Pastor's Periodic Pondering  
by Pastor Josh Nelson

As part of my daughter's birthday weekend, she asked for an all-expense paid whirlwind trip to Italy.  Uh...that wasn't going to happen.  So, she settled for the next best thing: A Sunday 
 afternoon lunch out with dessert at Cosetta's in downtown St. Paul.  Have you been to this place?  I ask people that frequently because it is such a fun restaurant, plus it has an Italian market next door and then the coup de gras (pardon my French) - a Pasticceria.  That is Italian for 'oh wow, this is crazy delicious!'  Actually, a Pasticceria is simply a pastry and dessert shop that provides quite an array of sumptuous, delectable and exquisitely-created treats that leave  your taste buds crying out for more!

Aside from the wonderful desserts served with a dense, creamy teeny cup of Italiano Espresso, my favorite moment was when a woman was eyeing the d isplay case, then looking over at our table.  Then she'd eye the display case again, then look over our way.  I'm sure I was frowning back at her, ready to protect my treats in case she lung ed for them.
But something about my wife and daughter's expressions always seems to invite people - especially strangers - to engage with us.  This happens a lot.  The middle-aged woman was obviously overwhelmed with all the choices, so walked right up to us and started asking us about each thing we ordered and what we liked about it.  She wanted details.  She cheerily talked with us as if we were long-lost friends, and in the end, took Solveig's recommendation to try the strawberry custard tartlet.  Despite my frown, I do like to make a connection with strangers, and it made our little outing to the Pasticceria that much more fun.

"Do Small Things With Great Love."  That is a quote attributed to Mother Theresa.  Visiting a pastry shop that takes great pride in presenting heavenly, hand-made-with-care desserts, reminded me of that quote.  But so did our interaction with that woman, who nearly became a new friend for us!  We do so well when we take such care with the little things in our faith lives, don't we? 
Such as: the way we hold ourselves in public, being open and kind and engaging with others.  The way we serve, even in small yet helpful ways.  The way we bring our worship before God, with deliberation and care and humility.  The way we pray for a neighbor who is hurting.  The way we reach out with a small gesture of mercy toward somebody who is struggling.  Or the way we speak kindly and charitably toward others, and so model the great Christian attribute of 'kindness.'

I'll end with a charitable act of kindness myself, by recommending you go try a particular dessert at this place: a Mini Opera Cake.  So many flavors in each bite!  And so much lingering chocolate mousse on the tongue!  Then was h it down with an ounce of dark espresso; you won't be sorry!  The caffeine jolt will keep you up an extra hour, but think of all the small kindnesses you could do with an extra hour in the day.

See you at church where we sweetly sing God's praises!

~ Pr. Josh


Mission Trip Info Meetings:  Sunday, Nov. 18 at noon
Those interested in going to El Salvador this summer will meet in the Conference Room. The Whitewater/Adventure trip and Puerto Rico trip will meet in the Youth Room. Ask questions, get more details and sign up for these awesome trips! Email Andie Rydberg with questions. 

Seeds of Hope Sponsors
Please write a Christmas card to your student. Enclose a family photo and/or a favorite Bible verse. Cards are due at FoC by November 21.
Thanksgiving Caroling - Tuesday, Nov. 20 6:30 to 8:00 PM 
Join us for a unique and joyful way to celebrate the season of Thanksgiving. We'll go Thanksgiving-Caroling to our friends at Bethesda Lutheran Community in Victoria, as well as one group home on Rolling Acres Road. It's a music service event! Meet at church at 6:30 for some hot cider, then we'll carpool together to our destination. No sign-up is necessary since we'll just be taking our show on the road with whoever can join us.  

Thanks to all who have offered up their pledges for our congregation's ministry for 2019. We continue to receive pledges, and if you haven't turned yours in yet, please do so! Blank pledge cards are available in the church office. Let's all continue to         expand upon the power of God's love in all the ways we serve, worship, give, pray, and share.

Read the latest issue of the FoC  Family News  for upcoming 
events & announcements.