We are sending the following on behalf of the Office of Early Learning. Questions should be directed to  tina.shockley@doe.k12.de.us . Delaware Stars is not able to provide any additional information or answer questions.

Dear Early Learning Provider,
Please join us for the next Early Childhood Provider Call on  Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 1:30 pm. 
The  participant dial in  number is:   888-218-0223 . There is no need for a passcode as this will place the caller directly onto the conference line. They may dial in as early as 25 minutes prior to the scheduled call. 
The conference will have a Q&A Session. All participants will be muted during the Q&A Session.
Participant Q&A Instructions:
         Press *1 to ask a question
         Press # to remove the question from the question queue
Thank You,
The Department of Education