ECOEA...the link between your local
and the Ohio Education Association

Professional development, conferences, and scholarships are open to all members.
The East Central OEA district serves OEA members in Carroll, Columbiana, Holmes, Stark, Tuscarawas, and Wayne counties.

  • May 3-Student Loan Forgiveness Program for All Education Employees-NEA Member Benefits
  • May 6-When Can I Afford to Retire or Will I Just Die at My Desk-NEA Member Benefits
  • May 8, 2021-OEA Spring Representative Assembly-virtual
  • May 10, 2021-Deadline to apply for ECOEA Standing Committees
  • June 1, 2021-Deadline to submit for ECOEA COVID grant-Local Presidents
  • June 21-23, 2021-OEA Summer Leadership Academy
  • June 30-July 3, 2021-NEA Annual Representative Assembly-virtual
  • July 8, 15, 22, 29, 2021-ECOEA Summer Leadership Workshops-virtual
NEA Member Benefits brings
you April Showers-last chance to attend virtual programs just for you!
Last session! May 3 at 4:30 PM. Join NEA Member Benefits rep Guy Kendall-Freas and be "showered" with information about dealing with student loan forgiveness! Guy will help you navigate the student loan programs and point you in the right direction! Use the button below for more info and registration link for the virtual sessions held on Thursdays throughout April.

Last session! May 6 at 4:30 PM. NEA Member Benefits Affiliate Specialist Guy Kendall-Freas is your host in this retirement information session. Know how the Windfall Elimination Program and Government Pension Offset may adversely affect your retirement income expectations. Know before you go! Use the button below to register for a virtual session on Mondays throughout the month of April.
Last year, ECOEA provided over $11,000 to local associations within ECOEA to assist with the purchase of PPE, sanitizing supplies, and member morale items needed because of the pandemic.
We are again offering grants to locals as we continue through this year of unusual teaching and learning conditions. So far, 23 locals have received $5,550 for their use. Pictured are cookies purchased by Lake Local EA with COVID funds provided by ECOEA to recognize the hard work of their members this year. Local presidents are invited to apply for this second round of funding which is available through June 1, 2021.
Registration is open for our Summer Leadership Workshop to be held virtually on Thursdays throughout the month of July. We have a great line-up of sessions planned!

  • July 8, LRCs Sarah Drinkard and Alison Hoffa will lead a Building Rep training. That afternoon Sarah and LRC Amber James will offer a session on developing strong Union Communications.
  • July 15, OEA Treasurers' Training both Novice and Experienced in the morning followed by OEA Presidents' Handbook training in the afternoon. This will also include a session on Elections training.
  • July 22, we are looking forward to welcoming back Isaac Baez from Stark Mental Health and Addiction Recovery with a session on Alphabet Soup: LGBTQ+ 101. Later that day Ellen Adornetto from OEA will lead a session on finding and using High Quality Data for OTES 2.0
  • July 29, Daria DeNoia from OEA will host Special Education for All Educators in the morning. We end our Summer Series that afternoon with Avoiding Burnout with Mindful Self-Care and Self-Compassion facilitated by ONE members Taraja Shepherd-Allen, Jamie Thompson and our own Kelli Repphun of Jackson MEA. As you prepare to go back to another school year, learn the risk factors and warning signs of burn-out and how to implement self-care strategies for your own well-being.

Use the button below to sign up for one session or as many as you like! Door prizes, NEA Member Benefits, PD certificates, no cost and open to all ECOEA members. Learn from home, from the beach, or wherever you are. Sign up today!
ECOEA Spring Representative Assembly-
Our Spring RA was held virtually for the first time ever on Saturday, April 17. There were 42 delegates in attendance as well as 13 guests. President Julie Nelson led the delegation through a full agenda that approved the 2021-2022 budget and the following:
Endorsement of the following state-wide candidates:
Cassandra Daniels, Columbus EA, for OEA Board of Directors At Large
Friendly endorsements were given to incumbents:
Mark Hill, Worthington EA, OEA Secretary-Treasurer
Dan Greenberg, Sylvania EA, NEA Director #5
Adrienne Bowden, Pickerington EA, NEA Director #6

The elections results and the term of office, all elected by acclamation:
ECOEA President (2021-2023) Julie Nelson, North Canton EA
ECOEA Vice President (2021-2023) Julie Holderbaum, Minerva Local EA
ECOEA Recording Secretary (2021-2023) Juliann Doerschuk, Alliance EA
Stark County Rep #3 (2021-2024) Michelle Martin Jones, Canton Professional EA
Columbiana County Rep #1 (2021-2024) Christine Willison, Wellsville EA
ESP Rep #1 (2021-2024) Brooke Harter, Jackson Classified PA
ESP Rep #2 (2021-2024) Victoria Freday, Individual Member
Minority Rep (2021-2024) Tracey Smith, Canton Professional EA

Elected to the OEA Board of Directors by acclamation:
Unit 1 vacancy (2020-2023) Kelli Repphun, Jackson Memorial EA
Unit 2 (2021-2024) Karen Linch, Wooster EA

Elected to represent ECOEA on OEA Standing Committees by acclamation:
Human and Civil Rights (2021-2024) Katie Barber, North Canton EA
Local Training and Development (2021-2024) Kim Davis, Minerva Local EA
Legislative (2021-2024) Mandy Wagner, Dover EA
Resolutions (2021-2024) Karen Marquis, Southern Local TA

A secret ballot vote is currently underway to approve the extensive Constitution and Bylaws amendments from the two-year project to come into compliance with OEA. Congratulations to all the newly-elected or re-elected candidates and thank you to the hard-working delegates who gave up 3 1/2 hours of their Saturday to do the work of the association. That's a long Zoom meeting!

Were you represented? The following Local Associations elected and sent delegates to the ECOEA RA. To be eligible for ECOEA grants, you must elect and send delegates. Congratulations to these locals for representing their members on the district level. We hope to see you all at the OEA RA!
  • Alliance EA
  • Canton Professional EA
  • Chippewa EA
  • Claymont EA
  • East Holmes TA
  • Fairless EA
  • Jackson Classified PA
  • Malvern EA
  • Minerva Local EA
  • Newcomerstown TA
  • North Canton EA
  • Plain Local TA
  • Rittman EA
  • Tuscarawas Valley TA
  • Wooster EA
Interested in participating more in the work of the ECOEA district? Considering volunteering to be on one of the ECOEA Standing Committees! Use the sign up form at the button below to submit your name for appointment to a three-year term. Standing Committees meet twice a year (more if needed) and cover a variety of needs of the District. See the application form for more information about our Standing Committees. Deadline to apply is May 10th. We'd love to have you participate on a committee that interests you!
We are very proud of our ECOEA Vice President Julie Holderbaum of MInerva Local EA. Julie is a high school English teacher, and like you, has had a stressful year. But Julie makes the time for things that are important to her, and that is sharing her views about what teachers have faced this year. She's a classroom teacher with grading, meetings, and COVID rules, and she puts her views into words. You can read Julie's latest blog on the OEA Voices of Change blog site at:
Julie was also interviewed for the OEA new Education Matters podcast. You can listen to Julie's interview here: Doing Whatever It Takes: A Changed Perspective
Thanks for your advocacy for all of us, Julie!
NEA Member Benefits $2,500 Educator Jackpot! Open to all educators-certified and classified! Click the picture for the link!
California Casualty Music and Arts Grants-Don't forget about the California Casualty Music and Arts grant open to all classroom teachers. Applications are due by June 30, 2021.

ECOEA Public Relations Grants of $500 were awarded to:
East Holmes TA-Grant writer Kari Kaufman, President Megan Mullet-Advertising for EHTA
Jackson Classified PA-Grant writer President Brooke Harter-Socializing with the Jackson Community
Jackson Memorial EA-Grant writer President Deidre Disman-Supporting the Jackson Foundation
Minerva Local EA-Grant writer President Stuart Grunder-Teachers Care-MLEA Window Decals
Rittman EA-Grant writer Jennifer Dziczkowski, President Ed Sims-Reading Under the Lights
Wooster EA-Grant writer Steve Fox, President Scott Miller-Keep Them Reading

ECOEA Internal Organizing Grants of $500 were awarded to:
East Holmes TA-Grant writer Kari Kaufman, President Megan Mullet-Hoping for Continued Growth
Jackson Classified PA-Grant writer President Brooke Harter-Jackson Classified Get-Together
Jackson Memorial EA-Grant writer President Deidre Disman-"I Survived"
Minerva Local EA-Grant writer President Stuart Grunder-Teacher Appreciation Gifts
Rittman EA-Grant writer Jennifer Dziczkowski, President Ed Sims-Back-to-Normal School Year Gathering
East Central OEA-Retired Briefs
Congratulations to our two retiring members on the ECOEA Executive Committee: Ed Sims (Rittman EA) representing Wayne County #2 and Janel Travis (Newcomerstown TA), representing Tuscarawas County as County Representatives and others that are retiring at the close of this school year!
Both Ed and Janel have “pre-retired” status, meaning they only change their membership in the Association from active to retiree. The good news is that you can continue your support, beyond your retirement, by becoming a “pre-retired” member, today! Visit our website: to view our “Belong Now” flyer and application. If you would like a flyer for posting, please feel free to contact me. Pre-payment options are now available. You can also go directly to OEA Membership or contact OEA-R, 225 East Broad Street, Box 2550,Columbus, OH 43216 or call 1-(800) 282-1500.
Protect Your Home by following these steps:
  1. Don’t leave your house unlocked during the day while doing outside projects. Close first-floor windows when you are not home or while sleeping.
  2. Don’t hide your spare keys in mailboxes, under planters or under doormats. Instead, give a copy of your keys to a trusted neighbor or friend.
  3. Never open your door before knowing who is there. Install and use a peephole.
  4. Keep your garage door down and doors locked when you are home.
  5. Have deadbolts installed on doors. For sliding glass doors, have a hole drilled through both doors and secure with a pin through both holes.
  6. Vary your daily routine.
Carol Kinsey (Canton Professional Educators’ Association) and Kathleen Purdy (Plain Local Teacher’s Association) thank you for your support as both are representing you at the OEA-R Delegate Assembly, the OEA Spring Representative Assembly and the NEA-R and National Education Association Assemblies.
Have a safe and productive end of the school year!
Kathleen Purdy, M.Ed.
ECOEA-Retired Advisory Council Representative
Per ECOEA Policy 3.6 Access to Financial Reports-the monthly Executive Committee financial report is available to any member upon request.

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