Professional Growth
and Evaluation Newsletter
Welcome Back! This is the first Professional Growth and Evaluation Newsletter for the 2018-19 school year!
Welcome Back! We hope this newsletter finds you settling into a new school year with a renewed focus on student learning and professional growth. This newsletter is intended to answer some of the questions around the evaluation process, eVAL, and our Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) evaluation language.

Below you will find important dates from the CBA, the TPEP training schedule, eVAL support, as well as links to the new CBA language around the new Professional Growth and Educator Support (PGES) system.
Upcoming Evaluation Timelines
Assignment of Evaluator and Evaluation Cycle

Goal Setting

  • Each certificated employee shall be given a copy of the evaluation criteria procedures, timelines, and any other relevant forms appropriate to the certificated employee's job category by Oct 15th.

  • A certificated employee will be notified of their assigned evaluator and their evaluation cycle: Comprehensive or Focused
  • The evaluator will meet with each certificated employee in a goal setting conference by Nov 15th.

  • The purpose of this conference is for certificated employees to reflect on their practice and set student growth goals for the year.
Goal Setting
Goal Setting For Classroom Teachers:
Teachers on a comprehensive evaluation cycle will set student growth goals for a subgroup of students (3.1) and a whole class (6.1), as well as a collaboration goal (8.1).

Teachers on a focused evaluation cycle will choose their area of focus. If a teacher chooses C3, C6, or C8, he/she will set student growth goals that area. If a teacher chooses C1, C2, C4, C5, or C7 as the area of focus, he/she will set a student growth goal in C3 or C6.

All goal setting will be completed in eVAL.

Goal Setting For Non-Classroom Employees:
Goals shall be based upon the appropriate Danielson rubric for each job category. Non-classroom employees do not set student growth goals.
Goal setting is a mutual process between both the teacher and evaluator. Teachers and evaluators should work together to ensure the submitted goal(s) meets the proficient rubric language.
Upcoming Training Opportunities
10/23/18 Back to Comprehensive
Hazel Wolf K-8 Library 4:30-7:30pm

11/01/18 TPEP Goal Setting
JSCEE, Room 2750 4:30-7:30pm

11/08/18 TPEP Goal Setting
Genesee Hill Library, 4:30-7:30pm
eVAL modules in Schoology Access Code:

This section is for certificated classroom teachers . You will find information to support and help you manage the evaluation process in eVAL. 
Logging into eVAL
If you need assistance with logging into eVAL, the attached video will walk you through the login process. It also takes you step-by-step through the password reset process.
Student Growth Goals in eVAL
As you begin to draft your student growth goals in eVAL, you may have questions about the process. This video will walk you through the steps to complete your student growth goals in eVAL. Sharing a draft of your goals is not the same as submitting your goals.
Professional Growth and Educator Support (PGES)
With the ratification of the CBA in September, the Professional Growth and Educator Support system was created. PGES creates a multi-faceted system of educator support in SPS with three main pillars: foundational coursework, peer assistance and review and building-based support.

Foundational coursework is a series of coursework that draws from The Skillful Teacher, Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain, and the Danielson Framework. New-to-profession teachers will participate in foundational coursework as part of their induction work; advanced coursework will be available to second year and veteran teachers starting in the 2019-2020 school year.

As part of our induction process, new to profession teachers will engage in peer assistance and review (PAR). They will receive a consulting teacher (CT) to support their transition to teaching. The CT will also assesses readiness to exit support. A PAR Panel of 8 teachers and 8 principals will make high stakes decisions on the peer assistance and review process. They will make recommendations for support or non-renewal to the superintendent as appropriate. Previously these recommendations were only made by HR with input from principals.

Lastly, building-based support is a combination of school-based induction, career ladder teachers and other resources and supports that serve teachers at the building level.

More information on this system will be communicated as it is implemented this year.
While the CBA is being finalized, here are the links to Article 2: PGES and PAR language and Article 11: Evaluation lanuage.
Find More Information At:

Try asking someone in your building first. Who can you ask?
  • Your principal/evaluator
  • TPEP Cadre teacher (if you have one in your building)
  • Your STAR Mentor/ Consulting Teacher
  • Colleagues
  • Your SEA building rep

Still stuck?
  • For assistance with eVAL, send your question(s) to
  • For assistance with TPEP or the Danielson Framework, send an email to Lindsay Berger, PGES Program Manager or Alison Bishop, TPEP PD Specialist
  • For assistance beyond your SEA building rep, contact your SEA Uniserv Rep
Is the content of this email helpful to you?
Seattle Public Schools
Professional Growth & Development
Phone: 206-743-3542

These newsletters are archived on the HR website