Attention 8th Grade Families:

There will be an informational meeting regarding this year's "Disney Leadership Quest" field trip on October 16, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. in the Pinecrest Inspirada MP Room. If you are interested in hearing more about this trip, please plan on attending. Presentation will be given by Project Exploration staff along with Inspirada Administration. Please see below for original email sent regarding details of this trip.

Thank you!
Trip Information:

We are excited to introduce a new field trip this year for our 8th grade students. Beginning this year, 8th grade students will have an opportunity to go to southern California from March 28-30, 2019 . The main highlight of this trip will be a visit to Disneyland and participation in their youth leadership program. For more information on this, please click here .

In addition to a day at Disney, students will also visit the California Science center and attend a Pirates dinner show the night prior to visiting Disneyland. This trip will be organized by Project Exploration (see link below for information about this local company). Please see below for a sample itinerary (subject to change).

Inspirada staff and administration, along with Project Exploration staff, will be chaperoning this field trip.

In order to determine a final cost for students, we need to get a head count of how many students are interested in attending. The overall cost will be approximately $425 (some meals will not be included); however, we will know a more exact cost once we determine how many students will be joining us.

Please click "RSVP" link below to let us know whether or not you would like your child to participate in this trip. I have also attached a link to Project Exploration's website.

Thank you! As always, please do not hesitate to reach out should you have questions.

Pinecrest Administration
Sample Schedule (Subject to Change)