Dear friends,

This holiday season, we want to show our gratitude for God’s unconditional love, Jesus’ unlimited welcome, and the unwavering hope of transformation. Each year we do this is through our annual Christmas offering. Our 2018 Christmas Offering goal is $175,000, and you can help us reach it. This offering is critical to fully supporting and expanding the ongoing vision and mission of Crossroads.

We begin this initiative inspired by those in our Crossroads family who have already offered lead gifts totaling $54,000.

Each Monday from now through December, you will receive an email with a brief story of how your generosity is transforming lives every day. These stories and countless others are why it is so important that we continue to offer the three unique gifts that are the heartbeat of our Crossroads community – God’s unconditional love, Jesus’ unlimited welcome, and the unwavering hope of transformation. God gives each of us these gifts, and the Christmas Offering is a way we can show our gratitude.

The first story comes from our SERVE ministry area. Each week a group of volunteers travels from Crossroads to Thomson Elementary School in DC to offer academic tutoring, and so much more. They share the gifts of their presence, love and concern for each student, and a good breakfast – because hungry students can’t learn effectively. 

Chris Bergfalk, teacher, mentor, and long-time partner with Crossroads shared what your gifts mean to his students:

“I want to express how much your presence and your breakfast means to the kids and me. We have kids that were chronically tardy and/or absent last year that are now rushing to get to school just to be one of the first in the room with me working on personalized learning, and getting a truly special breakfast. Sharing quality food with students in the intimacy of the classroom drastically changes the relationships students have with me, their other classroom teachers and the school. It makes them feel loved and cared for. It transforms everything – not only academically, but socially. This is often the key that unlocks the door to academic success, and may be the most important thing for success in life."

The Crossroads SERVE ministry is also working with the school to identify food insecure families and provide Thanksgiving food baskets for those families. Here’s what Chris has to say about that: 

“Thanks Crossroads for being, as it says in the Book of James, ‘doers of the Word, not only hearers, who put faith to work in responding to the needs of others.’ We have been amazed by the outpouring of Thanksgiving Baskets for Thomson Elementary School families. Thank you for your concern, kindness and generosity expressed consistently and faithfully. You are changing the future by making a difference in these children’s lives!”

This is just one example of how your generosity is changing lives every day. People are looking for the real gifts of Christmas, love, welcome and hope, and together that’s what we offer our community and the world 365 days a year! 

Here are the ways you can give in response to the incredible gifts God has shared with us  : visit our website , use the GOTGo app , give on Sunday morning, or mail your offering to the church.
