August 19, 2020
Back to School Blessings
The Back to School Blessing is this Sunday, August 23rd! If you are a student of any age, teacher, or a family with students, whether at home or at school, know that we are praying for you! There will be a special blessing in our virtual worship at 10:00 a.m., and then a drive thru time following worship from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the front of the church to pick up your blessing tag and a popsicle! We hope you will join us as we pray for our students, teachers, and schools!
Text to Give
You can now use your smart phone to text a donation to FPC. Here's how:

  • To make a donation, text the amount you would like to give to 704-228-7459. This number is unique to FPC and is not shared with any other customers. You can save this number to your phone’s contact list for easy access!
  • The first time you text your text-to-give mobile number, you will receive a response text from our service prompting you to register via a secure registration link. This link will load a secure registration portal that is completed through your mobile browser and it will assign your mobile number to our organization. It will also allow you to provide the credit/debit card number or bank account you would like to use for text giving.
  • You will get a text confirmation or an email that your donation and registration were successful, based on how you set it up.
  • Donors who text donations and donate online (or through the mobile web interface) will have all of their history tied to their account.
  • The next time you want to text a gift, simply text the amount to our number! Your payment information is stored securely within our service, so there is no need for you to re-type payment information every time you give via text.
  • Text donations are NOT settled by your cellular service carrier. Text donations are processed and settled by your existing account with us. These transactions will settle in the same manner and speed as your online donations.
Session Meeting Highlights from August 11, 2020
  • The Session met on August 11th using Zoom Internet video and audio.
  • The Session voted to re-open First Kids in September. Director, Maureen O’Bryan, has worked diligently in consultation with public health guidelines and Dr. Porter Peterson, to develop detailed polices and procedures to protect staff and families from COVID 19.
  • Church Members are encouraged to please continue to share your pledges and contributions by mail, online, or through the new TEXT-to-Give option that is described in the Banner article above! This is important as we work hard to meet our budget during this unprecedented time.
  • The Session continues to consider all options for re-opening the campus in consultation with the committee charged with gathering data and advising the Session on how to re-open safely.
  • Susan Smith and Amy Murphy volunteered to attend the August 15 Presbytery meeting.
  • Everyone is encouraged to reacquaint ourselves with our Strategic Plan which can be found both in summary form and as a complete document on the church website. This document will guide us as we strive to move forward with our mission to sustain and actively participate in a vibrant community of faith based on Christian fellowship, service and love. (Click here)
  • The Session approved a request of the Deacons to place a freestanding food pantry on the Church Street side of our campus at a location approved by our Buildings and Grounds Committee.
  • The next Session meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 8, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.

As Presbyterians, decisions affecting our worship, education, spiritual nurture, physical property, and budget are made by our elected leaders. To connect with church officers, see Elders and Deacons and their committee assignments listed on the church website under the “ABOUT” tab, “Staff and Leadership.”
The Session meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. Minutes are open and available by request after they are approved at the following month’s Session meeting.
First Kids Opportunities
First Kids is excited to be reopening! The school still needs 4 classroom teachers. If you would like to be part of this wonderful school, please contact our director, Maureen O’Bryan, 704-788-2812, or
Christian Education Committee Wants You
Are you a media savvy individual? Do you consider yourself creative? Do you love technology and all that can be done through it and with it? Well, If this sounds like you, then please let us know. We want to talk to you! Email or call CE moderator Hunter Morrison:
Back to School Backpack Delivery
Deacons Mary Garrison and Don Seitz delivered 86 backpacks to Robin Ellis, School Counselor at W. M. Irvin Elementary last week. The schools goal was to provide 650 backpacks for the students. Each student in grades 2 through 5 have been given a laptop computer. When normal school resumes, the students will be asked to take their computers between home and school each day. These backpacks will protect this important resource for our children.
Coming Attractions!
The past six months have been hard and I sense a good deal of "Covid-Fatigue" among many. But as summer winds down and the new school year begins there are plans to return to some semblance of "normal." The following is what is "in the works" for *Fall:

*Rally Day is Sunday, September 13th, and we tentatively plan to start "live-streaming" the worship service from the sanctuary at 11 a.m. going forward (without parishioners present for the time being). Note that this will require the purchase and installation of some additional electronic equipment for the sanctuary and is subject to that work being done in a timely manner, as well as the training of volunteers in how to use it. Small groups may also be permitted to start meeting outside on the church campus for study and fellowship with appropriate safety protocols in place (masking, hand sanitizer, and distancing).

*Moderators of Session Committees (Worship & Music, Christian Education, and Buildings & Grounds)--with the advice of medical professionals--are putting together and implementing a comprehensive "safety plan" for when it is deemed safe to gather together indoors.

*The pastoral staff (Scott & Lynne) are resuming regular office hours (Scott on the 19th and Lynne sometime after she returns from vacation later in the month). Masking will be required for staff and visitors in Fellowship House. Rachel will continue to work from home.

A "deep cleaning" of the Fellowship House is scheduled for Saturday, August 21st

We appreciate your ongoing support and understanding during this difficult time. The work of the church continues even as we are socially distanced. Stay safe and get your flu shot!


Scott Kenefake
Interim Pastor

*Several of these things have not yet been approved by the Session and are subject to change.
Update from the Worship and Music Committee
The Worship and Music Committee continues to discuss our members’ questions about reopening for services and about alternative services. Working in concert with the Reopening Committee and our ministers, the committee members have considered a variety of options and continue to evaluate the pros and cons of these options.
We are aware of many members’ desire to worship together other than through virtual means. We are also aware of other members’ concerns about safe conditions.
While we can address these issues, we may not be able to please everyone as we depend on the advice of health experts as well as our own Reopening Committee. In addition, the committee has the task of handling the logistics of any changes in our current worship schedule and will keep members advised of changes.
We are hoping to have Live Streaming soon, even if we are not able to return to the pews. 
Racial Reads
In faithful response to the biblical commands to love our neighbor, in light of the current events of our country, and as part of our commitment to be a Matthew 25 congregation, we seek to continue hosting intentional space for dialogue, understanding, and action for anti-racism and justice work.

Our first book was “So You Want to Talk about Race” by Ijeoma Olou. We had a great group of 20-25 people each Sunday afternoon engaging in eye-opening and respectful dialogue. We will continue the discussion with our new book selection "White Too Long: The Legacy of White Supremacy in American Christianity" by Robert P. Jones. If you missed out on the last book, now is a great time to join!

Discussion begins Sunday September 13th at 4pm via Zoom. If you would like to sign up to join this group, please let Lynne Keel know by emailing her at We encourage you to order your book ASAP (through a black-owned bookstore, if possible) as there are book shortages and shipping delays associated with the current pandemic as well as increased interest in discussing racial equity. We hope you will join us for this critical conversation.
Services Update - Summer Worship Schedule
Our pastoral staff continues to preach and teach through various means of technology. Please join us for all of our worship opportunities on Facebook (,
Summer Worship is posted at 10:00 a.m.
Sign-up Links
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Rev. Dr. Scott Kenefake preaching

Sunday, August 23
10:00 a.m. Worship online
Church Report
.The sympathy and condolences of the congregation are extended to Chris Prager and his family whose mother, Gail, died in Pittsburgh on August 13.
August 20 - Robert Fulghum, Adeline Fulton, Carie Irving, Franklin Niblock
August 21 - Greg Andrews, Bill Cochran, Martha Dobson, Stephanie Reese
August 22- Courtney Finney, Jean Sharp
August 23 - Mac Clark, Grace Davis, Chip Moore
August 24 - David Austin, Shelly Johnson, John Shaw
August 26 - Tracy Patrum, Jane Prichard, Valerie Thomas, Rob White
**To enjoy a sung happy birthday, click here!**
Scott Kenefake
Interim Senior Pastor 

Associate Pastor 
for Care and Mission

Associate Pastor
for Christian Formation

Director of Music and Organist


Suzanne Russell
Church Administrator

Financial Secretary

Heath Ritchie
Maintenance Superintendent

Director of First Kids

Wedding Director
Contact Info
First Presbyterian Church
(704) 788-2100 

70 Union Street North
Concord NC 28025 

Mailing Address: 
PO Box 789 Concord NC 28026-0789

Church Office Hours: 
Monday - Thursday, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Closed Friday
The Commons Prayer Room Hours:
Monday: Closed
Open for scheduled groups:
Tuesday,Thursday, Friday
Open to Public:
Wednesday: 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Saturday: 10:00 am - 6:00 p.m.
Sunday mornings for FPC

Memorial Garden:
(704) 786-8009
36 Spring Street SW
Concord NC 28025
Garden Hours: 
Tuesday - Saturday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sunday, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Closed Monday