Paralegal Students Learn About Major Supreme Court Cases
Paralegal master’s degree students, alumni, and other interested attendees gathered September 25 for an enlightening and lively conversation exploring the 2017 US Supreme Court term and upcoming cases of note.
The panel discussion was led by GW Paralegal Studies Professor Lawrence Ross, JD and GW Paralegal Studies alumna and Supreme Court Staff Assistant, Jennifer Ellis, MPS.
The annual event, proudly sponsored by the GW Paralegal Studies master's degree program, provides students an opportunity to participate in in-depth discussions about cases from the previous Term and give them a preview on what is to come.
October 8: Is it Columbus Day or Indigenous Peoples' Day?
The second Monday in October has traditionally been celebrated as Columbus Day, but a growing movement is recognizing it as Indigenous Peoples’ Day. I looked for more information about how to understand this shift and the significance of the holiday from leadership for our AT&T Center for Indigenous Politics and Policy (CIPP), part of the College of Professional Studies at The George Washington University.
Wendy Helgemo, a member of the Ho-Chunk Nation and director of CIPP and Elizabeth Rule, a citizen of the Chickasaw Nation and assistant director of CIPP, contributed to this story.
Washington Post
Article Highlights CPS Cybersecurity Program
CPS’s Connie Peterson Uthoff, associate program director of the Cybersecurity Strategy & Information Management master’s degree program, was quoted in the October 17 Washington Post Express story, “Defenders of the Web."
The article, written during National Cybersecurity Month, had a few major takeaways, one of them being that “in today’s cybersecurity degree programs, it’s not just about graduating engineers.” The article underscores the plentiful opportunities for students interested in careers in the cyber arena, the more technical coders and hackers, as well as those who make policy, legal and business decisions using an understanding of cybersecurity.
GW cracks top 20 schools for veteran students, as reported in
The GW Hatchet
The GW Hatchet's Oct. 25 article by Ms. Meredith Roaten reported that "GW is now considered one of the top 20 places for veterans to get a degree," according to recently released rankings.
GW was ranked at No. 19 by the "Best for Vets" ranking from the news organization Military Times. This is a significant jump over previous years and the first time GW has been ranked in the top 20.
"We are pleased to see the Military Times recognizes our university's commitment to our military and veteran students," said Andrew Sonn, director of the Office of Military and Veteran Student Services.
Technology in Elections: An Executive Seminar Organized by GSPM
The Graduate School of Political Management (GSPM)’s Executive Seminar on Technology in Elections explored the significant impact the use of technology is having on electoral environments.
As new IT techniques are increasingly being used to interfere in elections, the topics of security, politics and electoral justice come center stage in the discussion.
GSPM brought together ten highly-qualified speakers at the Sept. 27-28, 2018 seminar, who were able to share their points of view on the topic from different areas of expertise and geographical backgrounds, as well as anticipate what may come in future election cycles.
Retiring Professor Chitwood Shares Observations from the Back of the Room
Stephen R. Chitwood, Ph.D., J.D. has been part of the GW community since he joined the faculty in 1968, fifty years ago! Although he says he stopped teaching in the Law Firm Management (LFM) master’s degree program this summer, and he officially retired from the University many years ago, he is unlikely to fully disappear from the University with such deep ties.
His most recent contributions to the University have focused around the LFM program. Along with a few others he was heavily involved with the design and creation of the program, housed in the College of Professional Studies, and for several years served as the program’s Director. Since that time, he has continued teaching in the program.
Wendy Helgemo Receives St. Olaf College Alumni Award
Congratulations to Ms. Wendy Helgemo, Director of the AT&T Center for Indigenous Politics and Policy, on receiving the Distinguished Alumni Award from St. Olaf College for
Exceptional professional achievements partnered with the use of talents/skills in volunteer service to the community and St. Olaf College.”
Annual Colonials Weekend Celebrates Alumni, Families, Students and Friends!
Whether you make it to campus for this year’s alumni weekend October 26-28, 2018, or next year, it is a noteworthy annual event.
You can enjoy a weekend of fun activities for the entire GW community, including a Colonials Weekend kickoff party, a GW food festival, live music, tours of campus, special educational lectures and exhibits, as well as opportunities to make new friends and great memories.
Public Service Administrators Complete Regional Leadership Program
There was a hum of excitement in the room Oct. 12 as the Regional Executive Development Program (REDP) participants gathered for their graduation ceremony. REDP provides leadership training to public service administrators in the Washington, D.C. metro area.
It has been run annually since 2001 under the auspices of COG’s Institute for Regional Excellence (IRE). REDP was created through a partnership between GW's Center for Excellence in Public Leadership (CEPL), Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG), chief administrative officers and human resource directors from member jurisdictions and the COG Board of Directors.
Family and friends were there to honor Cohort 16’s hard work as the 31 graduates, mid- to senior-level managers from 12 county and city governments, as well as agencies, in and around Washington, DC, officially received their designation as Certified Public Managers.