This Week's Announcements
November 12, 2018
Message from the Rector
November 12, 2018
As Jesus taught, he said, "Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes, and to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, and to have the best seats in the synagogues and places of honor at banquets! They devour widows' houses and for the sake of appearance say long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation." He sat down opposite the treasury, and watched the crowd putting money into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums. A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which are worth a penny. Then he called his disciples and said to them, "Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury. For all of them have contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on."                                    Mark 12:38-44
This Gospel lesson combines two stories: the story of Jesus denouncing the scribes and the story of the Widow's Mite. Jesus was not concerned with whether or not one contributed to the treasury, nor was he concerned about how much. These stories are about making a commitment, and for that reason, these stories relate to our appeals for your support of our parish because they are really appeals for us to show our commitment to God through Jesus Christ as it is manifested through the work of All Saints Church.  The story of The Widow's Mite is an appropriate text to begin our conversation about stewardship.

The rich folks gave large sums of money to the temple treasury, but the widow gave all that she had to live on. She wasn't just making a contribution out of her abundance, she was giving her total self. Now, I'm not suggesting that you deplete your bank account and give everything to the church. Rather, God expects total commitment of us. God wants our hearts to be all in for him. Remember the story I told you a few weeks ago about the chicken and the pig? God doesn't want a mere contribution, God wants a total commitment--not simply of money, but of our hearts, minds, and souls. Indeed, our very being. The money is a sign of our commitment. If we are committed to God and the work of his church, then we will give what it takes from our abundance to see that the church can do its work.

The story of the Widow's Mite is told right after Jesus slams the scribes for being corrupt. Jesus was not trying to denounce the temple or its scribes. Jesus was a good Jew. And the Temple was not just any building, it was not just any place, it was the center of the faith of the Hebrew people and in the midst of the Temple was the Holy of Holies, the dwelling place of the Ark of the Covenant containing the tablets of the commandments given to Moses by God himself. The temple wasn't corrupt, it was corrupted by the men that ran it. Jesus wasn't denouncing scribes; he was denouncing the scribes who flaunted their office and abused their power. The temple needed scribes, but it needed scribes who were committed to the work of the temple, not to their own monetary gains, or to their personal pride, or to sabotaging the work of the temple because they simply didn't like what was going on. The temple needed scribes who were focused on the temple's mission of sharing God's love in the world. Has the church done the same thing? Unfortunately, yes. The church is an institution run by imperfect people. Throughout history, the church has been like the scribes in today's gospel, so focused on itself as an institution that it has neglected to be a haven for imperfect people in an imperfect world. The church has too often flaunted its holiness, yet has been guilty of discrimination, racism, homophobia, marginalization, pedophilia, rejection of science, neglect of the people who are in need, because it is too busy being holy. William Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury during the 1940s, preached that worship is important, but we cannot be so preoccupied with worship that we fail to spend time in the world. In other words, we must spend some of our time in worship, but we should also spend time outside worship so we can see and be a part of the world, so that we can see where the world needs God's love. If the church can't engage the world as it is, then it cannot help people see that God loves them no matter who they are, where they come from, or how much--or how little--they have. We are to be totally committed to God and that means recognizing the needs of the world to bring a bit of God's love to a broken world. That can only happen by deepening relationships and getting to know one another better.

You will be hearing more and more about how we will go about getting to know each other better as a community of committed believers. We're going to talk to each other more. As our conversation around stewardship unfolds over the coming weeks, you will notice some differences compared to the way we have approached stewardship in the past. This year's effort will be more relational and will involve one-on-one contact. We want to what you're thinking and how you can show your commitment to this place. We try very hard to bring the love of God to a world crying out for love and connection, but there is so much more that we can do.

We need your support to continue to do worship, fellowship, and outreach in this place and be witnesses of the good news of Jesus Christ to each other and folks we haven't met yet. Now that our parish hall is near completion, we're going to need more robust support from you so that we can support the increase in staffing, the increased use of space, the increased use of natural resources like electricity, and the increased care for the physical needs of this place. And our efforts won't be limited to the present. We also need to have a conversation about planning for our future and the legacy we will leave to the next generation of members of All Saints. These conversations will not be limited to a few weeks in November, either. This is to be an ongoing effort all through the year, and we're going to talk about being in a committed relationship, so don't be surprised when you get a phone call.

Events this Week
(Proper 27)

Monday, November 11
7:30 PM - Events & Planning Committee Meeting

Tuesday, November 12
7:00 PM - Bible Study
"The Gospel of Mark"

Wednesday, November 13
(Samuel Seabury, Bishop)

7:00 PM - Low Mass
7:30 PM - Choir Rehearsal

Friday, November 15
(St. Margaret)

9:30 AM - Morning Prayer
7:30 PM - Enzeñanzas para la Vida Diaria

Sunday, November 18
(Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost)
7:45 AM - Said Mass (Rite 1)
9:15 AM - La Misa en Español (Orden Episcopal)
11:00 AM - High Mass (Rite 2)

Tuesday Evening Bible Study

The topic for the fall season is

The Gospel of Mark

Tuesdays @ 7:00 PM
in The Rectory

A potluck dinner is served, so bring a Bible and a dish to share.
All are welcome.

Thank you to everyone who attended my grand celebration, for the wonderful wishes you offered, and for the generous gifts you gave. I am so blessed to serve this fabulous community of the faithful.

Gracias a todos que vinieron a mi gran celebración, para los maravillosos deseos que me ofrecieron, y para los regalos generosos que me dieron. Soy tan dichoso servir esta fabulosa comunidad de los fieles.

Concert of Medieval Music
by Alkemie

Diana's Hunt: Songs of the Bestiary
Sunday, November 11, 2018

Thank you to everyone who helped us welcome Alkemie as they entertained us with songs about animals and nature.

Bring canned goods and non-perishable fruits & vegetables (e.g., pumpkins, squashes, gourds) this Sunday to adorn the High Altar for Thanksgiving.

Parish Hall Construction Update

Completion of the Parish Hall is nearing completion. The street is being dug for the electrical upgrade. The floors are being completed. Cabinets and restroom fixtures are being installed. During these final weeks of construction, you may notice unusual use of our spaces and grounds. It is temporary. Your prayers and patience are greatly appreciated.

                                      Upper level: new floor & kitchenette  

           Upper Level Restroom                                              Kitchen



In the final months of 2018, please keep up with your pledges.

In order for All Saints Church to continue its ministry and mission, we require an average weekly pledge of $4,000. This week we received $1,829.
You can pay your regular pledge and make other contributions to the General Church Fund online, or you can check the status of your contributions. Go to our church management page, called OnRealm. Contributions can be made by e-check (preferred) or by credit/debit card, and are automatically credited to your church record within one or two business days.  Click here to be directed to OnRealm to sign in or create a password. If you have any questions or trouble signing in, please send us an e-mail or call the church for assistance.
Update your information.
Actualiza tu información.
Please click below to be directed to our website where you can download the Demographic Information Form. You may attach it to an e-mail and send it back to the church, or place it in the designated box on the table in the rear of the church.
Por favor, haz clic abajo para dirigirte a nuestro sitio web donde puedes descargar la forma demográfica. Puedes adjuntarla a un correo electrónico y enviarla a la iglesia, o ponerla en la caja designada en la parte de atrás de la iglesia.

Pastoral Care Opportunities offered by Pastor Leticia
Oportunidades de Cuidado Pastoral ofrecidas por Pastora Leticia

Sometimes we all need a listening heart to process the questions we face.

Give yourself the gift of a confidential conversation that is nonjudgmental, open to YOUR questions and spiritual challenges, and fully supportive of your life quest and spiritual needs.  Hard or challenging times need not be walked alone.  All Saints wants to be there for you, whatever the pain or need.

To schedule a conversation or visit, please call 718-350-9536 or 
click here to e-mail Pastor Leticia.

Hay tiempos cuando todos necesitamos un corazón que escuche para poder procesar las cuestiones que la vida nos presenta.

Date el regalo de una conversación confidencial donde no serás juzgad@, donde lo que importa son TUS preguntas y donde encontraras apoyo para tu búsqueda personal y tus necesidades espirituales.

En tiempos difíciles no es necesario caminar solo.  ¡Todos los Santos quiere estar ahí para ti!

Para acordar una convarsación o visita, llama al 718-350-9536 o envía un correo electrónico a Pastor Leticia, por tocar aquí .

Be a good steward of God's creation and save energy!
Take advantage of this FREE program.

For more information, please contact
the Neighborhood Outreach Coordinator
Karryl -  (646) 643-3325

Donate to Disaster Relief in the US and Worldwide

In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey in Texas & Louisiana and Hurricane Irma in The Caribbean and Florida, there are many places in need of disaster relief.  Natural disasters are happening all the time around the globe.  You can contribute to the many relief efforts through Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD).