholes, and illegal dumpsites. Led by ClearWater Conservancy and in partnership with Centre County Recycling & Refuse Authority and the local MS4 partners, Watershed Cleanup Day is supported by local contractors, heavy equipment operators, businesses, and Centre County municipalities. All materials, including gloves, bags, and safety vests are provided. We will wrap up this year’s cleanup with a picnic at Circleville Park for all those involved in the day’s activities. Signup below to join the 2019 Cleanup as a group, family, or individual.
Stream Buffer Projects
The winter thaw also means it’s time for us to start planting trees and completing spring maintenance on our riparian stream buffers. This year we are receiving 400 trees from Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership! Now in its second year, the partnership’s goal is to plant 10 Million trees by 2025.

“Trees, especially those alongside streams and streets, are one of the most cost-effective ways to restore and protect stream health, help keep nutrients and soils on the land, and cleanse drinking water sources,” said CBF Project Manager Brenda Sieglitz. “More trees benefit our farmers, our communities, and our health and welfare. Thanks to the work of valued partners like ClearWater Conservancy, we can reach this ambitious goal and build a legacy of clean water for future generations.”

Signup as an Outdoor Volunteer below to receive information about upcoming planting dates.
Additional Centred Outdoors Events
Now in its third year, Centred Outdoors has become a part of many central Pennsylvania residents’ summer recreation routine. Hikes at local sites like Rhoneymeade and Poe Paddy State Park offer accessible outdoor opportunities for all skill levels while excursions like the Art Walk, a guided tour of State College’s permanent art installations, combine both exercise and education! In 2019, we are expanding our Centred Outdoors opportunities with additional spring & fall excursions:

May 12 2-5 p.m.: Mother's Day Wildflower Walk at Spring Creek Canyon
May 19 2-5 p.m.: The Arboretum at Penn State Wildflower Walk
May 26 2-5 p.m.: Barrens to Bald Eagle Wildlife Corridor
Sept. 15 2-5 p.m.: Millbrook Marsh Nature Center
Sept. 22 2-5 p.m.: Poe Paddy State Park

Signup below to receive information about upcoming Centred Outdoors events.
Musser Gap to Valleylands 2nd Community Forum
TONIGHT March 28, 6 p.m.
Please join us for our second community conversation about the Penn State University owned 365-acre property known as MG2V (musser gap to valleylands). We are facilitating this conversation alongside the students of PSU's landscape architecture program. We will be summarizing the conversations to date and seeking feedback on preliminary strategy ideas for the future of the property. We look forward to continuing the conversation with you! For MG2V updates, follow the project facebook page.
Photo by Damian Heltman-Gray
Additional Needle-felted Bird Workshop Added!
March 30, 2-5 p.m.
Limited Spots Remaining! Join us for a day of needle-felting. Learn basic skills and create a bird sculpture along with Conservancy members Libby Mortensen and Virginia Belser. Choose to make either a Black Capped Chickadee, a Golden Winged Warbler, or create your own original bird. Registration fee: $50 Space is limited.
Rain Barrel Workshop
April 7, 2–4 p.m. 
Limited Spots Remaining! This workshop will explain the importance of using rain barrels for storm water control and provide instruction, materials, and assistance in building a rain barrel. Participants will take home a finished 55-gallon rain barrel. The $35 registration fee covers one barrel per household (up to 5 people). This workshop is made possible with the support of our MS4 partners: College Twp, Ferguson Twp, Harris Twp, Patton Twp. Penn State University, and State College Borough.
Adventures in Conservation: Woodcock Walk
April 17, 7-9 p.m.
Join us on the Woodcock Trail at PSU Stone Valley Forest for a brief Woodcock orientation followed by an evening observing the mating display of the American Woodcock, one of the most dramatic spring courtship rituals in Penn’s Woods. There is no cost to attend, but registration is required. Registration is limited to 20 individuals. 
Tools Needed!
ClearWater Conservancy is in need of a few specific tools to aid in our stream buffer work.
  • Sledge Hammers (2-4lbs)
  • Hand Pruners
  • Soil Knives
  • Loppers
  • Shears
New or Pre-owned tools in usable condition are appreciated. To see examples of the tools needed or to purchase and have them delivered directory to ClearWater Conservancy, visit our Amazon Wish List
Save the Date:
Centre Gives | May 7 & 8
Centre Foundation’s 36-hour online giving event is set to begin on May 7 at 8 a.m. and conclude on May 8 at 8 p.m. The event aims to support the great work of local non-profits serving Centre County. All gifts made to ClearWater during the 36 hour event go further thanks to Centre Foundation’s stretch pool! Also, you're invited to join us the evening of May 8th for our annual Centre Gives reception at Barrel 21.
Your Gift Makes a Difference!
When we all work together to connect people and wildlife, we all benefit. Yet, there is still so much to do. ClearWater Conservancy relies on each of you to keep our work running year-round without pause.

Your contribution is an investment in the overall resilience of our region, ensuring a vibrant and wonderful place to call home for countless future generations. Make a donation today and secure your membership for 2019.
ClearWater Conservancy | 814-237-0400 | |