I hope and pray all of you are still okay during this pandemic. I've been continuing to take daily walks around my neighborhood. While taking these walks, I've been taking pics of plants and animals.

I took these "grape" pics yesterday...I originally thought these were grapes. I wanted to taste them, but, they were too high and I could not reach them. These are growing near a lake down the street from my house. A friend of mine warned me that it might be moonseed.

Moonseed is very poisonous and folks sometimes confuse moonseed with grapes.

I Googled moonseed and grapes. After comparing the definitions of both, I've come to the "conclusion" that these plants are moonseed. When you are out walking and viewing plants, please be careful!
I also took pics of these flowers! The marigolds are in my yard. The petunias were planted in a common area in my neighborhood.
I've been trying to get a good pic of the turtles that live in the nearby lake. So far, I can only get a glimpse of them. They slide into the water so quickly! The white flower is also near the lake!
There are two crab apple trees down the street from my house. The apples have recently started turning red!
Thanks for taking time to look at my pics. Covid has forced me to take more interest in the natural beauty of my neighborhood. Taking long walks, reflecting, and observing nature just makes me appreciate all of God's wonderful creations!
I wanted to share a nice, inspiring five-star review that was recently posted on Amazon for Bittersweet Dreams:

Another wonderful love story by Cecelia Dowdy! The characters have real life concerns and challenges. The theme that resonates in this story is the reality that the Lord has to be the center of believer's life. This book was a great read!
~Donna R.W.~

Thanks for all of the delightful emails from those who've read, and enjoyed, Bittersweet Dreams! You should check out this wonderful romance on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited. It's a sweet, inspiring and emotional read!

Take care and stay safe!
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Books by Cecelia Dowdy
The Bakery Romance Series
The Candy Beach Series
Historical Standalone Titles