Alicia continues our month of gratitude:
Gratitude is a form of prayer; it’s a mental list of special people or experiences; it’s an attitude, it’s an exercise, and it’s a mindfulness-based practice that has been shown to literally change the brain.* 

For me, gratitude is a feeling of fullness. At the top of my gratitude list is my family. When I leave my parents’ home after a dinner together, I feel so full. Not just because my mom is a food-pusher (aren’t all moms?), but because I feel so content, so full, that I couldn’t possibly need any more of any thing in that moment. I can feel the belly laughs, the warmth of home, and my cheeks are sore from smiling. 

“‘Enough’ is a feast,” so the Buddhist proverb goes, and that’s what I feel when I’m with family. 

The same goes for my BYS Yoga Collective family and, by extension, the larger Pittsburgh yoga community. It’s in our yoga studios where I feel safe and supported. Yogis LOVE to give hugs, and I’m always greeted with a big squeeze or two in our studio. I'll give a plug for my favorite class of the year and say I get the most hugs at our annual Thanksgiving Day Practice. I’m really looking forward to it, and I hope to see some of you there. 

Giving thanks, 

w/ Nicole Zellie Lann

FRIDAY, November 16th 2018
6:30-8 p.m.

by donation / pay what you wish
No pre-registration required
w/ Mary Anne Buvens

SUNDAY, November 18th 2018
5:30-7 p.m.

regular class pricing
w/ Lynn Rescigno

WEDNESDAY, November 21st 2018
6:30- 8 p.m.

regular class pricing
w/ Alana DeLoge and Zach Rock

THURSDAY, November 22nd 2018
9-10:30 a.m.
Supporting: 412 Food Rescue

by donation // pay what you wish

Join master teacher Raghunath Cappo for a Bhakti yoga immersion at BYS Yoga Collective. You can choose to take Flight School, Bhakti Yoga 101, or a Master Class, or enroll in all three workshops and enjoy a free lunch!