Attitude Is Everything


       Starting The Week Off Right



It's not the situation - - -
It's your reaction to the situation.
(that counts.)
- Bob Conklin -

Jim Seymour



Good Morning,
Throughout our lives, we are faced with numerous situations that we, as human beings, have little control over and must deal with.  The latest one, articulated by many, as a worldwide catastrophe far worse than man has ever experienced is the Coronavirus or covid 19.  One can't turn on the TV without hearing the dire predictions.  We see the world literally shutting down before our eyes.

I am, in no way, trying to minimize the disease.  I am saying that each of us has a choice regarding how to deal with it, both physically and mentally.  Physically, we can wash our hands and faces.  We can avoid large crowds or situation where folks can cough or sneeze in our faces and we can do likewise with others.

Mentally, we can deal with the facts and not let the worst case scenarios presented get us down.  As I understand it, most of the people who get this virus will not even know they have it.  More people die in Chicago from murder during a typical week than died from this virus in the US last week.

Let's not be lulled to sleep and take it too lightly.  Let's be prepared, both physically and mentally.  Let's be vigilant and take the necessary precautions.  Let's not let the worry about the worst case of what might or might not happen get us down.   Life is too short.

Have a great (and healthy) week.
