
My "I'm Thankful For" list

Let it prompt you
to do the same....

  • The slick look of pavement when it rains
  • Christmas season in New York City (I know this is a cliche, but I love it so)
  • The sausage gravy Sue makes every Christmas morning
  • My wife, Sue (ok, another cliche, but if you knew her and all the she puts up with…)
  • of course, our 3 kids, now 29, 26, 23 ......

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Rediscover the goodness in people . Get to know each other, especially people who disagree with us. I address the importance of connections, especially in light of r ecent events in the U.S., in this Distraction S3 Mini 8
Distraction Podcasts

Dr. Hallowell responds to a listener question: "How do neurotypical (i.e. “normal") brains get engaged with an idea, versus those with neurodiverse (i.e. ADHD) brains?" Listen to the podcast here .

Please send us your feedback and ideas for future podcasts to
ADHD, Borderline Personality Disorder and Relationships
While there is some cross-over between people who have ADHD and borderline personality disorder, it is rare in my experience. People who have ADHD are commonly intense, but rarely borderline.

Also, find out how to calm a relationship when paired with someone with BPD.
ADHD and Parenting

Calm and Connected: Parenting Kids with ADHD/Executive Function Challenges © - Now in our 10th year of running this program, the workshop is the necessary first step anytime a parent has a child diagnosed with ADHD or has a child who is struggling with Executive Function development, behavior or performance. It is full of tips, tools, strategies and support so you can go beyond just looking at attention, time management, and impulsivity.

We are offering this workshop in person at:

the NYC Hallowell Center by trained ADHD Parent Coach Marcia Hochman - 7 sessions starting Friday November 16th, 11:30am-1:00pm EST

ADHD and Students

CollegeCORE Coaching (by phone, Skype or in person) high school upperclassmen and college students can conquer the problems associated with ADHD or Executive Dysfunction. 

EARS (by phone, Skype or in person) - Does your middle, HS or college student need a fresh start? Start the school year off right by managing emotions, problem-solving and working smarter not harder.

Starts Jan 14, 2019, 4:30 to 6:30 PM
Ages 11 to 14 - learn more efficient ways to study, stay organized, and manage time inside school and out. The full 6-week package includes one hour individual coaching session and a copy of  Executive Functions at Home and School: Six Skills Young Learners Need to Succeed  by our own  Christina Young. To register, please contact the front desk at 212.799.7777 or
ADHD and Young Adults

InventiveLabs is currently recruiting for its internship prep programs starting January 31st in Amesbury. This is an opportunity for people with learning differences to get a college-level internship without being enrolled in college. So, if you have someone in your family that is bright, but stuck back home, this may be a path to a real career beyond the typical entry-level positions such as fast food. InventiveLabs will prep people for the internships this winter for positions starting this summer or fall. Contact InventiveLabs to learn more.
ADHD and Adults

Starts Nov 29, 6:00 to 7:30 PM
Biweekly Adult ADHD Support Group led by Dr. Hallowell - Meets every other Thursday. Dr. Hallowell provides his world-renowned expertise and insight in an informal setting.

Starts February 1, 2019, 6:30 to 8:00 PM
Train and strengthen your mind. Learn ADHD friendly mindfulness tools and techniques that increase focus and the ability to center, calm inner chaos, and improve your interpersonal effectiveness. Experience an increased engagement in all aspects of your life and manage daily stress better.
Upcoming Events With Dr. Hallowell

November 29 – December 3, 2018 –  Happy Family Online Summit

Join Dr. Hallowell and 24 other experts for the Happily Family Online Conference for parents and professionals. This is a FREE global online event to talk about how to raise kids who are spirited, sensitive, or strong willed. You’ll get access to inspirational ideas and practical tools to teach kids to handle their feelings, make friends, and do their best. You will be relived, inspired, and empowered with tools to help your family stay connected!  Register for the FREE conference.
Thanks for subscribing to my newsletter! Our goal is to provide the highest quality in mental health care. Please contact us to explore the many services we offer.
Warm wishes,
Edward (Ned) Hallowell, M.D.  

A referral is the best compliment received . Thank you!