Throughout this publication, you will see the following
color-coded dots accompanying each article. They represent which District strategic goal the article addresses. Learn more about District 58's Strategic Plan at
Focusing on Learning
Connecting the Community
Securing the Future
Mark your calendar for Curriculum Night!
District 58 invites parents to attend Curriculum Night! During this evening event, parents will meet their child’s teachers and learn more about the curriculum, technology and instructional practice of each class. Please note the general Curriculum Night schedule below. Principals are sending school- and grade-specific Curriculum Night times to their school communities.
Thursday, Sept. 6: El Sierra, Fairmount, Hillcrest, Indian Trail, Kingsley, Herrick Eighth Grade and Grove Children’s Preschool (Henry Puffer preschool location)
Tuesday, Sept. 11: Belle Aire, Highland, Henry Puffer, Lester, Pierce Downer, Whittier, O’Neill and Grove Children’s Preschool (Indian Trail preschool location)
Thursday, Sept. 13: Herrick Seventh Grade
Safety corner - heat relief:
During hot weather, District 58 schools work hard to provide students and staff relief from the heat. Meanwhile, through the new District 58 Strategic Plan, the District will explore adding air conditioning to all schools.
District 58 is hiring!:
Several District 58 schools still seek instructional assistants, substitutes and lunchroom supervisors for the 2018-19 school year.
District 58 points of pride
• There are many reasons to take pride in your District 58 schools! Last year, we created a flyer that shares a few of the many ways District 58 stands out.
Parent partnerships:
District 58 shifted from a quarterly to a trimester reporting schedule this school year! This shift will offer students, staff and parents many benefits and opportunities to better support our children.
2018-19 assessment calendar:
Parents may access the District's assessment calendar, which outlines each District 58 assessment, its purpose, testing dates, target audience, and estimated length of testing.
Student accident insurance
District 58 has approved K-12 Special Markets to provide voluntary student accident insurance. Its website includes detailed information regarding coverages, benefits and more.
Lester School celebrates addition with ribbon-cutting ceremony
District 58 celebrated the new Lester School addition during a special ribbon-cutting ceremony Monday, Aug. 27.
“I’m so excited that all of our collaborative efforts have finally come to fruition,” said Lester School Principal Carin Novak. “I can’t wait for our students and our staff to begin to leave their footprints in our new learning spaces.”
Kingsley student receives lifesaving heart transplant, featured on national TV
The District 58 community celebrated this past week, when we learned that Kingsley fifth grader Sofia S. had a successful heart transplant. Last month, Sofia helped create a video sharing her story and asking the rapper Drake to visit her for her 11th birthday. He did, and her story went viral. Last week, both CBS Evening News and NBC's Today Show visited Kingsley for stories they were producing on Sofia.
Click the image to the right/below to see Sofia's story featured on the Today Show!
Get well soon, Sofia! We can't wait to welcome you back to school!
El Sierra sixth graders, pictured above, start their day with a fun, morale-building morning meeting!
Did you know that all elementary classrooms start the day with a morning meeting to set an environment for respectful learning? This is part of the District's social-emotional learning, or SEL, curriculum!
MAVins (
Mothers Against Violence in Schools) partnered with
Whittier School, the Whittier PTA and the Downers Grove Junior Woman's Club to create inspirational messages in the school's bathrooms.
Herrick eighth graders enjoyed the Washington D.C. field trip last weekend! Four students -- Patrick, Topher, Maddie and Emma -- were selected to participate in the Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Tomb on the Unknown Soldier at Arlington Ceremony.
Grove Children's Preschool students had fun last week learning about butterflies. As a class, they released seven butterflies!
Pierce Downer Principal Chris Collins and her staff created a fun and inspirational video wishing their students to "have it all."
Fairmount first graders in Mrs. Micele's classroom share the four listening rules!
German students from Bietigheim-Bissingen visited
O'Neill and Herrick middle schools and performed for students!
Highland fifth graders used their iPads and
HP Reveal to scan different areas of the library. This helped familiarize them with everything the library has to offer students!
Henry Puffer kindergarteners dig into a brand new box of markers for the first time! They are in for an exciting year of art instruction with
Mr. Belonio!
Indian Trail sixth graders visited their kindergarten pals to help them learn their letters with a Pete the Cat button game!
Belle Aire sixth graders studied archaeology last week! They enjoyed learning about and investigating caves inhabited by early humans.
Several elementary schools, including
Hillcrest, pictured, kicked off the school year with a Recess Rodeo! During Recess Rodeo, sixth grade leaders shared recess expectations with their younger peers. Great job, sixth graders!
August Budget Workshop Briefs: The District 58 Board of Education held a Budget Workshop, as well as a Lester School tour and ribbon-cutting ceremony, on Monday, Aug. 27, 2018.
Board Meeting Preview: The Board of Education will hold its regular September meeting on Monday, Sept. 17 at 7 p.m. at Downers Grove Village Hall. The agenda will include a vote to approve the 2018-19 budget, a spotlight on the Strategic Plan's action steps and more.
You're invited: Downers Grove Oktoberfest is Sept. 15-16
Bring the whole family to Oktoberfest in downtown Downers Grove (just north of the library) on Sept. 15-16. Families can enjoy entertainment, authentic German food, kid-friendly activities and much more.
All proceeds will benefit the Education Foundation of Downers Grove District 58!
Local church volunteers at District 58 for Community Day of Service
This summer, the Community Christian Church of Downers Grove volunteered at Hillcrest, Henry Puffer and Lester schools during their annual Community Day of Giving. The volunteers helped weed the playground areas of the schools. Thank you for your help!
Community E-flyers
District 58 emails parents relevant e-flyers on the
first and third Monday of the month. E-flyer submissions are due by
4 p.m. on the preceding Thursday.
Learn more about e-flyers. Here are the Sept. 3 e-flyers:
Please mark your calendar!
Thursday, Sept. 6
: Curriculum Night at
El Sierra, Fairmount, Hillcrest, Indian Trail, Kingsley, Herrick Eighth Grade and Grove Children’s Preschool (HP location)
Tuesday, Sept. 11:
Curriculum Night at Belle Aire, Highland, Henry Puffer, Lester, Pierce Downer, Whittier, O'Neill and Grove Children's Preschool (IT location)
Thursday, Sept. 13
: Curriculum Night - Herrick Seventh Grade
Sept. 14-15
: Downers Grove Oktoberfest
Monday, Sept. 17 at 7 p.m.:
Regular Board Meeting at Dowers Grove Village Hall
Thursday, Sept. 20:
School Improvement Day - Half Day Attendance Day for Students
Downers Grove Grade School District 58, 1860 63rd St., Downers Grove, IL 60516
Community Relations Office: 630-719-5805 I |