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The Official Newsletter of Wisdom Path, by Judi Thomases 
        Astrology & Channeled Guidance in Every Issue                                                     November 2018  Volume 124                                          
Wisdom Path Newsletter
There's a lot of tension in the air this month, leading up to our important Midterm Elections, and probably through mid-January. The energy in the world chart seems to be leaning more towards conservatism than progressivism because two important outer planets (Saturn and Pluto) are in the very conservative sign of Capricorn, and another important planet (Uranus) has made its debut in an even more conservative sign of Taurus. This is not just in our nation but in the world, and it is affecting people regardless of their ideology because of the sense of pressure and urgency; also, of uncertainty. I've written about this in my columns and in my more recent articles.
Strangely, right now in our nation we seem to be caught between confusion, idealism, and a mixture of paths regarding our choices. Choice is everything on Planet Earth School. The choices you make have consequences; they have repercussions in this life as well as in the next life, and that's the whole idea of letting wisdom - that is, gaining insight from experience, thus continually improving each decision - make better selections which lead to less suffering and more compassion.
I work with this concept all the time, both with my own life and with my clients' lives. There are always forks in the road. For example, my son who has been facing the cancer battle needs to learn that his attitude, beliefs, and intentions will help him heal or will send him into discouragement. To that effect, I've been encouraging him to read several books that give a new insight into a scientific basis that consciousness really does determine and alter your reality. When a person feels that they have a measure of control over their fate, it tends to empower them. It's a strange new concept for us to fathom, and we seem to need science's validation of its truth, not just a metaphysical say-so.
When a client comes to me for insight, foresight, and counseling as to better choices, what I'm doing is a combination of looking at their maps of energy patterns inherent and upcoming (this is called the horoscope), and I'm also using intuition, psychic input, and, last but not least, common sense. The measure of this combined technique has been shown over and over to lead the person to happier choices and better outcomes than if they were just stumbling through life on their own. It's our challenge to go forward in life without a playbook, without a manual, often without effective guidance. We have parents, therapists, mentors, and elders; we have a lot of helpers but do not always recognize the need to take advantage of this. Sometimes we don't even feel that it's okay to do so, and we move ahead continuously making blind choices.
I hope that my life's work has been effective in helping people make good choices along their journey. Life's often a struggle; in pressured times, the struggle can get more intense. It's a measure of our wisdom as to how we make right choices during times like that.
Smiles and love as always,
Judi from Del-Aware 
P.S. Check out my latest article, "Uranus in Taurus" in the May 2018 issue of Dell Horoscope magazine, archived here.

You can purchase my latest book by clicking undefined.
Contact info is: Wisdom Path/Judi Thomases, 99 Cherry Hill Rd., Magnolia DE 19962.  Phone is 302-697-363.

Also, if you're on Facebook, please Become a Follower of Wisdom Path page, and post you r thoughts about playing the soul's wisdom game of life.

Don't forget... previous issues (along with channelings, reviews, and astro news) are archived on!

by Judi Thomases
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An Astrology Consultation
by Judi Thomases 


All sessions include full astrological interpretation (including transits, lunations, and progressions) with specific dates of energy patterns, plus Tarot and AstroDice.  Upon request, I-Ching or channeling is also available. 
   SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER.  Book a consultation between now and 12/31/2018 (even if your appointment will take place later than this), and ask for a holiday discount.  
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In This Issue
Upcoming Events & Blog Posts
Astro Tidbits
Book Review
"Spirit's Words" Channeled Message

Upcoming Events

Check out Current and Past Events!  Here are a few:
Nov. 13th - Judi will take call in questions from listeners.
Click on link below or dial call in number  713-955-0594 Press 1 to ask a Q
Special Guest: Judi Thomases
ELITEWIRE PODCAST - Nov. 15th - Judi will be interviewed to discuss USING ASTROLOGY TO MAKE BETTER CHOICES
META MEET - Teachings from my new book The Wisdom Keys, and from over four decades on The Path -

 Cecil College, Elkton, MD - Jan. 18-19th. Judi will do readings.

* * * * *
"Practical Keys To A Life Of Joy"
Judi Thomases has four decades of experience as an astrologer, helping clients navigate their energy patterns to make good choices. Judi is author of
Wisdom's Game  and  The Wisdom Keys  and reveals practical tips to live a life of empowerment and joy.
Practical Keys To A Life Of Joy
  • How should you see yourself in life?
  • What is the Quantum Shift?
  • What does "getting out of the hologram, and into the energy field" mean?
  • What is the Surge?
  • What does "piercing the veil" mean?

"USE TAROT'S WISDOM TO MAKE BETTER CHOICES" (broadcast on June 11th 2015 on Rockland World Radio).
Archive of "New Perspectives" Radio Show with Judi Thomases and host Paul Lamb. 
* * * * *

an in-depth look at the new pattern that will affect the world economy and innovation.


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Every month we look at your patterns, including a new Lunar Return, progressions and transits for each month... we talk about what are the best choices... decisions, challenges, best times to launch projects, meet people, take care of yourself, and much more.
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A Quote From The Brotherhood of Light Workers


" Sickness is a reflection of the soul not in harmony with its own energy pattern, blocked from manifesting its dreams ."
   ~ THE WISDOM KEYS  ~ by Judi Thomases

Spiritual Quote

"The brain is where the brain is... but the mind has no location. It is everywhere you observe, smell, or hear anything."  
- "Beyond Biocentrism", by R. Lanza


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THE U.S. IS NOW THE WORLD'S MOST COMPETITIVE ECONOMY, @Tictoc by Bloomberg, 10/22/18 - ( Prediction: "From the 20th-23rd, constructive progress brings restoration of our strength plus kindness and compassion." -
Oct. '18 SW
"GREAT, NOW I CAN GO AFTER HORSEFACE AND HER 3RD RATE LAWYER IN THE GREAT STATE OF TEXAS." - @realDonaldTrump, 11:04 AM - Oct 16, 2018 - ( Prediction: "He might be furious in Week 2, speaking out too bluntly." -
Oct. '18 SW)

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November is an important month for the World, indicative of much activity. Misunderstandings and lies are likely ( Neptune station direct in Pisces square Mercury station retrograde in Sagittarius ), but there is also the potential for love and romance ( Venus station direct in Libra ), nurturing ( Node enters Cancer ), and religious or philosophical focus ( Jupiter enters Sagittarius ). More aggressive and impulsive behavior returns ( Uranus reenters Aries ) with indications of military posturing on the 20th ( Mars square Jupiter ) and quarrels on the 26th ( Mars square Mercury ).
For the U.S., November is turbulent ( Uranus square U.S. Pluto ), and can be either hopefully aspirational or reflect the peak of misguided idealism and "fake news" ( Neptune station direct in Pisces trine U.S. Sun exact, square U.S. Ascendant ). There are disappointments, and it will be difficult to remain peaceful ( Progressed U.S. Moon opposite U.S. Venus ). The earliest days indicate boldness ( Mars trine U.S. Mars ). Week 1 is mixed for the markets ( Saturn opposite U.S. Jupiter; Jupiter sextile U.S. progressed Pluto ). There is much anger from the 11th - 12th following the Midterm Elections ( Mars conjunct U.S. Moon ). The 23rd is important regarding the job market or healthcare ( Full Moon conjunct U.S. progressed MC in H6 ). From the 23rd - 26th the energy is divisive yet conciliatory ( Mars conjunct U.S. DSC, trine U.S. Venus ). The month's end indicates violence or an accident ( Mars square U.S. Uranus ).
For President Trump, November brings some financial disappointment ( Saturn square his Neptune in H2 ) but he feels more liberated, and can see an unexpected partnership ( Uranus rx trine his ASC, conjunct his progressed DSC ). He's busy and assertive at the very beginning ( Mars sextile his Moon ). The 10th is nice regarding family ( his progressed Moon trine his Moon ), and offers exciting changes on the 13th ( his progressed Moon sextile his progressed Uranus ). He'll take no guff from the 10th - 15th ( Mars opposite his Mars, conjunct his DSC ), but will be strong and generous, enjoying many positive shifts from the 15th - 16th ( Venus station direct in Libra square his Venus exact, sextile his Mars, conjunct his progressed Jupiter; his progressed Venus trine his Uranus; Mars trine his progressed ASC ). The 17th is an excellent day for negotiating ( Mercury station retrograde trine his progressed Pluto ), wrapping up a deal by month's end ( Mars trine his Mercury ). November's second half favors business and his role although he can be overly generous ( Jupiter trine his progressed Saturn/progressed MC, square his progressed Sun ).
Kanye West ( June 8, 1977, 8:45 AM, Atlanta GA ) is spiritual, psychic, idealistic, sensitive, and unusual, but can be flakey ( t-square of Sun/Jupiter to Moon and Neptune; Moon in Pisces ). He and President Trump have a positive soul tie ( West's Sun/Jupiter conjunct Trump's Uranus/Node/Sun; West's NN conjunct's Trump's Jupiter ). It remains to be seen how this plays out for both men.

For more forecasts, check ou t my articles: "The Big Shift: Uranus Enters Taurus" "On the Brink of World Change" and "Neptune & America's Identity Crisis", now posted on my website.  

(c) 2018 by Judi Thomases




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Judi Thomases is a frequent contributor to and has her own page on the site.  Annie Jennings PR is a National Publicity Firm that works with authors, speakers and experts in book promotion, book marketing and publicity.

Society nowadays seems very divisive, angry, and stress-inducing. People are quite emotional and passionate about their beliefs. They are also confused or uncertain about many goings-on on the political scene and perhaps in their career and personal relationships. The extent to which this is true is somewhat dependent on an individual's own horoscope but is also subject to large-scale energy patterns such as are affecting everyone lately.  


In metaphysics, one of the most important goals is the mastery of emotions and thoughts. Going within through techniques or meditations, or even openminded inquiry and self-discovery, ultimately leads you to realizations that bring peace and serenity. That is true regardless of the patterns you are living through, including severe weather. With the exception of the survival instinct to pursue physical safety, even thoughts and emotions about extreme challenges can be mastered. For example, test pilots who put their lives in danger as a matter of their job description can keep calm even as their vehicle may be spinning out of control.


Once it becomes possible to conquer your inner state, it makes sense to remain in that state regardless of the current era or what's happening at work or on the home front. This ability to stay serene deep within yourself is the bubble to which we're referring. It's like a bubble because there's a protective shield around you. The shield consists of your thoughts and the energy they produce. The bubble can be impervious to outside influences.


We don't advocate staying in a bubble to the extent that you are hardened to others' suffering, only that you learn to produce such a bubble as a psychological and energetic protective measure. When everything else may seem topsy-turvy or confusing, you will be on your own little plot of ground - calm, alert, ready to offer loving care, touched but not disturbed by the events of the day. A worthy achievement!



For more JenningsWire blog posts by Judi, click here.

(c) 2018 by Judi Thomases

BOOK REVIEW: "Two Souls Four Lives" - by Catherine Kairavi (Crystal Clarity Publishers, 2010)

As a fan of Yogananda Paramahansa, the famous yogi who almost singlehandedly brought yoga to the West and is the author of a perennial bestseller, "The Autobiography of a Yogi", I was intrigued to come upon this book which purported to show the similarities between Yogananda and his ardent disciple Swami Kriyananda, based upon a comment by Yogananda declaring that in one of his past lives he was William the Conqueror of England. I felt it might be insightful to read about such a past life, and also to delve into the theory herein proposed that, just as William's son and heir, Henry I, was able to complete his father's great mission, so had Kriyananda previously incarnated (the author claims) as that very son, Henry I, and again is completing his guru's/father's mission in contemporary times.
Imagine my disappointment to see that the book was primarily a history of these two medieval kings, with much briefer conclusions as to why they should be seen as later connected, and why Kriyananda should be considered as Henry I redux, when in fact very little evidence is presented to support this claim. At no time are the unmistakable markers of mystical experiences confirming Kriyananda's past life role presented. Certainly, Kriyananda was a devoted disciple and a god-adhering soul who labored to continue Yogananda's great task. Of that there is no doubt and his achievements in this regard are many, as he founded branches and schools that more deeply established Yogananda's mission in the West. But as to pure evidence of his past life role as Henry I, very little other than conjecture and generalized similarities is offered.  
The author, obviously quite a spiritual person with extensive experience in connection to Yogananda's legacy, is well qualified to write on this topic. However, to substantiate her theory, many of her attempts are labored and specific actualities are manipulated to make her point, while certain facts of Henry's reign are excused to fit with the life of a modern-day monk! It was hard to come away with the sense that Kriyananda was indubitably the reincarnation of Henry I, whereas it was easier to accept that the great guru whose purpose was to teach and model wisdom would make his soul-tie claim to William the Conqueror merely for the purpose of vanity or sham.
I found the book enjoyable in its detailed presentation of the courts and accomplishments of these two royals, so essential for the course of English (and thus Western) history, and very informative and well-researched about the nature of 11th and 12th Century feudal Europe. However, very little insight was given into the thinking and behavior of this great guru, Yogananda, especially by one who was so often close to him.
If this type of historical information is enjoyable, this book is not a difficult read. 3 stars.
Why not check out Wisdom's Game too!  "Wisdom from cover to cover", from The Brotherhood of Light Workers.  Click here for more info:

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Spirit's Words:
 Monthly Channeling - November '18

Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
By Judi Thomases    
The following segment has been received, word for word through a psychic process known as channeling.  It is an invited procedure.  The teachings always serve to guide us through the journey of life.  Compilations of many such messages are available in book, PDF and audio formats: Compilation of BoLW's Messages 
Hark! We speak today of challenges, warnings, hard times and difficulties.
These can and should be ameliorated by conscious effort. It is possible to face such times as look daunting or insurmountable, and by a simple change of thinking, a process within that most can and should do by shifting and changing for the better, that these attitudes can soften the personal experience of such difficulties.
We have spoken before of the purpose of such tribulations in order to speed up the evolution of humanity, and that it is by encountering such (rather than simple joys or easy times) that the person, the group, the society, and civilization itself is made to seek better ways, new approaches, and efforts that work better for each during the problem era.
In this period of time, the trick or game is to work within with thoughts and emotions to move the self from dark thoughts, from gloom or brooding, into bright thoughts of possibilities, silver linings, and the concluding outcome of surviving and thriving. This is to be followed or joined with similar internal work to shift one's emotional response from fear, anxiety, anger, hopelessness and despair quite deliberately into the emotions of anticipation, enthusiasm, inspiration, patience, and imagination. These emotions lift the spirit because they are actually at a higher frequency (rate of vibration), and it is available to all persons to try it, to make the attempt, and to see if it is even possible during stress to move oneself in such a way.
When accomplished, one observes the tribulations of the world or of your immediate vicinity with serenity. It is not denial of what is occurring; it is simply a shift from entanglement into equanimity or detachment.
For a while, there will not be a dramatic let-up of world stress and challenge, for the Plan is to accelerate human evolution. To get onboard with the Plan and do your bit, teach yourself this excellent technique, and play with it, experiment in minor and major ways in your immediate life story, and see what ensues.  
You will find joy, we guarantee it!
© 2018 by Judi Thomases

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"Spirit's Words" Newsletter is written by Judi Thomases at
If you have any questions or comments, please send them to: © 2018 Judi Thomases. All Rights Reserved.

You may absolutely share this newsletter with people you think may enjoy it.

When doing so, please forward it in its entirety, including our contact and copyright information.  


Thanks and enjoy! 


Judi Thomases 

Wisdom Path