First United Methodist Church of Pacific Grove
Thanks for joining us this morning!
Opening Prayer
Pastor Audrey's Opening Prayer
Psalm 23 (click here)
John 9:1-41 (click here)

Pastor Audrey's Message
Closing Benediction
Pastor Audrey's Benediction
We’re closing the service today with the same small hymn we sang last week, “Something Beautiful.” But this week, with the wonders of technology the two people who wrote the words—Gloria--and music—Bill--Gaither, in 1971, will sing it with us. It is an honor to welcome their voices to our morning together, just remember how we sang it the last time through: “All I had to offer love was brokenness and strife, but Love made something beautiful of my life.”
Love is still doing this my friends! Joy to you and peace all day through,
Pastor Audrey Ward
Special Music Video
"Something Beautiful" - Gloria and Bill Gaither
In our homes we meet to worship
far away from sacred space
By the spirit, Christ is with us,
making this a holy place.
In these days of social distance,
we are called to meet apart.
Still we pray for one another,
hold each other in our hearts.
If this time indeed is holy,
we must keep it truly so.
Even in our isolation,
God’s rich blessings overflow.
We avoid the world’s distractions,
set our minds on things above:
Patience, kindness, goodness, mercy,
faith, joy, peace, abiding love.

R.G. Huff 3/17/2020
(Suggested tune: Holy Manna)