November 15, 2018
Issue #474
November 18, 2018: YRUU Service: Stone Soup
The Annual Stone Soup Service will be designed and conducted by the youth again this year. What will the cast of characters overlaying the story be this year? Wizard of OZ? Harry Potter? Marvel Superheroes? Come to find out and enjoy this family-oriented service. And of course, there will be a sample of some soup (vegan and gluten free) and bread.
Please bring your own tableware. It will help us not use paper bowls.
Upcoming Topics and Leaders
11/18/18 Still Two More Mary Oliver Poems
Doug Kerr
11/25/18 Thanksgiving Gratitudes All comers
The Sunday Circle is held from 9:00 am to 10:00 am each Sunday in the Fireside Room.
Dear community,
Smoke fills our skies and stories of tragedy fill our hearts. Thank you to everyone who has reached out and connected with one another to show up with tangible and spiritual support for those impacted by the fires. This is a note from my colleague Rev. Bryan Plude, minister of the Chico UU Fellowship, which includes suggestions of how to offer financial support:
"Thank you for your kind thoughts, prayers, texts and emails!
As you have probably heard, Paradise has lost about 6500 homes. The town is 95 percent destroyed. Other, smaller towns have also suffered severe damage.
All of our members who lived within the fire zone have been located and are safe. We still have a couple frequent visitors we have been unable to locate. We assume that most, if not all, have lost their homes.
Air quality in Chico exceeded 995 parts per million on Friday. We don't know how much higher it was, as that's as high as the meter reads. It was dark at noon.
While the fire is still active, the immediate danger to Chico seems to have passed. We were fortunate in that predicted very high winds in the mountains on Saturday night did not materialize. Going into Saturday night, authorities were fearful for Oroville.
As those of you who have been through this realize, the road to recovery is very long. If you wish to help financially, consider a donation to UUFC. Put Camp Fire in the memo line. The address is below. We are setting up a dedicated disaster account. Or, make a donation to the
UUA Disaster Relief Fund.
While we have taken a severe blow, we feel fortunate for what we did not lose and the support of the larger UU community. Thank you.
Rev. Bryan Plude
UU Fellowship in Chico
1289 Filbert Avenue
Chico, CA 95926
Congregational Workshop: January 25 & 26
Please mark your calendars for this important event in January. Rev. Jan Christian, our regional congregational life staff, will be here to facilitate a "Start-up" workshop. UU congregations across our denomination have found the opportunity for an outside professional to facilitate conversation between a congregation and a new minister early in their ministry to be an incredibly valuable experience.
On Friday evening, Jan will engage our whole community in exploring the history and culture of the congregation. We'll begin with a potluck supper at 5:30, and plan to end at 9pm.
On Saturday morning (8:45am-12:00pm), Jan will lead a conversation for congregational leaders about expectations of roles and responsibilities, supporting us in clarifying how we will work together to achieve our five developmental goals. The Board, Committee on Shared Ministry, all committee chairs, and anyone who considers themselves a leader here (or would like to!) is encouraged to attend.
Hopes and Histories
I am seeking hosts for Hopes and Histories conversations that will take place from January-June, 2019. Please email me (
revmarcus@uumarin.org) if you would like to host a group of 8-10 at your home. I will ask hosts to receive RSVPs and provide light refreshments. I will reach out to work out dates once I have enough hosts assembled. Thank you for supporting me in delving deeper into hearing the stories of this community!
With you on the Journey,
Rev. Marcus
Holiday Season Again?
Each year it seems to come earlier into the stores and marketing ploys. Each year I get less and less interested in supporting the consumptive nature of a materialistic aspect of the winter holidays as presented by the advertising industry which prides itself for creating markets where there used to be none. For years I have participated in "Buy Nothing Day", which is the day after Thanksgiving. This year I am considering extending that to "Buy Nothing Weekend" with the exception of movie tickets or other family entertainment options. As we enter this season of beautiful darkness, let's support our families and children to reflect on gratitude and the importance of the people in our lives through non-commercial, consumptive means. Hugs, food, handwritten notes, a phone call, and handmade gifts are traditional and meaningful. In what ways can you share your courageous love in this season?
Stone Soup
, Nov 18: Families with children in grade 5 and up please arrive at 9:30. 5th through 7th graders help Mikey Songster make the soup, set the tables, etc. YRUU has a final rehearsal. To save on using paper bowls we invite families to bring their own tableware and then take it home to wash. This teen-led service will feature an original script with political satire. This decades-long tradition is always a Sunday to remember. (Please consider bringing your own tableware to save on paper products and clean-up.)
Socks Appeal - Joan Nelson would always get this rolling by making an announcement and calling attention to the wicker basket in the lobby. We heard that St. Vinnies has plenty of socks right now. So, we are collecting for those displaced by fires. New white tube socks are requested.
Deck the Halls
Dec 2, please plan on staying after the service again this year to make decorations for the sanctuary. Crafts, singing, and light lunch makes this a favorite multigenerational event at UUCM.
Fair Trade Chocolate Sales Return to UUCM - This lovely youth group project is back on track and new arrivals will be in this Sunday. You might want to buy some of this slave-trade-free yummies for stocking stuffers or just to have a guilt-free treat for yourself.
Parent Group - Last Sunday's Family Bowling was a success. (Check out the article elsewhere in this newsletter.) Next scheduled Parent Group dates and proposed topics:
- January 27 - Mindful/Spiritual Parenting?
- April 14 - Bringing UU Values and Social Justice Into the Home?
- July 27 - Pool Party?
Director of Family Ministries
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Marin
Upcoming dates link to the UUCM calendar for saving on iCal, Outlook etc.
Adult Ed Meeting - November 18
Our next Adult Ed meeting is on
Sunday Nov. 18th from 12:15-1:30. Please join us in the Fireside Room to plan enriching programs. Please send requests for agenda items by Nov.16th to Ilana Trumbull -
Editing Volunteer Positions Open
Are you technically inclined and want to help the Communications Committee? I am looking for one or two UUCM member volunteers to edit the Special Announcements and/or Uucmconnect newsletters using Constant Contact. Mostly this is a copy and paste operation. I will do the actual sending when the editing is finished. I will train you on using the Constant Contact software. These newsletters are sent as needed. If you are interested contact Lisa at
Before and after the service this Sunday we will be selling craft items made by our talented members.
Please visit our table in the foyer.
All proceeds go to UUCM.
Remarkable People - November 16
Our next Remarkable People are Kristina Gale and David Tetta on November 16.
Kristina is a native of Finland, married to Ben, and a mother of three. Her colorful family includes an uncle who was the second-tallest person in Finland in his day. She enjoys the activities of the Alpine Club and is looking forward to new experiences yet to come.
Dave is a native of the Bronx, married to Kim, and a father of two. He is a retired mechanical engineer and loves to swing dance. He also speaks German and Spanish.
UUCM Family Group Sunday
24 parents and kids gathered for a fun afternoon of bowling and pizza on Nov. 11 at Country Club Bowl in San Rafael. Bowlers of all ages made the scene, with the youngest at just five years old! This outing was organized by Jef Melcher, UUCM Director of Family Ministries, and Grace Dearborn and Ali Jenkins, UUCM Parent Group members. Thanks to all who participated and brought joy to the gathering!
Buy a Side with Love T-shirt
The UUCM Social Justice committee will be holding a Side with Love T-shirt sale/fundraiser
November 18 right before and after the 10:30 service.
We will have samples of all sizes to try on and take your orders. $28/each.When we show up to a rally, it's important to Side with Love and show who we are!
Social Justice Education/Action
Social Justice Committee Meeting - Sunday November 18, 2018, 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM
Do you want to make a difference in our county and the world?
We focus on local issues which are relevant to all of us. Bring your ideas and concerns to the
UUCM Social Justice Committee.
We meet the third Sunday of each month at noon.
Continue your commitment to environmental and economic justice by shopping at
Visitor's Box
We cherish diversity and welcome among us people of all races, cultures, ages, abilities, sexual identities/orientations, and faith perspectives.
are always welcome. Sunday worship is a time for inspiration, renewal, and connection.
join adults during the first part of the service, and then attend Religious Exploration classes. Nursery and toddler care is provided during the 10:30 service. There is a speaker system to bring sound from Fellowship Hall to the nursing room and the pre-K area.
in the Courtyard or
Fireside Room follows the services.
There are four "Sunday First Time Visitor" parking spots at the top of the parking lot.
Come, join us!
Staff Links
Office hours:
Tuesday-Thursday: mid-morning to late afternoon or into the evening.
Call, text or email to make an appointment.
415-578-9632 (direct), 510-213-0404 (cell)
Office hours:
Wed 10:30-2:00
Thursday 10:30-2:00
Sunday 9:00-1:00
I appreciate any feedback about this weekly newsletter.
eWeekly Deadline for Thursday issue:
Tuesday by 7 am - activities and announcements, Staff columns, committee reports
Weekly articles can contain:
- Notices of UUCM sponsored events, meetings, or other activities which involve the entire congregation.
- Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) or Pacific Central District (PCD) announcements of interest to the entire congregation.
(Staff article length 250 words)
Weekly, UUCM Connect and Special Announcements Editor: Lisa Cohen
Backup Production Editor: Valerie Taylor
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Marin 415- 578-9577 - Direct
240 Channing Way
San Rafael, CA 94903