All of us across the globe are being reminded how small our world is and how our actions impact one another in ways that we are not aware. Every choice, every purchase, every donated dollar, every action is felt somewhere else beyond our immediate reach. It gives us each great power and with that great responsibility to all others. The Global Pandemic and Black Lives Matter movement have made it impossible for us to wear blinders, exposing human fragility. In this moment, MSD-WCP is emerging stronger than ever before. It is time for constant growth, communication and learning. This moment is the beginning stages of a transformation that requires all of us to work together, to learn together, communicate, and commit to change. At MSD-WCP, we are dedicated to being intentional in our words, our actions, and our work to strive for broader inclusion and diversity. Black Lives Matter has cracked open and let the light in to reveal systemic injustices in our world, our country, our states, our cities, our communities, and our society. People across the world are responding and seeking change. MSD-WCP stands united behind this call for change and the urgency for greater inclusion and equity.

We look at our community of board members, puppy handlers, puppy raisers, dog trainers, disabled individuals, we are working towards and committed to a world of no barriers. Disability touches and impacts all races, all demographics, all backgrounds, all income levels, and all people. Not only do disabilities touch all humans, disabilities DO NOT go away during crisis. And, neither do our dogs, who are with their handlers every moment of every day making life easier and more accessible. Across the nation, Service Dogs have been called to service to support COVID-19 patients, hospital staff, families of patients, and others during this time. It has been shown time and time again, that these trained Service Dogs can provide individuals with physical and emotional support that enables FUNctional independence.

Please like us on Facebook , follow us on Instagram , engage with us on Twitter , and check us out on LinkedIn ! As we continue educating and supporting our Service Dog Teams together respectfully distancing as we train up these fabulous Service Dogs paring them with steadfast forward working humans. Stay Well.

Peace. Wellness. Laughter. Health. Joy. Community.

Janie Heinrich, Executive Director