Don't miss out!
Avoid the lines for football tickets for Friday’s championship game - purchase your tickets at the high school this week between 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday; or order on-line using PROMO code: CFTigers at: 
A small credit goes back to
CF for every ticket we sell!

All #tigerpride @CFHSGoTigers fans are welcome to gather at @MulligansCF Friday, November 16, from 4-6 p.m. Then we'll depart for the UNI Dome and attend the 7 p.m., 4A State Championship Game and cheer on the Tigers!
The Cedar Falls Community School District is excited to offer an opportunity for local businesses to partner with our elementary teachers during the month of December. Each elementary classroom will spend 1-2 weeks during the month on computer science lessons and we plan to arrange a community volunteer for at least one hour in each classroom during that time. In order to meet this goal, we will need many businesses to help support this project and approximately 150 total volunteers. Please share this link with your co-workers who might be interested in volunteering: Cedar Falls Schools, Hour of Code Volunteer Sign Up

The elementary classes will be using lessons from the Code.Org materials available online. These lessons are also planned to coincide with the Hour of Code Week, December 3-9, 2018. Teachers and schools that host Hour of Code events are encouraged to include community volunteers in the classroom during these activities. Our goal is to arrange a volunteer to join each classroom for a 1 hour lesson some time during the month of December. The role of the volunteers would include working with students as they complete the online lessons and potentially providing a short explanation of experiences they have had in computer science. We hope to have all volunteers identified by November 21.

This event in December coincides with a new district wide plan to provide Computer Science instruction for students at all levels. This plan includes the addition this year of a Computer Science for Innovators and Makers course for all 7th graders as part of their exploratory rotation. At the high school level, two Computer Science courses, Computer Science Essentials and Computer Science Principles, have been added as elective opportunities for students. The Cedar Falls School District also received a $19,000 grant for the sta te to support Professional Development opportunities in Computer Science for teachers. This funding is in part supporting the implementation of our Hour of Code activities in December.

Please contact Kenton Swartley, Community Partnerships/STEM Facilitator, with any questions. .

Cedar Falls Schools | 319-553-3000 |  Website